How otshit zhenatika
Zhenatiki - a special conversation. Let it be said that forbidden fruit is sweet, and a married man or unfree, of course, refers to the forbidden fruit, otshivat these fans is even simpler than all the rest. To be polite, then your speech may consist of only one sentence: "You're a wonderful person, but you are not free, and hence are not talking about anything." If after this zhenatik try to play the classic gambit motto: "Do not worry, I'm not, I will divorce, that's only the children grow up ..." - you can quickly cut him off an angry outpouring of the phrase: "I do not want you to divorce! I'm not one who divides the family! I do not need a stone on my heart! "
Another option, as otshit zhenatika - uhmylnutsya skeptical and say something like: "A divorced man for me is even worse than the married." In short, your task - to make him understand that he does not interest you. You can even make some outrage that not a free man tries to strike up an affair. Think of myself, because if he does so with his wife, then most likely you face the same fate. Since you already understand that for a given male infidelity is acceptable, but for you - perhaps, then get rid of him would be too easy. Sometimes it is enough magic phrase: "Once again, come to me with such proposals, and I'm calling my wife."
Another more complex and dramatic situation, if you simply unfree Pozar not a man, but, for example, your boyfriend, girlfriend or husband of your sister. What to do in this case? Talk to him? Talk to her? Needless to say your close friend that her lover afford such villainy? And how to maintain their relationship with a girlfriend? Of course, that hard choices will still be behind you, and yet here are some tips that might ease your situation:
1. If your girlfriend and her boyfriend on the whole quite happy and his uhlestyvaniya "for you are likely temporary and not serious in nature, a shade of light flirtation, it is better not to hurt her friend details. When you feel that his fascination with the surface and you are likely passing, try to behave as if nothing had happened. Just think, the fascination with whom did not happen? Do not give him a reason to count on reciprocity, and soon it will all pass.
2. If your girlfriend and her boyfriend is not happy together, if he ever hurt her, and she often pondered the possibility of separation, do not wait. Tell her that you catch yourself in his views. But without malice, without a sense of superiority. Just for a friend. Say: "I'm so sorry you talk about it, because you deserve much more than a nerd, which put an eye on your girlfriend and even that is not afraid to publicly display. Do not worry. I am sure, all the better. "