How to attract money into your life
Some people are lucky in material matters throughout their lives. Any undertaking profitable, and they still manage to win the lottery, receive an inheritance, successfully invest available capital already. Others, conversely, why not take anywhere fail, even investing money, it would seem a profitable company over time, they either have no income at all or it is so scanty, that he could not improve their financial situation.
And most of us are moving on a sine curve - it starts to drive, although we do not apply for this special effort, the opposite occurs bad luck and physical disorders. I think many would like to somehow subordinate to the process and learn how to control it in such a way as to constantly stay afloat and not go headlong into the whirlpool of lack of money. In fact, the formula of material success has long existed, and she is as follows:
Learn to not take money, like some evil. Many seem a silly statement, but remember what you were taught to parents? I am sure that many times have you heard talk about how that money is spoiling the people that rich people unfeeling and unsympathetic, zaznayki that no one can see around you, etc. etc. And all the bad things that happened to them, happened only because of the excessive amount of money they possess. Such assertions are supported and the media is constantly showing us the oligarchs losing incredible amounts at the casino, while dying from cancer, thousands of children who have no money for expensive treatment.
Let's be objective, if a good man, that money can not spoil it, among the poor is also a lot of callous and heartless people. Just off the money is another important quality - they can enhance, as a catalyst for the qualities that man possesses. If a good man, you got a lot of money he will be able to help others, because that money will give him that opportunity if the person was "rotten" even before they got rich, then get additional features, it will continue to make mischief, but in greater volume.
Do not believe the assertion that the money can be earned only sweat and blood. If we follow this statement, then all the miners, dockers and steelworkers should just swim in money! So it is not necessary to believe in the virtue of the case here, they say, was in the right place at the right time - accidents do not happen! If you ask the rich people, it turns out that they always dreamed of building up his capital, and most importantly have dreamed about it correctly, because the power of thought is enormous!
You can dismiss the idea and say - "Who does not dream about the rich life? But for some reason not getting richer ..." so the fact of the matter is that we dream about it from time to time, advance themselves, giving the installation that our dreams unfulfilled. But if you believe and be able to manage their lives through thought - then the effect will not make a long wait! And now, a few practical tips that can really help to get rich. Carry out these tips to forty days, it is believed that the transition of ideas into reality requires exactly forty-day period.
The very first thing to do - is to train yourself not to think about what you are constantly on something is not enough money! You do not have enough money for the cream, then it's time to use the grandmother's recipes and make wonderful masks, lotions and creams from natural products! You do not have bought these cute shoes! And, thank God, but it would for them pick up the bag and dress! Try to smile and optimistic to meet a shortage of money and then you will not be held hostage to this situation and have no money to be negative energy, which you gives them every time lamenting about their shortage.
The second step - visit expensive shops! Despite the fact that the purse money for exactly the way to the store and back - you just have to go to this store. Asking prices to liked jewelry, furs, appliances and furniture. Let this be a game, and you must be a good actor, remembered my childhood! To live in a castle, we only had to paint the castle in chalk on the pavement!
Next thing you should do - try to limit their communication with people who constantly whine about how everything has become expensive and unaffordable. Do not see the transfer or news, which broadcast footage showing poverty, protect yourself from this world, remember locking drawn in chalk on the pavement - you live in another world, where there is no poverty, and have enough money to absolutely everything!
In doing so, you will create for themselves the reality in which you will be comfortable. Try every day to imagine that you spend a certain amount, for example, today you can spend on your needs $ 500, came up with what you buy? Tomorrow you can spend a thousand, have some thoughts on what exactly? The day after tomorrow you will have the opportunity to spend a hundred thousand, a little confused? Raise the bar and dreams of what you'll spend a million! Imagine what you will get yourself a house, how many there will be rooms which will be a swimming pool, or maybe you're dreaming of her own studio or exhibition? Do not be afraid to dream about it!
And now, to help wishes as soon as possible fruition let's activate the area of wealth. If we turn to Feng Shui, the wealth area is considered to be the farthest left corner of the apartment in relation to the entrance. Examine carefully the area. Often it is in the area of wealth are the things which do not contribute to the normal functioning of this site is flat.
If this zone is cluttered, quickly bring it into order. It is advisable to put in this zone money tree or any plant with rounded leaves. Also come in handy to be symbols of wealth: the god Hotei, hang a picture with a beautiful ship, but beware, it should not be directed towards the window, on the contrary it must be like swimming into a room, otherwise it will remove all the well-being of the apartment. If you are skeptical about Feng Shui, try to apply the knowledge of our ancestors. In the first lunar day after new moon, make a wish, which relates to your welfare. Thus it is desirable not to think about how to find the suitcase with the money, but the prestigious job, for example, which will give career growth and, accordingly, a good salary. And most importantly believe in what the dream!