How to attract the attention of girls?
The first thing that is important to do, getting to know - is to draw attention to the girl. If attention is not, then you should not communicate with her. First, in order to familiarity was effective, it is important that she looked at you and listen to you. Now I want to ask you a frank question to which you must answer honestly: "Do you both prefer: that you yourself to friends or acquainted with you? And how do you think that better? "
How to attract the attention of girls? " Rather than come up and start communication - up to her and do so that she initiated the contact. I call it a provocation to retaliatory action. Provocation is much more effective work than the usual ways to start communication with the girl. She sees you and she begins to communicate with you. Look at how to achieve this, the following examples.
Example № 1. Abnormal behavior
The metro is a girl. Start pounding his fingers on the handrail or take her hand. It will look at your fingers at you in the arm. This means that it has already established contact. You drew her attention. Next, you say one of those oupenerov that you see in the next hundred pages.
Example number 2. Noise
Guy shake shoes in the subway. Tapping their feet. The girl looked at him. He turns and then says:
-Blizzard of snow piled up! Did you see?
No, and that - right?
And then spins the story dating. What happens when you have attracted the attention? A man looks at you hoping to learn: "What's happening?", "What are you doing?", "What do you do?" And you immediately answer his question that he has not asked.
Example number 3. Abnormal behavior
A friend of mine once saw a girl in a bar. She otshivala person for person. Guys do not even have time to address it. Was a beautiful girl. Another approach to it, sits at the bar next to the crash. She looks at him. He was her word, not looking at her, loudly and boldly declares the bartender: 'Bartender, get me a drink! BEER! "
It looks that he will do next, expects that he will turn to her and talk, just then she did and otoshet as the previous dozen guys. But my friend is no fool - all understand!
He pulls out a matchbox. Slowly breaks down the match and puts it on the bar. Her "zero" attention. She sits crazy of arrogance guy who sat on a chair next to her, even though the bar all free.
He breaks the second match. Puts it on the table. Meeedlenno!
And begins to spread matches the track that leads to half of the girls. She delves into this mysterious process very carefully.
His every movement is very demonstrative, and fun.
Finally on the second match of her patience bursts. And she asks him:
-What are you doing? Why all those matches? He is not turning to her, said:
-I'm testing you on the uptake!
-Oh-oh-oh, my! And as I passed the test?
-Not yet!
-And what is it?
-You still do not understand this?
-No ...
-When you will understand - hence passed the test.
"You always testiruesh women?
-If you want to understand whether it is worthy to talk to me.
-What kind of cocky.
Yes, that.
Then he turned to her and winked at her left eye. She was embarrassed, and smiled. Communication has started. He was smarter than 10 other guys that made it so that the girl she started communicating with him.
5 kinds of contact initiation
In our language, as well as in others, there are the words that each of us hear every day and responds to them instinctively. This can be used to initiate communication. The most common introductory words and actions for which we react to it:
"Hi" - the easiest way to initiate communication
Good for many situations. They can be used both for business meetings, and on the street. When you establish eye contact and say hello, you're doing his victim helpless. She had no choice, as you say "hello" in reply. "Hello" - a neutral initiator. It causes no emotion.
"Hey" - a more informal, but an emotional way to initiate
For example: "Hey, you stepped on my foot" - you demonstriruesh active disinterest. What can be said about the initiator of "Hello." But "Hey" is not very decent to use in some serious ground.
"Stop" - is the most powerful proponent
Told from the rough tone of voice, he tells a man what he needs to fear anything. Very cool initiator, because man is afraid of danger, and you become his savior. And automatically sets a good frame of confidence in you as a savior. For example: "Stop, in the back you have loosened the garter." Or: "Stop! (Pause)! Button unbuttoned. When a person feels fear, danger, alert, mobilizing all their attention to the outside world and no matter how he was busy with his chores, and now he is busy assessing the situation.
"Hello" - the initiator of this is good for groups of people
Especially for those groups in which there are elderly people. He is very well regarded as fairly neutral, polite and safe. Moreover, the "Hello" is usually said cultural, decent people, not shameless brazen males. Therefore, the ratio is formed trust.
Empty the initiator - is when you can start communicating without initiator
But you need to approach the girl and adapt to it. For example, imagine as if you were two old friends, go and discuss something. And you suddenly remember a story or idea that you speakest this to a friend. For example: "What a pity that a subway so many people. Because oxygen was not enough, and we breathe carbon dioxide. Who, I wonder, will restore our lungs? What do you think? "... This initiator is very cool. He is - powerful, because that person immediately enters into the frame of "old friends", and you do not need to deal with resistance, which often show a stranger. You HAVE TO COMMUNICATE!
This type of initiator of fun to use when you are at a short distance with the girl and then you can touch it, push it. This initiator is very good for crowded public places such as bars, discos, underground, easy street. Cinema-initiator - is a significant physical contact → → → any apology oupener (open-ended question, a joke, charged, etc.).
Physical contact
Physical contact attracts people's attention and immediately initiates a conversation. It is important here to initiate the first contact with the man, lest he took the initiative in their hands, such as: "You Th touch me?"
"Piha" - it works well in very crowded places. In order to initiate communication, push the man. Just look, do not overdo it! Then he says: "Sorry, I did not kill him? I need to clean the eyes to see. " Next you can use a "compliment" or "open question".
"Sexual harassment" - very common in Moscow initiator. Works well in European countries. Make it so that it pushed you, and then say: "You pushed me!" Say it loud so she drew attention to your words. She starts to apologize, but you went on: "I hope you have a good lawyer, because I am applying to you in court!" She starts to smile. And you do not cooled, said: "Yes, you still Fingered me, you need a very good lawyer! Because I submit to you in court for sexual harassment! "
"Error" - this movie organizer, he famously works if you have not seen your goal. Now explain how it arose. Me once walked behind the girl. I kind of already seen her corner of my eye. She walks up and takes my hand as if it should be. All this happens on the fly. I turn around, she jumps on me, saying: "I was wrong! Oh, how you scared me! "
Next to an acquaintance, you should use open-ended question: "Why do people sometimes are so much alike?" Or accusation: "You are specially dressed the same way as my boyfriend?", Or a compliment: "You have the same unusual, as my young people. Rarely seen on these streets! "And even better to use the issue to the hook, for example:" You're a programmer? "
"Sorry," I have not included in the list of good initiators. Because this is not the initiator. This option configures the interlocutor that you ask for an apology or permission from him, which is very bad for the initial phase of dating. Better never to apologize, because she begins to believe what she was doing me a favor by allowing you to communicate with her.