How do we paint?
Why women are beautiful (it is so we often refer to makeup)? Someone has painted for a man, someone for myself, someone just because it was improper to go on in the world with "naked" face, and I can not say that these allegations are not true. Generally those who are painted to enhance their own self-esteem, but the rules and those who painted in order to lure and keep to yourself man. Men love the eyes - this is not nipped postulate became less faithful from frequent use. So they work, these strange creatures that the bulk of information about the world and people come to them through the organs of vision. Appearance of women perceived men as a message that it represents. Her clothes say about social status, hairstyle - the degree of sociability of nature, make-up is perceived as a story about the inner world of a woman, her essence.
By analyzing these signals, the men decide for themselves, sometimes on a subconscious level, the suitability of this particular woman or not. Sometimes they themselves can not logically explain his choice, but it has already been made, and no turning back. Therefore, in order for you not stuck inappropriate subjects, attracted just your appearance, not in accordance with your inner being, is to seek its own way as a means of expression that reflects the inner world, and especially it is yours, of individual consciousness.
In order not to feel a sense of ambivalence and frustration from such a mismatch, try to create make-up, focused on themselves. It will help you raise your mood, self-confidence, and believe me, once you feel that you have found exactly what you need, you should not make the slightest effort to attract the attention necessary to you people. They will find you, as a hint to them to be your new "right" way. In addition, the right makeup can render the most direct influence on your destiny and adjust it for the better. That is why a woman should not allow itself to blossom and be trollop even the closest relatives and understand that she had once, people. Be nice - not a fad but a necessity. How do we paint?

Who else ... Magazines, newspapers, TV, girlfriends - all give advice on how to properly and, most importantly, beautifully nakrasili. For some reason we do not focus on your inner sense of beauty, but on what we advise. We currently do not trust. Why - is another question. But we prefer to give the public or someone's opinion about his makeup, try nakrasili "fashionable", "true", "cool" or some other way, forgetting that the make-up - especially individual case, and that the pages of fashion publications can not give advice to the whole world. What is written in glossy magazines - no more than the matrix, the direction in which to move the thought and imagination, but in any case not a guide to action.
Let's digress for a moment from the traditional advice about how to properly painted. Just think about what exactly you want to paint on your face - whether the improved version of their appearance, the image that you imagine looking in the mirror, someone to whom you saw in the advertisement, or something else ... Just remember that any copy, however you try to make it look like the original, will still be a copy. Copying someone else's image, one way or another, pushes our own selves in the remote and dusty corner of consciousness, where it languishes in anticipation of the release. How is this possible - search, find, understand their own individual person, the person who will be only yours and no one's more?
Let's start with the fact that the makeup - it's not just a means to become more attractive in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. Consciously or unconsciously, but each of us through the makeup tends to change the inner essence, to become better, more successful, attract the future. What is the makeup? In the truest sense of make-up - a kind of initialization of the person or, more simply, a way of understanding and presenting himself as a member of a group or a hint of its origin. Still our ancient ancestors, the first time united in the primitive stage and not able even to speak, hit upon the idea to paint and decorate yourself and your body. This mystical ceremony was the secret of human imagination, not only in the same mortal, like himself, but the higher powers - gods and spirits. For some people, this hidden meaning is not lost its relevance to the present day.
Communicating without words, which we practice every day, really matter to us much more important than we are, as always rationally think. Such signals, opening a deep, inner meaning of the exterior, our mind accepts unconditionally, without requiring logical calculations and proofs. Modern arsenal of cosmetics makes it possible to create an image on your own, we want to open, or vice versa, to hide his inner world with curiosity and others. The purpose of makeup - to create a harmonious way, such that the symptoms and how we feel inside ourselves, at least not discordant with each other. Well-chosen makeup can create real miracles, as with us and with our lives, to make her another one, as we know it.
The words "magic make-up" - not an empty phrase. Make-up makes us change ourselves, our own view of themselves. But not only. Make-up also affects the attitude towards us around. Techniques such "magic" are available not only elected, or initiated, we are quite able to master them and apply for their own benefit. You can not treat what is painted on his face, lightly. Your look defines that will think of you around, as you apply what you have to expect and how to build a relationship with you. Ways to find a person does not find it, you can use any of them, but will be even better if you think about your own, allowing you to create it themselves (at least - myself today, because tomorrow is another day and a new you).