How to attract love
Not all people know that love - is the strongest weapon. Love can cure the most complex diseases, back to life completely fallen spirit of man, be happy and even richer. How to do it? There are several ways. They are very easy to use, and at first it seems that it is too easy. But if you follow all the rules, love becomes a permanent inhabitant of your life. I note the important thing. Love can not be used for commercial purposes. In this case, it will work against you.
How do you start to attract love? What skills or tools are needed? You need only one thing - your desire to love and be loved. "This is absurd!" - Some would say the skeptics. Everybody wants to love, and certainly to be loved. But the desire to be sincere. Many people use the love for selfish purposes. With love, try to increase the position to obtain financial income, as do love scammers. Such people bring destruction to the hearts of those who love them. But why prevaricate, we ourselves can hurt us a loving person. Nobody brings more pain than love. When we have a bad mood, we can scream at her child, and it's hurting him. In the race for jobs, we can not help noticing how loving our people are trying to help us, and constantly insult and humiliate them. With all of this must be addressed. How do we know right now.

Let's take a psychological technique which I have repeatedly used in their works. It is very effective. So much so that many do not believe in it and think that here it came to hypnosis, or something like that. So. You need to take a comfortable position, usually it is lying. Imagine that you have in your chest, between the ribs at the solar plexus, a small glowing ember reds. This field of love. This is the place where love lives. This coal is love. Now, you need to inflate it a little shine to a size that only he is subject. Blow on him, that he grew. What sensations you are experiencing? When you have inflated your love to the size you want, let the rays of light on her body. Fill yourself with only love. What do you feel? What feelings? How does it feel? Fill yourself completely. When you do not stay in a dark place and everything will be covered by the light of love, let the rays on their loved ones. Can try to send love to the whole room. It may not be immediately obtained. Just do not start a race for the result. Do this for as long as it gives you pleasure. Typically, this procedure is accompanied by a slight smile and complete relaxation. If you decide to complete the procedure, slowly exhale and Stay still in a state of weightlessness (if you have achieved). Feel like now love living inside of you, warms and brings joy?
Perform this procedure every day. Endows the rays of love everyone and everything. No person holding evil and forgive wrongs. People sometimes bring us pain unconsciously, and we punish them for it. As, however, and themselves. Prolong their love in themselves, so over time you will see around you began to change the world. How has your life changed. Everything became brighter, kinder, simpler. Problems are fewer, and those that remain are no longer chase you to a standstill. You consciously see their solutions. You have a partner who brings you only happiness. Your children will become kinder and more successful. Life in general changed. You'll walk down the street, and the counter people will smile at you. At first, it is surprising if not shocking. But with time you will understand life and should be such. Simply, we in the confusion and vanity forget the simple rules. We absolutely no time to do it. It's so much to catch. But we do not understand that nothing in time is not possible, unless there are time and effort. And only love can open up many opportunities for us. Because, as you should notice a smiling man always attracts. Him and want to help, if only he would ask. And the attitude was not originally so as to all. This is because, the smile more friends. A sincere smile only to those who live with love. And you have a great opportunity to become a man.
There is another method that is able to bring to you the love. This is also a psychological technique. But she, unlike the previous one, designed for a specific case. For example, today you have a date and you want that to your beau had a crush on you and you in him. It needs to project the situation. Imagine all the thoroughly accurate. And how do you meet, it gives you a rose. Then you go to a cafe, order a dish from the menu, talk, smile, he gently stroked your hand and says nice compliments. Try to go through this a few times in my mind, in my imagination. You need to subtly feel this situation. Taste wine, soft to the touch, it is clear to see his eyes, etc. You now have to endure the feeling of love that you want to experience and who want to bestow her boyfriend.
Also, you can simulate a situation where you want the people around were kinder. It can get lodged in his love. So imagine how somewhere inside you, love lives. What a pleasant surprise, it gives you. How does it feel now you are experiencing. Do this procedure at least the previous one, and it will help you to feel that love became a part of you.
We are due to their ignorance, are often offended, angry, jealous. It is clear that we are all humans, and control such feelings are very complicated. But, as mentioned in the Bible - it is a sin against yourself. They primarily eat away us. Make our life existence. Pursuit of material. Complete lack of humanity. From that, we start strong and often sick. And some of us who manage to live these feelings constantly and very bright, terminally ill for medical diseases. To avoid this (or get rid of), we must learn to cohabit with love. She is a very good neighbor. And always glad to come to us. Only now, whether we call it?