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Honeymoon .... What romance emanates from these words, how serene happiness! Finally, your dream has come true, and a proud, independent and free wild dog turned into affectionate and obedient household "pet". Stop, stop! That's where the fun begins. Affectionate, then your two-legged beast is in itself, but to obey him even to teach. Perhaps you will object to me that the pink period and so short, so why should this barrel of honey (honey month or what!) Thinned, figuratively speaking, a fly in the ointment, as the training? Of course, I understand your desire to prevent the collision of your boat with a life of love, but it is now your task and is to prevent a sharp clash, and gently hold your family ship past the dangerous reefs, known as everyday life. Need as soon as possible to begin to educate with their two-legged "pet". Also, do not make very widespread, as shown by the life practice, mistakes, because they are quite capable of adversely affect the rest of your life together with a further two-legged "pet".

In fact, think for yourself, why do you aspire to have been significantly limit or even completely withdraw its now a pet of his habitual ways of leisure? Not for whether to tightly bind it to this very house in general and to themselves in particular? I understand your desire and as much as possible to be with him, and all your fears and concerns. Regarding the first point, have you heard or read about this concept in the psychology of relationships, as forced intercourse?

If you did not hear, then do not worry: everything is ridiculously simple. Of forced intercourse can say when mate choice is limited. In other words, communicating with people not of free choice, they are in contact only with those who are next to them at the behest of circumstances or by choice, but even this last fact does not eliminate all the dangers of such a communication. Typical life examples: communication in the army, in a hospital ward in a prison cell, in the family. Yes, this is not humor, but a scientific fact.

That is why one can never close in a narrow range: the forced contact, sooner or later will inevitably lead to conflict. But it is you do not need, as well as an approximation of family environment to barracks or, God forbid, a prison. Therefore, you must at least occasionally to release its two-legged pet frolic at will, without a leash. And then it comes in full force all the secret fears and concerns of newly housewives biped pets.

Well, think about, and where he is, in fact, could it be? Basically - a pack of their own kind. Therefore, if you passionately crave to your home a beast on two legs will not depart, have privechat entire flock, which will require some effort from you, the cost both material and time. On the other hand, is not done too badly, then undertaking - friendly gatherings of two-legged friends the beautiful half of humanity, besides, if all this will become a tradition, the remaining members of the flock will be involved in preparing the treats on equal footing. Thus you will achieve this goal: pet will always be on your eyes.

True, there may be some difficulty in the event that the other members of his flock in the spirit you can not stand. Nothing doing, would have to be patient, because in any case can not show animosity to the friends of their two-legged pupil. Notorious sense of male solidarity, so inherent, can play is clearly not in your favor. If so you will be completely unbearable, you can get up and leave home, of course, is not demonstrative, and referring to some supposedly important and urgent matters. Chances are good that in your absence there will be some kind of terrible disasters, and generally you will return to the ruins, are small, especially if you tell your family "pet" when to expect your return to their hearth and home. Then you come to the area of cohabitation is likely to try to give more or less respectable form.

But that was not likely, but only up to 101%, it is necessary from the first day of your family life, even in the honeymoon enter an inviolable rule that the two-legged pet to clean up the nest, if people came to him. Flock came to him - hence, restore order, he must himself. True, no one forbids you to help him, but your help in this case should look like random acts of kindness and caring, rather than your usual household chores.

If we are talking about the rules, then let's talk, what other rules can be set at the beginning of life together without pre-taming. We must teach their two-legged "pet" to wipe his feet, take off one's shoes before entering the room and throw on the sofa with a running start at the top of clothing. These rules may seem to you, dear women, ridiculous and even stupid, but how many can be found representatives of the male species who are not accustomed to such behavior for his bachelor's, alone and free life? It is clear that you are in life so do not do, but they need extra time it is spoken.

Also, I suggest you discuss one more time. Go Teach your biped home "pet" to change into home clothes on his return to nest: male breed representatives often do not, despite the fact that it is not very convenient by himself. In addition, it adds extra care of their mistresses: a suit and shirt, in which the two-legged pet should the next morning to be at work, are crumpled, and even soiled some culinary delights, and therefore in need of immediate ironing and washing. This additional burden for the hostess often takes half the night, while a man sleeping sweetly, and the tenth dream sees.

Actually, ladies, I want to remind you of one absolute truth. Despite the fact that representatives of the male species appreciate the beauty of their mistresses, they did not necessarily know, and even more so to see how this is the beauty of being created. So while your two-legged pet picks in their Circuits, and cog shurupchikah or creates an ingenious program of the Swiss bank accounts compromised, or concentrated mulls plan hijacking brand new Nissan from the neighboring streets, boldly go into another room to try a new mask for the face.

Or simply soak with tea compresses on the eyes - the procedure is extremely simple to implement, but how useful. In general, engage them and do not even think what he's busy. If something happens that serious, while in the next room, the noise you hear, smell of burning uchuete and see the smoke column. But usually this does not come up, so do not worry in vain. Also during the first days of living together you need to learn different tastes and preferences of their two-legged pet, first and foremost, of course, culinary, because the truth that the way to the hearts of the representatives of the male species is through his stomach, no one has repealed. In general, your job as a hostess - surround her beloved home "pet" coziness and comfort. Not only you should be okay with it, but it with you - this is the golden principle of happy relationships. After all, in fact it is such a great joy - to know one another, to discover something new in belonging to you by the male species. This opportunity to give their first joint days, and now you know how to make them as happy and helpful.
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