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How to Calculate Solar Applications

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How to Calculate Solar Applications
Many astrologers calculate the position of the sun by using the logarithm is close to 1 `. This approximation is insufficient, if we come to the mysterious region of the solar Appeals (CA). Within 10 minutes the sun is an average of 25, if the Ascendant Sun Appeals falls on signs of a quick ascent, especially in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries, the failure to take into account the 25 "could shift the Ascendant / Asc / 5 or more, which will for a false interpretation. Since the moment of birth is known to us is only approximate, it makes no sense to seek the position of the sun, close to 1. JI is based primarily on the relationship between the provisions of tree houses and houses of birth chart and a rough estimate birth chart usually does not preclude the interpretation of these relationships.

We give an example. Suppose that, having established Asc birth chart at 25 degrees. 30 min. Virgin, we will accept an amendment to the time of birth 15 minutes. Now we assume that in any year Asc map of the solar circulation is at 25 deg. 30 min. Sagittarius, ie exactly in the square to Asc birth. If the moment of birth falls on 15 minutes earlier, Asc Sunny Appeals also shifted a few degrees and, therefore, will be roughly the same position relative to Asc birth chart as a map that we established.

Table the motion of the Sun at the end of the book / help the reader to calculate the exact position of the lights in the birthday card and install it from. This example may help to familiarize with the calculations. Assume that we want to set the SB 1936 for the birth of a male whose natal chart is above: the Sun in this chart birth is 23 deg. 13 min.20 sec. Capricorn.

¢ 23 ° 13'20 "g

¥ 02 ° 34'00 "f

©Rx15 ° 30,5 'a

¡15 ° 04'00 "d

|Rx14 ° 15'00 "c

ªRx24 ° 16'00 "`

£ 05 ° 03'00 "h

§ 04 ° 40'00 "^

"24 ° 24,5 '`

¤ 27 ° 35'00 "f

¨ 17 ° 22'00 "g

¡20 ° 15'00 "a

28 ° 24'00 "d

V 08 ° 14'00 "i

IX 28 ° 54'00 "`

II 26 ° 13'00 "e

VI 06 ° 02'00 "^

¬ 04 ° 41'00 "b

III 28 ° 54'00 "f

VII 28 ° 24'00 "^

XI08 ° 14'00 "c

IV04 ° 41'00 "h

VIII 28 ° 24'00 "_

XII06 ° 02'00 "d


(Fig. 1. Page Map of birth. 14.01.1909, the 0 hour 37 min., Nice, for a set of CO, which serves as an example).
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