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Holiday romance

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Holiday romance

The resort - a zone of high erotic tension. It does not matter, you soak up on the white fine sand in Malibu, or chew barbecue in the outdoor café in Alushta. Problem is not in geography but in that unique feeling of ease and carelessness, which covers us away from home, with its cares, office with its constant time pressure and close friends - lovely, wonderful, but friends, it seems, to the last dash. And then there's the sun and fry, and the waves splash and playful breeze brings no less playful thought. In general, the situation resort lazy bliss like no other, contributes to flirt with different degrees of severity and easy to nothing binding a romantic relationship.

So, if you look, holiday romance - a natural phenomenon and natural. Of course, a doting mother warned their maturing daughters from such frivolity - but, rest assured, they themselves have something to remember with a secret excitement about his visits to twenty years ago in Yalta or Tuapse. In addition, holiday romance is in front of a traditional novel, "home", another advantage: even in the worst case, he usually has no time to grow a mutual problems, quarrels and grudges - primarily because of the short duration of the holiday season. And therefore, nice and fancy, summer memories are guaranteed. Unless, of course, do not do stupid things. But this is, frankly, quite difficult.

Holiday romance - a thing easy and not burdensome. Unless, of course, to prevent one, but a fatal error. A single, but very, very common. And this mistake - an attempt to aggressively build long-term plans. If the heat of the senses in the spa's novel has achieved very high marks, willy-nilly, you start to think: maybe this is love, and with it we will live happily and die in one day? Miracles happen sometimes, but most likely will not happen. Ease and burdensome holiday romance is the reverse side. In the first place - its members are rarely count on continued strong relationship.

Holiday romance capricious heat-loving plant in the rainy climate of large cities can not flourish. It ends with the holiday, leaving each participant pleasant memories - nothing more. Is not that enough? Sometimes, of course. If the last day of vacation you both realize that part is stupid and painful - well, to replace the resort's novel, others will follow the relationship more permanent, and perhaps more serious. We'll see. And yet, you probably should not ask your friend about the holiday, whether he is able to whitewash the ceilings and wallpaper glue, and then you just fall on the planned repairs in the apartment ... It is doubtful that way you will be able to get an assistant in carrying out repair work - even if your new friend in one of daily life leader of the brigade of high-painters, plasterers.
Much more likely that, frightened by such pressure, he decides to radically rethink their plans for the holidays and quietly finish your so promising (especially in the sense of the coming fall semester working) knowledge ... Holiday romance - it is still largely a game. Including - the game of communication. You can tell a teammate about yourself as much as you want - and he will not try to find out about what you yourself chose to remain silent. Does not necessarily admit it that you do not like and do not know how to cook. Be quiet, you hardly have to treat him dinner, spa lifestyle, it does not matter in Cyprus or in the Crimea, in this sense is very comfortable plenty of cafes and restaurants for every taste and pocket. He, in turn, can not share with you the details of his last quarrel with the boss or his wife. In this regard, the absence of a wedding ring on the finger of a man at the resort are usually quite Noninformation.

As well as his presence and even stories about broken wife and dearly beloved children, whom he will never give up .. They may be true, but can - only part of the defense line, which should clearly demonstrate to you his unwillingness to tolerate any, even the slightest attempt on his freedom. Men's desire for independence comes sometimes, as you know, to the absurd. But why would you because of this experience? You're going to spend with this person is not my entire adult life, but only two or three weeks of vacation. Let him enjoy this week on his own way. And he'll thank you the same. Well, if your resort is destined to turn the novel into something more - it is unlikely that anything will prevent ...

This frivolous holiday romance

All good things come to an end. Applies it to the holiday season, and to leave, and, of course, to the holiday romance. Perhaps one has already podnadoest and you think about your impending break-up, even with some impatience. But if one day prior to departure home you sad to think that your southern tale ends too soon - it is strangely cool. So everything was really great and you are guaranteed the best memories of the past summer. In addition, you can always keep the hope for a meeting, exchanged phone numbers. Of course, back home and plunged into the usual range of concerns and entertainment, just a day stop dreaming about his call.

Exchange phone numbers in such cases often a tribute to the conventions, allowing complete your wonderful novel, so that was not excruciatingly painful. At least the few hours that you spend on the plane, with sadness thinking about coming back in the office next Monday ... However, unless absolutely necessary we should not attempt to support the resort familiarity in everyday life. This does not mean that we should run away from the hotel through the back door, leaving the former lover to wait from the front porch, and disappear before the dawn of its facilities.

Firstly, it is not polite. And secondly, those same slippers can easily play the role of Zolushkinoy shoes, seeing that the prince could no longer think of anyone except their fleeting acquaintance. Such a man prank could easily provoke and push to the most insane actions. So do not be surprised to find one in the autumn of his beloved resort standing on the threshold of your home with a victorious smile on his face and the very same beach slippers in his hands. But do not go to the other extreme. From holiday romance rarely get love or friendship for life.

And do not forget: even if your holiday romance emerged not as successful as you want about him not be sorry. It was here, on the coast, with its lazy languor and delicious temptation, it's time to afford just a little madness. And then again for many months to be intelligent, reasonable and cautious. Before the next holiday ...
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