How and why you can use the holy water
And now, when we know something about the holy water, let's try to answer the question: why is it necessary? First of all, holy water - is a powerful spiritual weapon. The Holy Spirit does not suffer the spirit of evil and drives it everywhere. Holy water - a weapon against the demons. Therefore, sprinkling holy water on the premises or car, or even any thing, we expel them from the demons. Religious people know: After sprinkling the house with holy water in it becomes very easy to breathe. It is applied and for sprinkling clothes. It is known that there is "unfortunate" things that a person is constantly out of luck. Such things people prefer to dispose of or peredarivat. Well, throw another, wherever you went. But peredarivat in any case impossible. Indeed, in these clothes infinite lives! And by giving this thing, you give out devils, and therefore - bad luck. By the way, for the same reason it is not recommended to take from someone wearing things or buy clothes in "second hand". And if your financial condition is such that money on new clothes is not enough, we bought second-hand clothing to the prayer sprinkle holy water.