From a psychological point of view, any social group does not live in a vacuum. Child and adolescent groups to identify themselves have their own special set of ideas and views. Sometimes this kind of archetypal image, to which they mimic. On the one hand, this set of images has a direct concern to them, is the cleavage of their being, but on the other hand, has nothing to do with the world of adults in children's understanding. Elected sample should belong to any subculture. He must be peculiar traits, directly opposite the adult world, it must be his antithesis, and the collective notion of what adults are avoided. Characteristic of his world of images and symbols are able to express their own attitude, or, in other words, it must be a myth, conferring this generation and the time halo originality and uniqueness.
There is not a children's group, for which there would be characterized by the search of the myth that guarantees it is in this communion with something valuable and lasting. By virtue of the fact that no generation is unwilling to join the modern society it quietly, it requires to take it as a unique referring to the invented legend, quoted by collisions with opponents. This legend became the ideological basis for relations with the outside world. It allows you to engage in the surrounding reality, freed from the shackles of its own existence and gives meaning to existence. Children are myths or archetypal complexes in the flow of information, which falls on them from the world of adults.
Often the images gleaned from the media, from music production and film industry and offering children a wide range of opportunities for self-identification. Media development in the western world, allowing our children to get in touch with the imaginative world of various subcultures. They will learn about the lives of children, spending time on the streets of Rio de Janeiro, see scenes from the lives of young people in Jamaica, which finds the meaning of life in the occupations regatta, get information about events happening in New York, London, Paris or other cities. Through the media children are able to see various cultural regions as food in their quest for identity. From an infinite set of images and characters every couple of years konstelliruetsya another myth. The choice of generation, apparently, falls on a subculture that meets his inner sense of self.

Eyes of the world were glued to High Eshbyuri Park in San Francisco, where there is "this". Thousands of young people in their dreams went to California and build their lives according to occurred there subculture. Each generation experienced the birth of a new system of values and life conduct. Way to create their own legend was the use of subculture. New role models, a new myth borrowed from the ghetto inhabitants. At the turn of the late 80's - early 90's recognition of adolescents have won way of life and worldview houmboev. Today, thousands of children live performances, owe their appearance teenage teams conducting life on the streets of New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. Surrounding world in their view - is a jungle, where the constant struggle with an unpredictable and hostile environment they have to defend its right to exist. Myth houmboev is the current generation of teenage model on which to build their behavior.
Like any myth, the latter, of course, can be interpreted in different ways. In contrast to the concrete explanation of the world, the myth is a psychological scenario corresponding to a particular sense of life. For some children, the main thing is purely musical aspect of this phenomenon, it is important first of all "rap". Other teenagers and children prefer not to rap and break-dancing and hip-hop. They enthusiastically imitate these dance styles, mainly thanks to the efforts of black children living in metropolitan areas. The original style, peculiar to this dance, allowing many children to learn new motor skills.
The third group of children prefer to graffiti. They streak concreted wall pictures and "tag-yourself" (sayings and words that serve to mark its territory). Myth Home is capable of fighting, thus refract differently, it has many facets. In accordance with the individual characteristics emphasizes one or another side of it. Along with the above qualities, allowing the myth of houmboyah often have a positive impact on the daily lives of children and adolescents, it is unfortunately not immune to interpretation in a destructive way. The concept of violence, once completely taboo hippies, now experiencing a new heyday: the world of ideas, born of a myth houmboev its particular manifestations are welcome and encouraged.
Violence as a means to an end
Violence appears as effective and therefore a welcome opportunity to succeed in this world. The Myth of houmboe crowned image of street fighter, armed with a baseball bat, the vajra (ninja star) or a boomerang. Image houmboya, emerging in the minds of thousands and thousands of children and adolescents, implies the violence as an effective factor of gaining comprehension of life. Houmboi far superior to other youth groups in its brutality: in light of their mythology, violence is allowed. In separate groups houmboev taken special rituals associated with violence. Children distinguish between real and toy houmboev (toys). The group of toys get kids from 11 to 13 years. In order to be accepted in a number houmboev referred this age threshold, you must beat the emigrant or blue. Without such an act of violence, recognition as houmboya impossible.
"I want to make about yourself speak. I want to have a bad reputation - I have quite enough tarnished reputation, but not as much as I would have liked. I want to perpetuate my name. I want to transgress the law, I want to do evil. I want to realize themselves through evil. Cut one, burdock? Cricket - available to everyone and no one can stop us in this. Anyone can shoot, and we spit on all the bans. I want to rub out people, and we will take them wet. " This statement belongs houmboyu from Los Angeles. Houmboi themselves perceive themselves completely in a special way: violence is not repairing them, and other groups or the police.
Often, their way of thinking fit into the scheme of the scanty two lines, one of which appear on friends, and in the other - the enemies. As a result, any aggressive action against members of other groups or representatives of the law does not seem to them reprehensible. On the question of what causes them to kill, houmboi found in penal colonies in California, responded: because he is my enemy. According to the ideas of these groups, external abnormalities or insignificant reasons are compelling reason to use violence.
Sufficiently representative of the aliens look askance at the girl group "Flies", appear in the jacket Rader on foreign soil or wear sneakers no one company to immediately provoke the group into countermeasures. From the viewpoint of the group, all of this impermissible gestures that can not be left unanswered. Members of the Los Angeles groups "CRIPS" and "Blads accuse each other of senseless brutality. Justify their own actions is the fact that the behavior of a hostile group seems to them more violent. Partial justification for violence, the myth of the declared houmboyah, are already the cruel conditions of the struggle for survival, in which teens put the lower strata of the population of modern cities, it is comparable to the real jungle. So violence becomes a form of manifestation passionarity.