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How not to repeat old mistakes getting married again

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How not to repeat old mistakes getting married again?

1.Izbavtes of prejudice to the opposite sex ("All the women (men) are!"). If it is stable, change the setting for family life ("Family - for the husband (wife) and child and then for me!"), The style of family life, but within reasonable limits. What and how to change a new family - depends on the experience of each spouse, and should not be afraid of useful skills that you gained in the previous family, they will not prevent you, but rather to help create a new one. After all, even when moving to a new apartment only to throw an unnecessary old, but good make repair, restore, refurbish. The more important to do so with respect to the habits, skills, experience of previous years. And then you can gradually introduce into married life new customs rules for family relations.

2.Vo second marriage is essential to the system of marital relations to introduce the rules:

• keep a simple and natural;

• Never, under any circumstances do not lie;

• trust his handpicked;

• Continue to give attention, to show affection, tenderness and care;

• poke fun at themselves;
• smile at each other;

• talk smoothly and quietly;

• Do not break out at criticism or dissatisfaction with the spouse;

• move away from mutual accusations;

• calmly discuss controversial issues;

• listen carefully to opposing arguments.

3.Izbegayte comparing his new life with the past супружеством.Использование previous marital experience should be extremely sensitive. Should work to apply to the literature on family life, and together decide which recommendations can be used. Their previous experience, especially sexual, it is necessary to make a new married life very carefully. Then, and will not have unnecessary comparison, life together will be an unusual, new, vibrant creative works of both spouses. At a high psychological and sexual compatibility in the second marriage are eliminated adultery, infidelity, emotional dissatisfaction with each other, awareness of the importance of high culture of marriage as a prerequisite for their own happiness and welfare of the family as a whole.

4.Staraytes tolerant of the shortcomings of each other, be more compliant, rational, then the agreement comes at a lower cost of nerve. A woman in second marriage often becomes a friend, colleague men. The point is not to conclude the second union bound with a colleague, collaborator. It is vitally important to share with her husband all that worried, often consulted on all matters to attach it to your own affairs and to live his life.

5.Samoy challenge the second marriage is to educate children. Sometimes there are conflicting relations. A man is easier to get in touch with the stepchild if he treats him as an equal, seriously, thoroughly, not flirting, not Crouch, and kept a dignified, simple, natural, open, honest, trying to understand the child's psyche, to help the growing male enter into the world of men's affairs and hobbies.

A young woman marries a man who has a child from his first marriage, much harder. In the literature, sometimes step-mother is endowed with negative traits, without regard to the difficulties it faced. After all she has to be the mother of another child, not just hoping for reciprocity, not receiving appreciation and gratitude in return. Output here is one: to try to become a mother is not worse than it was native.

... Ludmila L. married a man who had two children - a boy and a girl. Less-age girl immediately recognized in her mother. A teenage boy has closed and tried not to communicate with my stepmother. But the woman patiently won credibility with all the family members tried to make the children were well-groomed, healthy. Once, when Vitaly angrily threw offered him a new shirt, step into tears and asked him: "I beg you, put. Otherwise people will say, here, they say, the stepmother does not look at my own mother would not have gone. " Vitaly silently put on his shirt and left. He has long had no contact with her stepmother, did not apply to her, decided all matters with his father. But his eyes become better, calmer father pozdorovela and cheerful little sister - a salutary influence women felt throughout. And the day came when the boy turned to her stepmother: "And how better to say - you're mom or mom are you?"

Relationships with children in second marriage is easier to build, if a family has children from his first marriage and common children, when all brought up as a family, without making any distinction between them. In a large family with several children of a foster child ceases to be an exceptional, spiritually enriched by contact with brothers and sisters who unwittingly becomes the assistant to the parents in the upbringing of the younger, acquires the status of a senior. His own problems sidelined, and the relationship with the stepmother or stepfather are no longer occupy your attention. And she takes a complex issue second marriage - step-children.

A second marriage, if it brings happiness - is like a second life that have to live more dignified than the first. Complexity of family life are disappearing as how children grow up. And to a great age is the harmony of souls, thoughts and feelings, which makes life attractive. It does not repeat old mistakes getting married again? be optimistic: marital happiness a person can acquire in youth and old age, in any difficult situations by fighting and overcoming Labour and patience.
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