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How do I determine the color of your aura

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How do I determine the color of your aura

In the interaction of sunlight with an aura of a man formed a new shade, on which the ... destiny of each one of us! That is, the presence among the people "green", "blue", "red" - the same reality as the existence of different blood groups.

Step One. Define the color of your aura, you can use a straightforward experiment. Need conventional oil paints in tubes, those with which the artists work: red, blue and yellow. Recall that the yellow, blue and red - the basic colors. They can not create by mixing other colors, but of these three colors can be any shade. Saturation, Hue corresponds to the internal energy of man. Choleric and melancholic temperaments is inherently very bright. But the unbalanced nature instinctively avoid bright colors, fearing the emotional explosion. Cold, closed people prefer bright colors to warm up their emotional warmth. Having mastered the theory, continue to practice.

- Put the front of a tube of yellow, red and blue colors.

- Get rid of extraneous thoughts and worries, calm down.

- Squeeze out a sheet of paper from different tubes of arbitrary number of colors and mix. You can mix two or three colors. However, if you opted for one color, it is your right. When looking at the color spot, you feel an inner warmth and Comfy

Step Two. Now find out what color his inner self. Its interaction with the color of the outer aura characterizes human inclinations and influences destiny.

Wear light-tight bandage over his eyes. An important caveat: do not fix the bandage too tightly - excessive stimulation of cutaneous receptors may distort the results of the experiment.

- With my eyes closed tubes with a mix of yellow, red and blue colors. Cap tubes must be tightened.

- Silently drive over them open palms of both hands until it becomes clear how the tubes will come from the heat. Choose the one you think is hotter others.

- Open your eyes and add an arbitrary amount of paint from a tube to a selected color spot, obtained during a previous experience. Evenly mix the paint.

To analyze the results, we turn to the experts - specialists in the field of color therapy.

If the received dominant color red , without any doubt, you - bright, impressionable nature, prone to bouts of emotional and prone to impulsive actions. In search of harmony with the world around you helps artistic talent. Without your participation parties are boring and the work becomes routine. Among the "red" a lot of pop stars. They tend to live by the principle "all or nothing", and often take risks. Reds belong to elements of Fire, because these people win more often than they lose.

The blue color of the aura - of those who adhere to the mind rather than the heart. Among them are many professional scouts and rescue workers - the people of iron will. Delicate taste and commitment to excellence - a distinctive feature of the holders of the aura of blue hues. "Blue" - frequent visitors to museums and sporting events.

Blue - the color of humility and hard work. Get it in its pure form is difficult, but those who are able to achieve heavenly hue, and are the embodiment of the angelic patience.

Yellow - the color of the mind and harmony. By nature he is close to white, uniting all the colors of the solar spectrum. Yellow aura could be recognized as the most harmonious of all, if not the properties of shades of that color. For example, citric aura - evidence of consciousness. Saffron or orange colors indicate an acute mind, intelligence and a tendency to exact sciences - mathematics and physics. Multiplication table adherents of yellow, not an example to others, remember all my life to a ripe old age prefer to perform any calculations in mind, rather than using a calculator. Relatives of the "yellow" are convinced that their loved ones - men of genius, because for every question they always have a ready answer. And some who believe that "yellow" - the incorrigible nerds.

Brown is obtained by mixing red, blue and yellow colors. The "brown" combined the temperament of the former with the coldness of the second and third sharp mind. Their interpersonal skills to be envied: a common language will find with anyone. "Brown" - born salespeople. They brilliantly to hold talks. Even in the most complicated cases, when none of those present did not understand what was going on, "we will be able to find a way out." The Cat in the bag "- talking about these people. Alien secret intent, they feel a mile away, and all because of their hidden fourth color - green, formed from the union of blue and yellow.

Green - the color of eternal youth, enthusiasm, joie de vivre. Holders of green aura take life as it is and live by the rules that are set by others. This allows them to find benefits in any position, even the most unenviable. They are incorrigible optimists. Their judgments are not always accurate, but certainly original, or simply funny. They are sincere, like children, and just as gullible. They are rarely deceived, because they - loyal friends. They are easy and carefree. But the antics of "green" are able to grieve if they lose all sense of proportion.

Purple - the color of success. The motto of the holders of a purple aura: "Case - time fun - an hour." Their life is based on continued compliance with the rules that they set for themselves and for others. To those who violate these rules, not envy. "Violet" can be very tough. However, they do not tend to accumulate grievances. "Violet" personality - the philosophers. They make wonderful government officials, scientists, or at a lower level, cunning and swindlers. In a purple aura lies both the coolness and passion, and all because of this color - the result of energetic vibration compounds in red with the energy advantages of the blue.
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