How does he like?
You want to please - look more in common between themselves and another person and focuses his attention on your similarities. Do not stop on what differentiates you, and in every way distracts him from the conversation. All of your similarities unite you and shoot you between the barriers and obstacles in communication. The person understands that other person with him in many ways resembles that of a closer. A person like the people who look like him in something, have common features, and more common between them, the wish to become a dialogue between them.
Person interested in communicating with those who are with him something like, a man he sees as a kindred spirit. He is very interesting is to watch over the fate of this man, to recreate a complete picture of how to become a character of this man. Therefore, on this ground very well fastened dating and relationships are added. So look for similar everywhere: in nature, in appearance, in behavior, hobbies, in habits, in the aspirations of your contact. Even a slight similarity is pleasant companion. Look better, you can always find something in common.
But on what differentiates you better not stop. Even if the similarities between you quite a bit, focus on the little that is found goes into the details, and further to your conversation, build, building on what binds you. As a result, it would seem that the similarities between you lot, but there are almost no differences, this is the right way, as he like . In fact, people sympathize with each other if they knew that they have the same surname or they - fellow countrymen in a strange, distant city. Talk about what you have in common, but the differences are silent, rapidly changed the subject. Learn how to find not only the best in man, but similar to you that soon, and certainly brought together by you, perhaps permanently.
Men love compliments
Probably the most important rule in order to attract people, and simultaneously appeal to him - telling him compliments. A walk around the agreement with the person, a quiet smile, or, conversely, the interest of his life - this is a good background in order to please, but not enough. Need to say nice man, do as many compliments about everything that relates to your friend. Find all compliments, to invent them, and remember that "a kind word and a cat nicely."
Men are not in this exception. Despite the fact that the man - the stronger sex, they also need both praise and approval and support. Man is not a robot, he also wants to hear words of encouragement, because everyone has a positive character traits. And to tell the person about it is good - it means to appreciate it for what it is positive. Because each person is unique and not like another. Besides the usual, nothing outstanding, but a good man does not deserve a good word? In short, everyone can find a compliment, you just do not be lazy, because the reward - of sympathy for you in order of whom you spoke well.
It's human nature that people need praise and approval. Man can not long without encouragement, support: life loses its color, people seem to be the same as his work begins to seem futile, the person becomes sad and irritable. People - a social being, and not enough for him to know himself, that he was in something good, you need more, that he talked about it more. Only then in its entirety, he feels lucky to be useful. There are people who are called "canny," which would seem to need no one's praise and approval, but it only seems that way. Like other people, at heart, they would also like to hear compliments in his address, just by virtue of its zakompleksovannosti not show it. Therefore, praise any worse from it will not.
Only need to properly articulate its compliment. A compliment can be found all over, except for just those qualities of which one wants to get rid of. Effect in this case to get back. So do not say compliments, not knowing about the person on the issue that something (in particular: whether he likes it very qualities that he possesses, or is it a burden, annoying). And since you still do not know much human contact until his appearance: clothing, accessories, mannerisms, posture and overall impression. Here you can add and manner of speaking, and how the man knows how to care for a woman, and his sense of humor.
Make a compliment to the places associated with the situation. Do not make compliments to mechanically attach the feeling and ... smiling companion. Kompliment can work wonders: man begins to feel affection for the other party, even if he is not liked in the beginning of the meeting. Be aware: doing it to please others, you get the same return as the sympathy and liking for you. Do not miss one more way how he like it!