Holy water cures, and helps
... Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God.
The Gospel of John
Have you ever dreamed of seeing a miracle with my own eyes, touch him, feel his grace-filled action? I think the answer is unequivocal. But the miracle is not given to all, this is an exceptional phenomenon, and seen it become the only elected. However, there is one miracle on earth, which can test any man. This holy water.
Month, year, decade, hundreds of years ... for the consecration of the water as if time does not exist. In a tightly closed container, it remains fresh for years. You can store it indefinitely. This - the fact incomprehensible. Materialists try to explain it by saying that water consecrated in silver vessels, it contains silver ions, and therefore does not spoil. But firstly, if there is a church silverware, it is very small. They certainly can consecrate the water, but on all who believe it is clearly not enough. Second, rural water saints are not in the temple, and on the river or in a well. Where did the silver ions in the river?

The miracle of holy water is inexplicable. Some do not see it, others deny, and still others endeavor to make it fit under the laws of the physical world. But the fact remains: the holy water is not wasted. Let the skeptics refuse to acknowledge it a miracle. At all times, false preferred to "ignore" manifestations of the Upper world, even if they occurred in front of them. The Savior Himself said of such: "An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and will not let him." Miracle requires openness and confidence: "having eyes see yes"! These spiritual eyes, of which Jesus spoke, is given only to people with pure hearts and faithful to God.
However, the believers are few who realize and appreciate this great gift of God. Afraid to say: the miracle, it appears, can be used! Holy Water people take cans, but if you ask anyone of them - why should this water, the answer would be: to dedicate the house, sprinkle the car, add to food. And he said it would be as if we are talking about some everyday activities. Few answer: then that in it - eternal life ...