How do you know of anyone attending the evil eye
We need to take three simple stone and in turn bring them down into the water with the words:
P he first from God, and the second from the wind, and the third from the people.
Noise that is in the water, then from the evil eye, and came. Noise If the first stone, then you are guilty of the evil eye, angered God. Here one option - to go to church and otmalivat sins, necessarily after confession and communion. If the noise second stone - you jinxed people unfamiliar, just jealous, and if the third - one of those around you.

To remove the evil eye, you need water to pour into the street fame on himself and say these words:
By repok this gem: the first from God, the second from the wind, a third of the people. Where it is, go and go. Amen.