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There are certain body language signs, which say yes I am available or no forget it.

It is an extremely powerful non verbal way of communicating. You can easily tell a lot about a person from the way someone stands, or hold themselves or sit. People have an air and presence about them, which tells you how they are thinking.


I am available signs.


Let’s look at the open, I am available sign. When used in conjunction with the eye twinkle and flirting sequence they can work magic.


The seductive sit.


If you are sitting with facing or half facing him or her by half turning your body towards them to communicate. It shows that you are making an effort to see them and be closer.


For girls, either crossing legs at knees, ankles or just keep your knees together and feet off to one side, depends what look suits you the best. It will also depends on what you are wearing.


With the seductive sit you will want to have your body leaning forward slightly, not slumped forward or straight up like a sergeant major. The forward tilt of your body is a very open seductive form of sitting. It shows you are approachable and friendly. Is shows you are open to meeting them, talking or getting to know them better.


The power sit.


Its much the same as seductive sit as far as legs are concerned but position of the body changes. To carry this off you need to be very confident, seductive. Instead of leaning slightly forward as you do in the seductive sit, with the power sit you lean slightly back, and use it with flirtatious sequence. The sort of person you will attract with this position will be a strong independent person who also likes their partners to be independent person who also likes their partners to be independent and not someone who likes dependence or clinginess of any sort.


The seductive stand.


Stand straight so your posture looks confident and don’t slump. With your feet crossed, which give them a nice relaxed look. Your hands can either be by your side or naturally holding your bag, wallet or other things otherwise you can also keep hands behind your back. Its important that you feel comfortable with your position because if you do so, you will be more confident and look natural.


Hand magic


Hands looks great if you know what to do with them. When sitting they can go in your lap or if you have something to drink I would use this to occupy your hands.


Alternatively, you can place them under your chin. You can rest your chin on one hand or use both hands under your chin. This is a great pose but try the more graceful one don’t try both of them at the same time.


Another position for your hands is holding your mobile phone, bag etc. Looking relaxed and confident is a natural. Use these tips to feel more comfortable when hitting the social scene.



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