How do I know that this is your half?
Many people complaining about his loneliness, say learn something they can do. But how do you know that this is your half? " And those who have problems have arisen in the marriage, after decades of family life, say that, turn back the clock, they would choose someone else or another ... So for some the same criteria we choose our future spouse and how to make a choice in such a way so you do not give up? Defining a sense of familiarity with any - sense of sympathy: that is your inner feeling that go with this man you would not avoid communication.
A further specification of goals is already underway to meet: business partnership, sexual relationships, marriage ... But sympathy alone does not determine why we like it or that person: Are you caught in it drive potential business partner, "elective affinity" possible spouse or sexual partner's probable sensuality? And one of the most common mistakes - blending purposes of communication. Say man you drew in the intimate terms, and you decide it was with him immediately run to the registrar ... Of course, this affects our puritanical upbringing, when the bed without printing was impossible. But it is precisely in such families, the problems start even during the honeymoon: physiology were filled, and then what?
Sometimes when choosing a partner, especially a future husband, frankly, we compare the person with him.
And if a new friend for you too smart, too rich, too beautiful, too well dressed, too well known - you distance yourself from him, even if it is to you and liked it. In this trap sometimes get a really beautiful girl: their beauty deters many men, "because you can not be in this world such a beautiful ...". And men go to look for a simpler, and the poor beauty and remains alone. But there are, however, people who are currently too high an opinion (usually at the same time they have is not very high intellect, but chutzpah - by region). And now this young man, devoid of a sense of proportion, and considers himself worthy of anything in life better, this girl is not scared - on the contrary, he immediately begins to attack her.
A languishing from loneliness, starved not only of male society, but also generally to communicate with people she does not know about the dangers go with wide open arms to meet such a dork: they say, thank you, dear, that before I came down. No kidding! And then we obtain a family in which husband reproaches his wife: Say thank you, that I will take - in fact anyone you did not need! And the poor wife, she already believed in their "unnecessary", starts ahead of time to fade, get fat and lose the beauty. And then people start saying that beauty will save the world though, but in his personal life does not bring happiness. Just by the way, as physical attractiveness so-called sex appeal.
It does not depend on the canonical beauty: a man may be red, short, plump - but at a physiological level will be more attractive than many beauties! But with such people, especially with girls, too, are sometimes afraid to raise a family: if it attracts all the way, so anyone and it would lead ... At least, loyalty to such do not expect (and often for nothing). And the most sexy are alone or a lifetime receive only occasional partners.
Choose a partner "for science"
You'd think that, say, the success of choice - knowledge of psychology as a science. And if you read a lot of relevant books and learn a lot about human nature, we can always accurately enough to choose a partner "for science", with certain rules ... But in reality, it turns out that someone who has studied the mountain of literature and wrote his paper on the relevant rules, are not immune to the probable error in the choice of life partner. Because really, when we select from all the other people who we "like" we do not mind. For us to choose our own unconscious. And tell him anything, get to choose, and not another - is impossible.
Sometimes we hear that choosing a suitable wife - it was an accident, so if not lucky - what can you do ... No, our choice in any case not by chance - sorry for the unwitting pun! Yes, it happens that the couple met on the bus, sit when not on the route, which was originally gathered in the street on which the two had wandered, lost, or at the resort, which fell on the randomly Stay ... But even in such situations, the choice is determined by your personal unconscious criteria.
It is not by chance you pulled for each other. And because if you remember - you are in my life before probably more than once mistaken bus routes, wandered on the wrong street or relaxing on the LAST MINUTE. And everywhere they met a lot of completely random people. But none has attracted your attention, as it is now! Or perhaps, did not happen this fateful meeting, you would choose someone else in another place - and would be with him no less happy! The main thing - that it satisfies your unconscious selection criteria.