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How many men are willing to spend on you

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How many men are willing to spend on you?

Do not forget that in life lovers, there is one unwritten law of eternal value - gold and diamonds. It is believed that these values - the best proof of the sincerity of the feelings of your loved one. Is this true? Indeed, the man must give his sweetheart jewelry. Expensive gift - this is serious, it talks about the stability of your partner's feelings, that he is confident in his love and wants you to demonstrate this. Of course, one should not expect daily confessions of love in the form of diamonds or a ring with earrings set with rubies, unless your partner is not an oligarch or a producer. How many men are willing to spend on you?
For "ordinary" love prepodnesenie this jewelry - it is a ritual. First, the decision to purchase such a gift - it is really a serious step for a man. Then - a long process of choosing a suitable gift. It is no secret that men are not as professionally versed in the beauty of the "eternal values" and this usually rely on the women. So do not be surprised if your beloved casually will lead you to a jewelry store, ostensibly to select the gift co-worker's birthday. The question: "What do you liked?" - You just need to poke a finger in a modest favorite trinket, but do not give even the form that you really hope to get it.

Is there a direct correlation force feeling your vote on the price of a gift? If you're wondering how your beloved is ready to splurge to make you sweet, then you certainly can choose the most expensive jewelry in the store. If he frown and say that he can not afford it, then you should not accuse him of avarice, and the reluctance to prove his love. Remember that you can not measure love in terms of money. Most importantly, he wants to please you, and the price of a gift does not matter. So do not go too far, trying to make sure that he bought the most expensive ring you, or you risk ruining it or put in an awkward position if he still would have to refuse you.

Pay attention to how a man offers you a precious gift, as he is original. A striking proof of the strength of his feelings is an extraordinary gift giving, for example, if he invites you to a restaurant where you'll find in a glass of champagne because you liked a ring, or gives you a bouquet of roses, and in the center - a necklace, which you never dreamed of. If your lover have never gave you any expensive gadgets, it's possible that he is not convinced of the strength of his feelings. Buying jewelry involves not only material costs but also the presence of a man's confidence in the fact that in your face, he found his destiny.
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