Horoscope financial success or karma of money
In the individual horoscope of each person can find answers to any questions: from the personal life and ending with the material situation. In this article we will discuss issues concerning the financial condition of individual zodiac signs, however, to review the characteristics Take philosophically. They can not adopt, but do not take too much to heart, because these characteristics are summarized in order to get accurate data is necessary to consider many nuances and work with a horoscope of the individual.
Spend money wisely
A great impact on our financial stability and success in business has the ability to manage money. For practical marks in the first place are Capricorn, Virgo and is also a Taurus. True, and these characters have their flaws, the attachment to money is sometimes so strong that they become pathological miser. In this case, about any business development we can not go, the money simply is constantly delayed. Do not know how to handle money fiery signs, it's very difficult to correctly dispose of their incomes. This does not mean that they will not get rich, but they need a partner who will stop them in time.

Motivation for such behavior in fire signs are different, Aries goes on about their desires. That he wants at this point in a minute this thing, and he would buy it, there may be a result that it was he did not need. Leo likes to impress, why buy something expensive or well pogudet in a restaurant is another reason to show all its security and generous. But the Archers waste money mostly on others to make a good gift, even if it is unaffordable for them a piece of cake, as long as the person likes. Also, it does not cost anything to get into debt, but the rest of Maldives, travel - it is their weakness.
Marriage of convenience
Most practical in this regard, Capricorn. They love material things, so it costs nothing to enter into marriage with a man who will multiply their wealth. They can also join her fate with a business partner, again, so to achieve one common goal - the provision in the future. Also, for such a marriage tend to Scorpio, however, very important to him sex! Therefore, if there is no deep feelings for the partner, but the Scorpio will be with him well in his bed, and that person can become a guarantor for his life - he was willing to agree to such a marriage.
Choosing a business partner to sign on the zodiac
This should be done necessarily. If both partners are leaders by nature, ambitious and proud, is not capable of the compromises they are unlikely to be folded together affair. For example, the two partners Lions will be extremely difficult to work with each other. Everyone will listen only to themselves. Also, the business will not be successful in the two partners of Pisces. Fish is difficult to be businessmen, they have no commercial vein. But intuition is well developed, so it is better to work under someone else's start. That the partner was a generator of good ideas, but Fish has helped him to translate his ideas into practice at the same time, hinting at how best to do.
One of everything, and nothing else
An individual's horoscope is a sphere, which is responsible for the financial position, the so-called "house money" depending on those planets that are in this house, we can determine whether a person is rich, when it happens. Explanation of why some are rich and others poor, can give such a thing as karma. If a person in a past life was very rich, but still do not know value of money, littered them wasted in this life he will be given a test of poverty. The money will be given with great difficulty that he could feel the worth of every penny he earned. If a person's poverty or wealth is a manifestation of karma is also necessarily be reflected in the horoscope.
The easiest way to get rich - to win the lottery
For the lucky ones include Aries, they are very reckless and as for winning, they do often lucky. Also have luck like Aquarius, extreme situation, only warm up their interest. Easy money also might be interested in the Twins and the Lions. Although they are not regulars, and gambling establishments, but may decide to try their luck in this way. Leo really needs to be careful, self-esteem and pride would not allow him to play, so to recoup as a result it can spend for a decent amount of wind. But who is really indifferent to such a form of income, so this is Capricorn.
What does the money go?
If we talk about the signs of the zodiac, then each character has their own preferences for spending the money. For example, Aries is like to buy stylish and fashionable things. Libra and Taurus is a great admirer of beauty, so even if the thing is, in fact, not necessary, but pleases the eye - may well buy it. Gemini can not resist a good book. Cancer loves home comfort, so try to buy things for the home. Lions love all the luxury, so everything looks beautiful, stylish and expensive, he tries to buy. Virgin unlikely to spend money on a trinket, it is practical, so the first thing to buy something he needs. Scorpios love things unusual, old, so if he come across such, it is necessary to buy them.
Sagittarians love to have a good time to travel, so at every opportunity, trying to spend money just to rest. Capricorns are not exchanged in detail, so the things they buy, especially useful. Typically, this large acquisitions: home cinema, fridge, washing machine. Aquarians also like something unusual in this case might be tempted to buy unnecessary things, and yet they just need to keep buying something for the soul. Fish love to buy all sorts of esoteric stuff, as well as various tools for baths.
What kind of work will bring success?
Often we do not have that wealth, of which we dream, not because we have karma, but because we do not in the business. Because of this difficult for us to show all their talents and move up the career ladder. Aries can make a career in the army and security agencies. Calves reach the heights in your career can, doing design work, acting, and of them will be good beauticians and hairdressers. The twins should seek ways to implement a writing and publishing, journalist.
Cancers should find yourself in the service industry, medicine and art. Lions show themselves in leadership positions, doing administrative work and success awaits them in the banking and commercial area. Virgin just fine feel in the role of teachers, lawyers, doctors. Scales, succeed engaging law, psychology, pedagogy. Scorpios can become rich, engaging in alternative medicine and ekstrosensorikoy, as well as banking and insurance. Sagittarius perfectly able to realize all their talents in advertising, as well as a translator and guide. Capricorns will suit an engineering and construction business, finance, administration of any kind. Aquarius can show themselves, doing psychology, research, teaching activities. A sensitive Pisces will approach the profession in which there is a possibility of expression, directing, acting, pharmaceuticals.