How do I know about the damage with eggs
This is a universal way by which you can not only find out whether you have damage, but also to remove it. The special ritual of removing the damaged eggs, I'll tell you later. To begin to ascertain whether or not someone you messed up. To do this, take a glass jar, pour water into it, and break into it a raw egg. Be careful: the yolk should not spill! Hold the jar over his head, then raised it to his head, his forehead to his chest to the groin to the feet. Each of these areas the Bank should be about five minutes: it is necessary that an egg has absorbed the information. Close the jar and place on the night of the headboard. Morning egg "will show" whether the damage or the cause of your ailments lies in chemto other. If the damage is, the egg turn black and the water pomutneet. If not - the water will remain clean, and the egg does not change.
What to do if you have damage? It can be removed in exactly the same way. Every week at midnight on Sunday under spend this ceremony with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God "deliverer."
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere sy and fulfilling all the treasure of good and Giver of Life, come and abide in us and cleanse us from every impurity, and save Blessed is our souls.
O Mother of God, our help and protection of one, when we ask, we awaken, our deliverer, to Thee, more trust and always call upon Thee vsedushno: compassion and Pomozov, pity and deliver, incline thine ear, and our skorbnyya sleznyya and prayer, receive, and as He hoscheshi, calm down and gladden us, love is from the beginning of thy Son and our God. Amen.
Do this for as long as the water will remain transparent, and the egg will not cease to darken. Water from the banks to pour into the toilet, then rinse several times. But even if you managed to remove the damage so do not settle. The one who brought it, definitely feel that his bad back, and try to hurt you again. To avoid this, after complete removal of damage following four Sundays go to church, confession and Communion - preferably at the same priest. Then the damage will not come back to you.