How do I invite a girl home for a first date?
The girl asks: "Where are we going? For many guys it happens. He wants to invite her home on the first date. How do I invite a girl home for a first date? Can I bring a girl home for a first date? And each is, you ask? Yes, absolutely! Any girl can seduce on a first date, whatever it may be touchy. The only question is how you do it and what you experience. Personally, I almost always bring her home on the first date. Usually, when I invite her, I find out how much time she has. I look forward to all so that we were able to go to the movies, or shisha, and then drove home to me, and we left it a couple of hours at least entertainment.
Depending on its behavior, I continue with her relationship or not. This approach I think most reasonable. On what it is about sex, too, depends if I'll meet her on, because I know that even if it is - superkrasotka, and in bed I will not do, I made her no longer meet. Remember, a woman you can assume its only after having sex with her. Why? The fact that nature has arranged everything so that the woman questioned the choice of men to the very last moment before sex. In the brains of a woman's worth the switch. She constantly picks and constantly questioned in any man.
Many of my acquaintances, friends and students spoke about when she said "Can not we?" Already naked, lying on the bed with her legs spread. Here it is, the specificity of the female brain: the nature and natural selection. This law works in a woman. She constantly questioned: "Is it true that man is the best?" And if that something is wrong, a woman will give a red light. So I always tell students: "It is necessary to monitor and control the process until the last moment, unless you put into it." A friend of mine told me how he brought the girl home. She wanted him. She wanted sex, and they agreed that they would have sex. He went into the shower and wash it for a long time. When he came, he saw that she was gone. For half an hour she changed her mind and slipped away, and he had full confidence that it has already belonged to him.
Therefore, if you do a quick and seduction from the club to take away a girl who wants you, first fuck her and then go into the shower. The fact that a woman is no longer in doubt you only after you've fucked her. That's when it's yours for 70%! Since she always doubts and fears of uncertainty, if you invite her home this way: "Come to me" - that 90% of the tonight you'll spend alone. Why? When you say this sentence, you put a woman to choose. You make her decide whether she will sleep with you or not.
She never solve it for sure and will always be doubt and resistance due to their nature. And so it's up to you, it will be your or not! If you have decided that yes, it does not chew snot and take a decision: now you sleep with her at any cost, whatever it may cost you. Hands in the legs, planted her in a taxi. Silence. Customize it: "I have a dog at home, I'll show you ...." It is helpful to know what the basic fears and concerns is a woman before a trip to your home.
1.Strah unknown. She does not know what will happen. That it currently draws in his head, what images - unknown to anyone. Therefore, the following method works great: a conversation in the interview to tell you how you live, what you have in your home. What do you have a beautiful apartment, bright and there is a parrot or something else soft and fluffy, they like girls. It does not matter or not in the apartment, where are you her povezesh. She does not know which of the "house" you mean. And it does not necessarily say it. Just tie it and then it will be exactly the same wherever you go.
2.Strah that you're a maniac, a bad man. pulled her into a dark staircase, or some dirty ugly apartment and there iznasiluesh! The first way to get rid of this fear - it is strong confidence. Second - is to turn fear voicing it like this: the question "Where are we going", the answer is: "Now we're going to see me in a dirty stinking hut where the cabinets are sitting 20 naked men, who pounce on you and then comes the orgy! "And look at her as if to himself, pronouncing:" Well, what do you ask such stupid questions when everything is clear! "

3.Strah that you perceive her slut , you just trahnesh and you will send. This fear, as a rule, there may be no accident, as a result of your actions, when the girl does not feel much interest in it, and understands the insincerity of your words. Therefore here the first method - to show that she'll like it. Not necessarily to say it, you can just look at her and smile. In the end, when she really likes you, so what happens. And if for some reason - not, just pretend that it is you like. The second option - show her you're nice to the girls. Be gallant with her and act like a gentleman.
4.Sotsialnye beliefs. In the first date - not! This means that it is deliberately filters out all even if he wants to go to you, she will not attend. And in this case, there are ways. First - to deceive her, the second - to accept the fact that she will not go, and choose the strategy of demolishing the roof and organizing the next meeting.
If she asks you: "Where are we going?" What generally are the options? I make out the main and indicate what works and what does not, and under what circumstances:
• «We're going home with me." This is the most inefficient, we can devise. But under special circumstances, this might work. But only if the girl is already very interested in you and it is really much you sympathize with. She already knows that, in principle, not against sex with you. If still no strong asset exposure and the degree of remoteness of it is large enough, it's better this way do not use it.
• «Do not you guess?" Banter over it! With good contact, as in the previous case, this option is activated. You begin to taunt her and jiving. This is a good option if you are able to do it. "We're going to Africa to ride a camel, do you like it?" Banter with deception may be different. My friend had a good view from the windows of the house and he said generally: "We're going to the observation deck of a skyscraper, which is well equipped to sit and admire the beautiful view from the top!" And drove her to his home.
• «We're going to a place where I am with you still no one took!" Intrigue! I coined that phrase specifically for my friend whose girlfriend was afraid of what he perceives her as everyone she knows. This phrase is simply gorgeous because it shows the interlocutor that she - was special. Not like the others, and was honored to be invited into a place where no one has ever been! In accordance with the technology of creating intrigue in her mind there is a lot of issues associated with it, you and this place: "Why me? Why he never took? What is this place? "And, accordingly, we can predict that it will ask you when you bring her to his home:" What, still no one brought home? Why have you not brought anyone home? "And as you recall, the question - is a unique way to intrigue her even more.
For example, use more options to strengthen the intrigues and say, for example: "If I tell you, you get scared and run away!" Or "It's too intimate question, and I'm afraid to answer it," or "I think you can guess, the very" or "What are your assumptions?" and begins to multiply in her questions, creating a strong attachment, moving towards the feelings and intimacy. Another reason why this phrase famously works - is that girls nowadays are accustomed to, that guys often take off "hut" on a few people to meet their mistresses. And so when you tell her this phrase, no doubt can not be that you brought her into his apartment, and not somewhere where there may be another couple is not on schedule. But first sex had not yet measure. In the case of misconduct, he may be the last. Therefore, the correct behavior after the first sex - the success of the second sex.