Hooligan motives
You will never have seemed strange that someone can act of hooliganism? hooliganism - is such a strange motivation, which seems to be not, but bad things still being made. Done just so, but with perseverance and persistence. It seems that here we have the tendency to evil in its purest form. If the villain tvoit evil for the sake of some benefit, but for the pleasure of sadistic torture, the bully - just for the sake of evil. Hooligan often applies even to the detriment of their own interests. Perhaps he seeks to draw attention to themselves? - Not always.
Blade and needle
This boy was in seventh grade. He brought a lot of trouble to teachers. For example, if there is a silence in the classroom, he immediately fell from his chair, causing general laughter. When others bow their backs, puffing on independent work, he began to run airplanes. After repairs done in the classroom, he tore the wiring, scraping wallpaper and spun bolts. For this he specially brought from home tools. His behavior was not demonstrative, he sought to draw attention to yourself. On the contrary, to make the next nasty, he tried, as far as possible, pretend to be innocent. One day I noticed a very horrible thing. Coming out of class during a lesson, he put pieces of a razor blade in a railing, on which children will slide his hands. Something like that I've seen a few years later, when vacationing at the resort.
At the track, covered with leaves, sticking out a specially installed needle tip upward. Someone specifically made it so that someone STILL WHO, this needle has come. Any new idea, including the idea of a mutant, leads to action. Such an action could be blocked in the first place, anticipating unpleasant consequences of the act and, secondly, their own moral convictions. But the man who lives minutely, not looking to the future and not being interested in them, which is able to escape punishment and, most importantly, having no principles and moral convictions, would be inclined to act under the influence of random ideas - that is, to be prone to disruptive behavior.
It will create a random evil - evil is not reasonably explicable. Thus, the bully is a person who commits evil is not out of vengeance, not for profit, not by conviction, but out of interest, "disinterested" (remember that the interest of disinterested) - a person who acts, prompted by a random idea, the idea of mutants. But why the idea of coming into his head, this idea of evil? Why does the bully does not pull to build a birdhouse or plant a tree? It is well known that any object more interesting than the large response it gives back a little effort. That is, just interesting ideas - are those with a little effort can cause a lot of reaction.

These are: a) the ideas of fracture (break down easier than a) or b) the idea of human exposure - as a small (albeit verbally) the impact on a person may give a very strong reaction. And the most powerful and visible reaction gives the infliction of pain - both physical and moral. Hence, the main actions to be a bully: the destruction and the infliction of pain. Usually, the idea of destruction and causing pain blocked the norms accepted in society, including legal. These rules, or appeals to morality or threaten punishment. Therefore, the bully is characterized with two features: a) moral underdevelopment, and b) stupid carelessness that allows vooobsche not think about the possibility of punishment. The last line in rare cases, replaced by a special cunning and sophisticated ability to lie and mosheynichestvu that allows for a long time to avoid punishment.
There are two ways to combat misbehavior (as with any type of crime). First: the establishment of objective obstacles to the crime. Second: the creation of subjective obstacles - that is, the internal barriers that make the crime impossible. Such barriers, as opposed to objective difficulties blocking the crime is always and everywhere, in every situation, regardless of external control. Therefore, they are preferable. But so far the main efforts are concentrated on the first path. And even the alleged offender treatment is fantastic in the famous "Mechanical Orange" also creates obstacles to the objective and subjective inogriruet.