Home Color Therapy
What color do you prefer? Gray or brown clothes furniture ? Think that you are guided only by its taste or the requirements of fashion? It turns out that color preferences you dictate ... your own body!
Predilection for a particular color, according to psychologists who can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, it is believed that the phlegmatic often prefer white shades, melancholic - black, sanguine - red and choleric - yellow. However, scientists say: the color not only affects the psyche, but also on human physiology.
Our body is composed of vibrating particles that are characterized by different electromagnetic waves. Color - light vibration, having a specific wavelength. For each organ can be highlighted, under the influence of which he is best functioning. Not by chance in ancient times, Chinese healers associate of the inner man with different shades. According to them, the liver from us - a light-green, heart, as expected, red light - the white, and the spleen and pancreas - yellow. In case of violation of the energy balance that, as we are assured Oriental physicians, is one of the causes of any disease, bodies are changing color vibration acquire not characteristic of his earlier notes. Sometimes it is even seen with the naked eye. Thus, the tendency to clot formation Blood darkens, and anemia, in contrast, takes a light pink hue. Depending on the disease is changing and the color of bile: from olive to dark brown or green. In ancient China, was considered: it is necessary to return the original color of the body of a patient - Health and recover quickly.

Red - the most actively affects human wakes up his physical energy, zest for life. It normalizes blood circulation, increases hemoglobin levels, helps with menstrual cycle, stimulates sexual activity. But at high temperature and inflammatory processes in the body red tones can only hurt.
Orange - the source of life energy. It restores nerve and muscle tissue, improves the function of the spleen and pancreas, strengthens the respiratory system, helpful for asthma and chronic bronchitis. Treats diseases related to disorders in the urogenital area, improves skin tone. Orange range is an excellent way to combat depression. helps with loss of strength, internal stiffness, improves performance.
The color of the sun stimulates the brain, clears the digestive organs, liver, skin, prevents the stagnation of bile, restore supplies of minerals, if necessary, reduces the acidity. If you have problems with ACORN, depression or general sedation, buy a necklace of amber, hang in the kitchen canary-yellow curtains, and enjoy your life again!
Green is considered a symbol of rebirth and peace. Not for nothing walk through the green forest is one of the best ways to relax. This color normalize the cardiovascular and nervous systems, helps with arrhythmias, stabilize blood pressure, improves vision. Green relieve headaches and other symptoms of colds. Moreover, this "flower of life" provides a refreshing, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects on the body
Blue color has a soporific effect, soothing. True, an excess of its shades can cause depression. Sky blue is used to treat colds and infectious diseases. He has a positive effect on the respiratory system prevents glaucoma and cataracts. Eliminates hallucinations, suspend the development of dementia, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. In addition, blue tames appetite. Do you dream of parting with being overweight? Then eat and drink out of the blue dishes!
Purple - the most passive color. It helps with mental disorders, neuralgia, insomnia, kidney disease, urinary and gall bladders. Beneficial for the cardiovascular system, reduces temperature and relieves pain.
The practical application of therapeutic properties of color. Specialists in color therapy are advised to: wear clothing and jewelry of a certain color, carefully selected range of colors in the interior or just occasionally for a long time to consider the subject of "useful" you shade.