His wife, proud of my husband!
How could still get what you want - something that we all, consciously or otherwise, seek - an ideal family? When I start to cram her husband, what did I want from him, he is such a strange expression in his eyes that I swear, it seems that I silyus it out with a cannibal tribe Moomba Yumba. Well, he does not understand what I need! A need something - just anything - that it in deed and not words showed me their love and devotion. And now even sex is not critical (the price of men's confessions "after ..." every woman knows).
I do not know, maybe someone would be enough and that he goes to work, bring the money in the evening sitting at home, and sometimes (not often) helps with the housework. But not enough for me! I wish he loved me as much as it was before the wedding - a gentle, romantic, like trembling confessions and pleasant surprises, flowers "just" and not a holiday. Frankly, just as colors and holiday I do not want to ... But we quarreled, quarreling, and probably will always be quarreling with our husbands - one thing we were not so, then another. They probably never be fully so, as we want. So what do we, the poor do?

The woman stupid any man, even a Nobel Prize or the demure, good girl "will always be worthless, unworthy, to dust off her shoes. " My wife, proud of my husband! "- a poster I'd hung in each apartment. Perhaps if men knew how much we appreciate them, would change their opinion about us. Yes, lovely woman, just so, and not otherwise. You want to be proud of their "goat", even if sometimes his hands are itching to give him "by the horns" and call an entirely different, less affectionate words. What woman does not dream to hear the envious whispers behind his back: "That was lucky as a woman, a man cut off!" Yeah, "cut off" ...
You would know how many had to work to get out of rustic logs to build a quite decent "Pinocchio." Pope Carlo is certainly not able to do. Really, only a woman can, as in the song, blind from what it was, something specific, or to love what she got. For example, a husband. Learning, we did not notice a minor drawbacks, eliminate complex and cultivate their own merits. Why this simple method was not used in relation to her husband? After all, we are proud of their own children, although they sometimes spoil us too, the order of the nerves. And men, in fact, those same children, although sometimes annoying sometimes: to marry a "reliable shoulder, and he was immature teenager with a lot of shortcomings. And you have to offer here is proud of it!
What, then, just as the heroine in the movie "Love at his own request, to open in a" goat "the dignity of the lion. Or at least try to behold in his legs and horns "something special, so proud to say -" Yeah, lucky me! "In essence, who cares, what do you think something like this -" That's really really lucky ... "So, here it is - the object of your pride. M-m-yes ... where to begin.
For that we love them?
Well, what you marry him out of love, it is an indisputable fact, or in his place today would be different ... "goat". And that's what love - a question. Maybe for looks Alain Delon or wit, as in Zadornov? So after Delon "do not drink cologne, Zadornov for his jokes gets a specific grandmother, and your ... Ok, with memories of past accomplishments left puncture, then try another way. They say that every author loves his creation, and proud of it, considering himself a genius, and the creation - brilliant. To some extent the husband is your creation. How much strength, health and time invested in it! Is it all wasted, and efforts are in vain?
Vaughn and his tummy in his shirt does not fit, and fresh socks, and he does not suffer from insomnia, quite the contrary - can sleep in any position, even while sitting, even standing. Well, an affair on the side, did not you would be inferior peasants, no woman on it would not have looked, and you as well. In the shop does not go, the bin can not stand - so you as calm, because men with bags and a bucket of foreign women oh as "sink". And your house is sitting, watching TV, the intellectual level increases. So tell your friends that do not fool your husband, and "a walking encyclopedia."
Let us not sit your "goat" home run hither and somewhere to night, and then you do not succumb to provocation - he's troubled me all of the other busy, does not take care yourself! "Throws things around the apartment, so he -" Romantic philosopher, and philosophers all a little distracted, because as the head of them preoccupied with problems of "global". It is not necessary to report each and every one, what do you think, "scored" with your husband, and what "the world's idea" come into this very head. So, dear women, proud of their husbands, honestly, the benefits of this will be more than endless criticism.
For if the morning till late at night to repeat to him that he had poisoned your life, what he should use, such as "from goat milk, you are at risk or to hear the phrase" for a goat to answer! "Or share the fate of Nina from Lermontov's" Masquerade " . Who does not know, let me remind - the poor thing had poisoned their own spouse. Not for nothing the folk wisdom - "If you repeat" halva, halva ... ", then the mouth will be sweet." In the end, the heroine of the aforementioned film is still in love with his creation, and her lover from a parasite-drinkers become a normal man. And all because the woman has found a coveted key to its merits, it happened like in the song - "I am blinded him from what was"
I blinded him from what was
Situation "Doughnut": your dream - slim and lean "cheetah", and her husband with the sport does not make friends, but from the fridge his ears do not delay. At the same time he allows himself to unflattering epithets addressed to your figure and make it, no worrying about your ego. Your response takes the form of children's place: "Look at yourself!" Stop! It is wise to receive such a wife, and there is the desire of the husband to lose weight on such arguments? Show imagination and find a reason to be proud of her husband. Firstly, looking at him, no one will reproach you that you hunger to Morita. Secondly, it is, though rude, but is interested in your figure, so - and to you. Radically change their behavior: daily repeat "donut" that his completeness in harmony with his mobility, and on this background overweight is not conspicuous. Thus we "kill two birds with one stone" at once: a look at my husband a new perspective, and sent his mind back on track (Throw zhirok, stupid!) Above all, do not hurt the male ego, so - and your nerves.
The situation is "lazy man": the distribution of household chores - your dream a dream that did not share her husband. In the first years of marriage you will be proud of yourself as a woman who manages everything. A couple of years there is a fair question: Why just me? Silly wife starts to blame and to finish the ultimatum, and wise to do otherwise. She would not give an example to other men, because this will only complicate the situation, she finds the right words, and gets its way without the scandals. Difficult? Not at all! The main thing - do not break the cry, more affectionate epithets use in conjunction with a request: "cat, I need your help ',' Bunny, the vacuum cleaner so growls ..." Do not be afraid to seem weak and a little silly, after all, no man miss a chance to show their own strength and ingenuity. And for sure this will be followed by the desired: you'll start to be proud of her husband, and he will feel pride in what you are proud of him. And it will do what is required of him.
Situation "Skunk": (its opposite - "Raccoon poloskun") also gives a woman a lot of negative emotions. How to teach a man to health or to wean him from giperchistoplotnosti? The smell of sweat and calloused toes annoy no less than thrice a change of shirts per day. That and show their wisdom not to get personal, and not deploying combat.