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How bad do we know women

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How bad do we know women!

Once we have overlooked that women great change. Right under our noses. We all roses for them run, and they have in mind is the devil knows what ... Not until they have roses. We have all the old edging - say, my dear, the main man in the family - and they were astonished eyes at us Loop Loop: "Who's the man, dear?" ... On-Panko. We missed something. It is high time something be addressed. Generally, the best indicator of what is happening on the female half of our society - the forums on women's sites on the Internet. What I've just not heard enough! Faith in humanity (in his best part) lost almost completely. People with strong nerves strongly recommend that, if a spare minute, read about what and how to tell the ladies, when they think that were on time alone, without men. Those who cherish their mental health is better not to do so. You never know what ...

It's amazing how bad we know women . Understand and know them completely impossible to do. And most importantly, it is unclear whether we are stupid, whether they are sly. Many times I watched the wonderful metamorphosis. When a man is near, she is so cute! Educated, sophisticated, smells like perfume and extremely foggy ... heard a word like "scum", wrinkling his nose and a charming little fingers plugging ears. At the word "sex" falls into a stupor at least one hour, and if you inadvertently said "blowjob" hysteria is provided. And that's just words! About some action, I do not speak. So, should leave the creation of this air to communicate with my friends when they believe the men in a radius of three kilometers no ... It's quite cheerfully turns into a kind of mixture of the boatswain's merchant fleet and sexual maniac and vaudeville comedian. Such a flow of sebaceous jokes, seasoned with expletives that pleasure to listen to. (And learn sometimes not a sin.)
The best way to find out what a woman - to see her when she does not want anyone to please. True, it's almost impossible to do. Because they want to please everybody and always. It is necessary to appear in her field of vision to some handsome old man, a priest, it is immediately transformed. Surprising phenomenon: even if she not a bit in this man is not interested, it will still flirt and show my knees. It is already in the blood. They do this quite often unconsciously. His head snapped rocker, joined the program, and all - it just heavenly creation. No matter what women do not react so sharply and painfully, as in picking sheets and masks, with their angelic face.

They are worn with its mystery with the Scriptures as his bag. One of my friends kept repeating like a parrot saying, she left a legacy of her grandmother: "Even my husband want to show only half ass". What say, eh? How healthy cynicism ... We somehow mleem - how can a woman of mystery! And then ... ass ... the brutal truth. Hmm ... But let us return to our sheep (would be better to say - the sheep, but it sounds dirty already). Love, they do want, as it turned out. Not all of our stereotypes are destroyed. Even in the cool businesswoman no-no, and will break the surface of unprotected flimsy flower of femininity, with all its bells and whistles. On the one hand, this is encouraging.

Hence, some of our ideas about them are true. On the other hand, brings even more confusion. Because the love of big and clean, they currently represent very different ways. But this is a topic for another chapter. In the meantime, just dry statistics. It turns out that lovely lady in this case, the great optimist. Despite their eternal whining that, well, the men of this afternoon with fire you will not find, 50.1% believe that the great love they have. Personal life is quite successful. Those that are younger, tend to head in the clouds.

The bulk, bouncing with anticipation, waiting for her prince. (Associated of wind ...) But those who want to sneeze all the snot out of sugar, a lot - already eight kopecks per cent. This is explained by the fact that more young complexes. If there is a pimple on her nose and small breasts, it means that love does not shine. Well, if you do not shine, then again not really something we reported this and experience. Or another option - we dream about Soul Plane wheelbarrows, super coats and all the men in the pile, and I any attention to them because they are goats. " In other words, the girl was not yet ripe. But the most funny - women in their thirties. The paradox is visible to the naked eye: in thirty years, 60.2% were confident that we have achieved great love, and in thirty-one years - 58,5%, and then even smaller.

Why so? Umneyut. Directly in front of umneyut. And with "poumneniem" falls self-esteem - sharply reduced the number of those who believe that love - this is a trifling matter, and each may well achieve this. Accordingly, increasing the percentage who said grimly: "I would like, but is unlikely to be able to." It is also significant that after thirty (if did not work out on the love front) again more and more women out of their life plans that love strike out a trembling pen. Moral: the older the woman, the easier it is to win. With each passing year it is less "bend your fingers." (Unlike us, who in our years simply do not care - we even to fifty. This is our great advantage.) It's time.

Second: the most wonderful age - 26-30 years - is almost useless in terms of ohmurezha. They do this, and so everything is in openwork. So pass by, man. Statistics - a thing difficult. Those figures who write treatises on how to meet on the street, it would not hurt at first, such figures are here to take a look and draw conclusions. And then the bait bikes tone seasoned philanderer, they say, you can learn from each without any problems. Yeah ... a woman so different from men and that enough is as good tries not to look.

We will go further. What have we there yet from a purely female lotions? .. Yeah, kids ... Here the picture is altogether happy. Against his nature in this matter until a woman, thank God, do not go. And thanks for that. Children they want. And more than half - 54.7% - want to have two kids. And another 21% wants the three or more children to start. This is our time, and when one is not to feed! Still, our Russian women - incorrigible optimist. For this honor and praise them. But do not want to give birth to 10,8%. The family has its black sheep.

These are the - business and nimble. (Well, we have long been aware that this group of women - just a clinic.) Extinction on the idea, does not threaten us. True, given the number of women who are going to work hard, while changing diapers, have to admit that the sour share care of the offspring will be on our broad shoulders. It's a bit disappointing. But it's better that than to repeat the fate of the dinosaurs. As you can see, the picture has turned controversial. However, as the women themselves, changing their values, such as gloves. It seems to work and most of the breaks, and the like, and love with detyami Bring them in terrible numbers.

No wonder that is presented to us more and more claims. Type, let us, help us! Ha, as if we asked them to climb in our affairs! Would sit himself on the female half of the house and enjoy life. So there! Give them to self-actualization ... And, mind you, at our expense. They increase self-esteem, and the dishes we wash and vacuum the carpets ... it's sad, citizens. But doing nothing themselves disbanded ...
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