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How not to lose its appeal

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How not to lose its appeal?

A little background. One day I noticed that my peers have limited capacity. The same is found, and after the age of forty. Began to lower the minimum age. And in the thirty-five (the age of those women who are still many "stare") saw the same recurrence: is only to offer anything close to a sporting pastime or the joint dynamic communication links as soon appeared, and even health complaints . This is a thirty-something-five! (When the woman berry again "). After these observations, I always protest to all those who are trying to improve, they said, is thirty-five and forty-five woman berry again. In general, it does not matter. If a woman goes to the fitness room or pool, it is always berry. And if she regularly takes the ballot in the clinic, the berries are beginning to crumble, and even up to thirty.

I guess we can assume that all women want what you do not have in my life, but what else is ready body. And what is written in books and shown in movies. It can cause a lot of options, but simple and the first conclusion is likely here is this: some women need a hero, a lover of money, one that is out of romance novels. It is - from novels. But in life there is no such! In life, can be found only if the money, the disabled, if healthy, he will be no more than 25 years of age, free and outwardly normal, it means that nobody needs him! And if you search the hero-lover, healthy and with the money, then he already has at least one family has at least two mistresses (whether to continue the list of "virtues"?)

So what is a woman? And it remains the woman to keep reading romance novels, watching soap operas (or the same program on TV that, by the result of the impact on the person, in the same way), live in the Triangle home - work - the guests, to a fixed way of life and lose, lose, lose the remnants of their health and, hence, attractiveness. For without health there will be no appeal, no beauty, no charm, no charm. Not have the energy to flirt, there will be forces on the sensuality in sexual relations. And will only look tired so stout walking.
It's not too nice line, I agree. Acknowledge and apologize for the "truth-womb. But somehow a friend of mine, having with me a polemic on the basic issues of life, said: "It is difficult not to agree. And then-then what? "Same here. Criticized. Led a fact: women's fate harder than men's, women's share of heavy. And then-then what? How not to lose its appeal? And then that's what.

In the first place. Everyone chooses their own destiny. Or - Everyone agrees or disagrees with life in a way that gave him the parents and the society offers. Second. The conclusion is clear. So clear that to say, is awkward. We must conquer my laziness. That is to say, to lead a healthy lifestyle and to constantly improve their personality. But then how to live, how to fix the situation? Tips - a thankless task. Every man his own destiny. (It is better to write - the mistress).

In winter - skiing. You can mountain. Summer - the water, sail. Where there is water there in the summer - a bicycle. And do not say that there is no money! Many in the apartment for a few TVs, because of which there are hypertension, cellulitis, and mental disorders, passing into gray hair with a heart attack. Of course, our own two fears. Fear of the new. And the fear - and what people say. Well, then stay in your garden or at the TV screen to get along and be sad about unfulfilled dreams. Or - "Come on! By the bastion! - Do not be afraid. "

From you, it is up to you, dear women, depends on what's left of man after marriage: the husband, or a hero-lover. And if you are very happy to have received recognition from the men in her female dominant, then nothing. Nothing pleases. It is we, men, signs of its failure and shift on your frail shoulders the responsibility for creating and maintaining harmonious relations Union, "he and she." Man, he certainly king, lord, the creator! And do not you dare argue! Only a man without a woman as a unit without a toe. That toe make one dozen, weaving, millions. More filibusters talking about when you shlyaeshsya over seven seas, and you are at home waiting for the woman, then everything is in order.
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