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How do I stop thinking

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How do I stop thinking?

A very important capability, which allows to store energy and not waste it in vain, is the ability to stop the uncontrolled running thoughts. Cause it is not easy. After all in my head continually arise some questions, solve problems, recall forgotten facts, planned future activities, dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor, etc. etc. Thoughts do not leave you alone no matter seundu! And many people even in my dreams can not stop the work of his "slovomeshalki" - they are about something worry, scream, tossing and turning. A real vacation is not even in my dreams! And so life, which is significantly shortened because of lack of rest from thoughts.

"Slovomeshalka" not only distracts our attention, it really takes away our vitality, our energy. If we think a lot about a person, we unconsciously direct our energy to it. If we think that everything is very bad and will only get worse, it gives up energy "egregor unhappy life, and he will try to make it so that you can fully enjoy the depression and its attendant troubles. Therefore, the ability to control their thoughts - this is a very important quality for a successful person.

Classics of various spiritual teachings of a lot of talk about the need to control the state of his mind. For example, Roshi Phillip drops in the "Three Pillars of Zen" wrote: "Most people had never occurred to try to control their minds, and unfortunately, this basic exercise is beyond the scope of modern education is not part of what is called the acquisition Knowledge. " One of the first steps on the path of spiritual development in Zen is to develop the ability to concentrate and stop the running thoughts. Full stop racing thoughts - the ultimate goal of many Eastern spiritual schools. For example, a higher phase of yoga called 'Samadhi' and translates as "supreme spiritual enlightenment, ecstasy, trance, super-consciousness." Achieve samadhi can only long meditation, which resulted in a few hours stops running ideas and people in a state of emptiness comes in direct contact with the inhabitants of the invisible world. But to learn how to stop the running thoughts for hours on end, you need a lot of training. Most people will not need such extremes, so look for other ways to curb our restless mind.

Methods of stopping running thoughts

How to stop the thoughts? There are many methods and techniques to stop racing thoughts. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups.

1.Metody repression of thoughts (recurrent thoughts of others).

2.Metody focus on a certain object.
3.Metody use of mental images.

4.Metody switching attention.

We consider each of these groups in more detail.

Drive method

The essence of the "displacement method" is to replace the chaotic running of random thoughts on the repetition of the same phrase, or a certain sound combinations. In the Eastern spiritual schools of similar sound combinations such as "on-the-y-m-m" or "OPA-mana-Padua-huum" called "Mantra". If a very long time for a few hours to repeat the same mantra, we can steadily move into an altered state of consciousness in which humans begin to show unusual abilities and establish good contacts with the inhabitants of the invisible world.

Roughly the same "work" Prayer in Christianity - it is well known that only a long and frenzied (ie, concentrated and vysokoemotsionalnoe) repeating the prayer leads to the desired results (purify the soul, enlightenment, getting help). You can try this method to stop the running of your thoughts, repeatedly chanting the mantra to myself "oh-oh-u-um" or a prayer, or do you already familiar "forgiveness meditation. It also works fine on the suppression of non-controlled racing thoughts. Fill it your head and you kill two birds: stop "slovomeshalku" and cleanse the re-quest from the accumulated experiences.

As soon as notice that your "slovomeshalka" again starts, begins to repeat any of the formulas of the meditation. For example, this: "With love and gratitude that I forgive this life and accept it for what it is. I apologize for the life of my thoughts and actions with respect to it. " In order to learn the extent necessary to stop its "slovomeshalku" require some effort. Experience shows that the first results come from those who engaged in preemptive unnecessary thoughts every day for 20-30 minutes in any spare time in two weeks.

Eventually you must learn to enter into a state of complete lack of ideas for 5-10 minutes (then they will still appear, and this is normal).

Methods of concentration

The following method "focus", is also widely used for teaching in many Eastern spiritual schools, requires focus and continuously observe any object or process. This may be a point on the wall, a picture or drawing (special drawings for the concentration, and meditation called "Mandala"), and maybe even your internal processes: breathing, pulse and blood etc. For example, in Zen Buddhism, one of the first exercises is the account of his own breathing. Try the following exercise.

Methods of use of mental images

Stop the flow of thoughts, to get rid of them can be unsupervised run, using a variety of mental images. For example, one can imagine that you take the towel and "erase" them all the thoughts in my head. Once there was a new idea - just a towel in his hands and washing them. Or sweep with a broom. Presses or "pancake" by Rod (mentally, of course). Excellent results are obtained by the image when you "fill" his head viscous "fluid", such as oil. In the oil no thought can emerge - it fades as soon begins to emerge. Or fall asleep its sand, in which thoughts, too, have nowhere to roam. Such exercises are usually performed with eyes closed. But there may occur the following problems.

Methods of switching attention

They are the most simple and commonly used in everyday life, and lie in the fact that instead of unmanaged reflection to download your mind is controlled by thoughts. For example, when you shake a rattle over a screaming baby, you are using is welcome shift of attention. Before the infant was focused on the issue known only to him and loudly demanded permission. But you shook a rattle, and his attention shifted to a new stimulus. He began to think about it, but the old problem was forgotten.

This technique works just as effectively and as an adult, especially when you use it to switch attention to another man, immersed in the problem. How do I use? It is very simple. If you're tired of the long verbal outpourings of his interlocutor, then ask him a question, that he forgot, as just mentioned, ie the question should be affected is important for companion theme. For example, if your girlfriend is long and tedious talks about how the villain turned out to be her husband (or friend) and you get tired of it, then ask her suddenly: "And you are sure you turned off the iron, leaving the house?" Or: "And where you have a hole (or spot) on the new sheepskin coat? "Most likely, then it will run regarded his sheepskin coat, a villain, her husband will be forgotten. You will surely be able to stop it "slovomeshalku" such a method.

Choose a "switcher"

The latter method can be strengthened if pre-select themselves a kind of "switcher", ie topic that you consciously shift your attention, if necessary. It is best if it will be some very fun and enjoyable event in your life. Or just joking statement, which is able to move you in a cheerful state of any situation. In this case, along with the shift of attention occurs depreciation problem, which has just successfully relished your "slovomeshalka. Thus you are disconnected from egregor "miserable life", which just gave their life force.
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