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How to attract life love

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How to attract life love
In every human life is so-called milestones of fate - the test that he must pass. It sometimes happens that a key test is loneliness. There is a generic karma, karma personal. It needs to be worked out, and then life will change for the better. But in most cases, the loneliness - it is not karma or punishment, and his own unwillingness to do anything. To people having supernatural powers, come as wizards. Believe that by paying money, you can buy a miracle. Time, one wave of the hand - and everything changed. But that does not happen! This is a very long and complex work. And no small role in it played by the man himself, his desire and will.

What to do to find love? First love yourself. Take a look around, open your eyes and heart - is often your only located nearby, and you do not notice. Sometimes the woman herself leads to a deterioration. For example, if she had a psychological trauma left her man - and now she does not trust anyone or any compares with a former lover. These people close their energy and do not give a new love enter into their lives. After all, a place in their heart of busy memories. From a woman always has to come a positive energy, men feel it. Every morning get up in front of a mirror, smile at her reflection, and tell yourself the kind words. Believe in what you say and see - miracle happens. Fate can be changed, desperate situations do not happen. Only need very much to this. However, there is some utility methods:

Learn to hear and feel. Language sensations you will not disappoint.

Get rid of conventions that dictate society. Perhaps your desire to marry soon - is the desire of others, rather than your true need. Do not succumb to pressure, learn to resist external pressures.
Try liberated, to find inner freedom. Allow yourself to it! Renowned Oriental wisdom says: "teacher only comes when a student is ready." If you're willing to work on themselves, really want to change themselves and their destiny, next to necessarily be one. who will help you do it.

Get a talisman. Sure, okay, if you manufacture a mascot knowledgeable person. But you can do it themselves. Place on a windowsill with a glass of water. Dip into the water small accessory (pendant, bracelet, chain). Every day, tell him good words, tell us about their desires and dreams (eg, "Soon I met a man who fall in love"). After 10 days, the mascot charged with positive energy and it can be worn. Just do not give anybody their mascot, the wrong hands would deprive him of energy.
Strengthen its appeal. Sit in front of a mirror, light a candle in your left hand grab a glass of water. Look in the mirror and at least 15 minutes talking about what you want. Imagine that you have desired to eat. Drink water, extinguish the candle. Do this twice a week for a month at one and the same time. Use the same candle, its flame will burn in all adversities. Water will accumulate positive energy that will give you a mirror to enforce the request.

Pay attention to prophetic dreams. Write on paper the name of the desired man, take a sheet in his hand and go to bed. Before going to bed think about this man, remember the most pleasant moments associated with it. That night or the next you had a dream that will answer all questions.
Believe in yourself. On how a woman relates to her, it depends on the attractiveness and sexuality. Develop the spirit of winning.

Visualize a man who want to see next to each other. Give your subconscious setting: not to think about. where it appears. Draw in mind a clear image of the potential chosen. Dream about it as often as possible in presenting the details of your meeting.

Be careful of trying to bewitch her beloved. It can be done, but to treat it must be very prudent. Often the ceremonies are held and a number of illiterate is no longer the old man. It will be like a zombie, which has no power over their own thoughts and actions. A man can become aggressive, there is a threat of problems with alcohol. Therefore, it is important that the rite performed a knowledgeable person, and such a bit.

Protects against the negative effects of damage. Wear the pin, pinned her head down to the clothes. If you feel that someone threw you a charmed thing, take her (preferably with the help of a metal, such as forceps) and dispose of at a crossroads with the words: "Go back where you came." It does not matter whether you believe in magic or not, it exists. And even if you do not fundamentally change the situation, then at least it slide the ball rolling.
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