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How to Lose Weight

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How to Lose Weight?

It is no secret that the diet requires tremendous effort and willpower, so diet is often compared with the stress. And the shops beckon us treats and culinary excess. Statistics tries to convince us that most people, losing weight, again gaining weight. But polls of experts suggest that too many women managed to maintain the results. As it turned out, they all sincerely believed in the ultimate success and, last but not least, seen in other food, not the enemy.

Women who decide to lose weight through diet, many pitfalls lie in wait and riffs, like a ship on its way for a new sea route. But not to run aground and swim to the final destinations, start this the hard way in a positive setting, because the weight loss begins in your head. Answering the question of how to lose weight is very important to have first visualize yourself thin and slender, to believe that the goal really achievable and realistic for you. The first step is to believe that losing weight is possible, and then all, even the smallest nuances imagine your new look: where, how and how much should decrease your forms. Fix this image as the most vivid picture until you get that she always stood at the front of your eyes, and both have long been a fait accompli, as your true appearance. To paraphrase the famous saying, do his slogan saying: "Perseverance of the city takes, in other words - believe in yourself.

During the diet is very important to set realistic goals, so be realist. Many women stop dieting, giving it a completely unrealistic demands. What does this mean? Plan to lose a reasonable amount of excess weight over the long term: no more than 1-1,5 kg a week. Loss is such a number of kilograms of doctors believe the safest for our bodies. Moreover, the skin is not harmed. To always be slim, not to sit on a diet 5-10 days: transient diet has the same intermittent results. Therefore, after the diet have to switch to a balanced diet and stick to the new regime and diet. Instead of gluttons and pessimists try to visit more often among like-minded people or those who actually achieved results. Join a fitness club that can help you lose even more extra pounds, and where you will meet the same women, like you, that is seeking to acquire a beautiful figure.
During dieting try to choose those foods, eating that gives you pleasure. Hard limit - the first step towards ending the diet. From time to time, allow yourself to little weaknesses, do not despair and do not blame yourself if the dinner portion of the body was unplanned calories. From them, you can easily get rid of, if they could give extra training, go for an evening walk (at least 30 minutes) or reduce the amount eaten for dinner. Another error - a sharp restriction in the use of those products that your body is getting used regularly. This is especially true of carbohydrates in the form of sweets, such as chocolate. Reduce the number of conventional products are gradually but regularly, and then completely give up the daily intake of desserts, replace them with fruit or honey.

How to deal with an appetite?

To successfully get rid of excess weight, you need to know what causes the increased appetite and how it can be resisted. The feeling of hunger or appetite provide human survival. Manages the hypothalamus. It is this department of our brain sees to it that we take enough food and, of course, still alive. Our very distant ancestors instinctive hunger to save lives, because then the food is not sold from the shelves, and ran freely in woods and fields and prairies. In the case of a good hunting ancestors ate a lot of food, as much as possible - to save themselves from starvation.

 Surpluses were deposited in the form of fat that the body has used before the next meal. But today, people eat so much that stored fat does not have time to "burn" until the next meal. Mechanism that causes appetite has not yet adapted to this change. Are important as other factors - such as more diverse products, especially in large quantities we consume them, than when our diet is restricted. Remember how in the form of dessert, even after a hearty meal, a feeling of sudden hunger. New foods and products have the same property, his way, make good use of manufacturers of various products. Women have a natural increase in appetite is also associated with hormonal changes during the late months of pregnancy and during the premenstrual period.

When changing seasons often increases the need for carbohydrates, which promotes the release of serotonin, or, as it is called, "the neurotransmitter of happiness." Is it possible to overcome the appetite, because of which we so often overeat? Of course. Studies have shown that the slow absorption of food helps to reduce appetite. That is why nutritionists recommend a "tasteful", slowly enjoying food, not to combine food with watching TV or reading a book. It turned out that obese people with excess weight eat faster than anyone else, and fatty and sweet food is eaten quickly, and therefore doubly harmful to the figures. It turns out that when we rush to absorb the sweet and fatty, our brain does not even get a signal of saturation, that we have already absorbed a lot more calories than you need.

Another way to blunt the appetite - there are often 5-6 times a day that did not raise blood sugar levels. Eat frequent and small meals, and portion shall not exceed the size of your palm. Try to give preference to products with low glycemic index. It means the speed at which the carbohydrate food is absorbed into the blood. The glycemic index is important for those who support the weight or dieting. The thing is that eating foods with low or moderate glycemic index separates the hunger and blood sugar remains stable. The index ranges from 1 to 100. The glycemic index of 100, for example, has a glucose - it is absorbed most quickly.
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