Holy simplicity
Of course, honesty - that's fine. But all is good in moderation. The fact that some details of his biography when meeting report is not necessary, so as not to frighten off impending boyfriend. Of course, the lie - bad, stupid and pointless, and sometimes even harmful. On the other hand, excessive candor in too early stages of dating, too, sometimes it's totally inappropriate. Some things should keep quiet so as not to spoil the impression of themselves and not put himself in a wacky world. holy simplicity , in this case is misplaced. What phrases are included in the list of taboo in dating?
1. "We quarreled with her husband, so I decided to revel it right!" These words can be interpreted wrong. If you are planning a serious relationship with a new friend, then he will realize that you're not free, and most likely will not be particularly active in looking after you. If you just want to flirt with another man and these words before warned him that he did not expect anything serious, then again you can understand wrong. A man may decide that you're asking for one night of love, and will act accordingly, thus showing considerable enthusiasm. Indeed, after having sex with you he will not have any obligations!
2. "I have not had sex for three years, five months and four days!" Again it is too frank and unequivocal recognition. Even if you're joking, it is likely that you will understand literally and actively try to eliminate the stagnation in private life. There's also the reverse reaction: if your a fan will cool off to you, deciding that it does not hurt that you're attractive, time in three years nobody will want to. Maybe too capricious and legible? Or, conversely, pervert nymphomaniac? Or frigid? None of these versions will not add you to the attractiveness and desirability!
3. "I'll never get acquainted, but you give me so much, so enjoy! You're so beautiful! I just have never seen such beautiful boys! I'm just crazy about you I'll go, "and so forth compliments - it's fine. Slaver - disgusting. If a man feels in your words deceit, it is only alienate, if it feels that you're really choking with delight, he's bored of your availability.
4. "My friend argued, weakly I have to come to you?" No comment. Men do not like to be the subject of disputes or guinea mice.
5. "I have had 125 lovers, and in bed I'm just a hurricane. You'll see! "Maybe he is, of course, someday and see it, but talk is barely known person - not the smartest move. And in general boast hardly attract young people.
6. "I have three children, my husband left her, and I'm looking for his new". All this, of course, very touching. But do not look like that right off the bat man announce his serious intentions. Let him enjoy himself and flirtation, romance, sensuality, a gradual recognition. And only then decide whether you are a good match? Are you compatible in everyday life? Too hasty rapprochement would deprive you of many pleasures of love!
Silence - gold
Ability to carry on a conversation - a valuable skill and great art. And yet, no wonder they say that silence - gold! Another taboo in dating - excessive talkativeness. It is before a fall. All of us at some point want to talk about yourself, pour out his heart, to share experiences. But all should know when to stop. If, barely coming up to the beautiful stranger, you begin zagovarivat his teeth, then your chances of future relations, alas, is not high.
The fact is that talking about yourself too much detail, you risk to pay off every male interest to the person, if not cause a negative reaction. Why? Yes, because ...
a) people who love to listen to the world much less than people who love to talk. Chance that you caught is such a curious Silent, very little. And in general: if a person wanted to listen to someone, then switched to the radio. Too long monologues quenched attention and cause a yawn;
b) talking about yourself too long and detailed, you have to show disrespect and ignorance of the elementary rules of good manners;
c) laying out all the details and the vicissitudes of his life, you risk compromising herself. For example, you vzboltnesh that advocates for the protection of animal rights, and you find that your fan was an avid hunter: and here is your burgeoning relationship, in fact, cap.
Loquacity - one of the most non-sexual feminine qualities. And therefore, familiar with the new man did not commit this fatal error. Turn all the better to hear and try to understand what kind of person you sent a fate?