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How to be happy councils

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How to be happy - councils
Dreaming of a happy life, perhaps each of the fairer sex is a loving wife, very well - caring mother, a respected staff member, having a favorite work. But Can anyone tell myself that it was held as a beloved wife, excellent mother, a successful employee? Why is it crazy love often fails, why the work of the chief responsibilities of loads or no notice, preferring each favorable case, recall decreases. Why growing up, children often have hinted that the presence, at one time loved their mother, it became annoying ...

First is a pity, then there is envy and parses the evil in those states as "unworthy" joys of life, then there is anger. And as a consequence of this whole snowball of continuous intractable problems.

If you are not feeling sorry for yourself, try to deal fairly, impartially, it becomes clear that the real cause of all our misfortunes, of course, is in ourselves: in our programs, genes, upbringing, in our thoughts about other people and events going on with us. Not necessarily to drive themselves into a corner with the help of his own self-pity, and pity her friends, and urgently to rescue himself and change his existence for the better, to do what we can make happy.

How to find the strength to cope with the adverse situation? How to become a strong and enduring? How to act in any other case? Of course, the ready-made recipes are not easy to find, due to the fact that we are different and individual reasons for the prevailing conditions at all different. But heed the advice of professionals you can.

We formulate a number of vital principles that can help you become a little happier. The following recipe for happiness is invited to an American investment corporations, where - you probably did not believe it - acknowledge that no money is the key to happiness, and the following approaches to life:

1. Happiness is not about money. People quickly get used to all that is good, in particular, to the money, but the level of income has little relationship to happiness.

2. Exercise more often. Physical activity - an effective remedy for mild depression and anxiety. They support you in good shape, in other words - can be useful for the soul and body.

3. Sex with someone you love. Sex is deservedly considered to be a powerful source of happiness.

4. Chat with your friends. Do not regret the time or effort to close relationships. Trust conversations with friends and family, discuss pressing issues and drawing up plans for the future - all of the above can help you feel happy.

5. Pause for thought. It may seem at first glance, that around a solid gray, all tired, fed up, day after day one and the same routine ... I think almost all of this pattern is familiar, and often it means that you just started to pall life. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain good morale in this case will help you memories. But not so much some snatches from the past, but the good old, good, warm memories of childhood, of the brightest moments of life, first love, everything that makes your heart flutter. Allocate some of your precious time on such a simple exercise as a reflection about the good old, and your life will sparkle with new bright colors.

6. Find your favorite job. The one where you can realize all your potential and get pleasure from it. Achievements in professional activities bring people closer to happiness, and the easiest way to achieve the desired result - do what you like.

7. Get enough sleep plenty. Many people today nedosypayut, resulting in fatigue, poor mood and loss of concentration.

8. Do not pursue happiness for the sake of happiness. Learn to enjoy every moment in life. People, most of them do not realize what gives them happiness and the pursuit of pie in the sky can turn into a mirage in the desert.

9. Control your life. Put ourselves achievable goals. People are happy, as soon as they are able to achieve at least some purpose, because this place before a problem, even difficult, but solvable.

10. Do not forget the ever about these boards.

For starters, what makes you happy? For someone to happiness lies in wealth, someone wants to love and be loved, some whole way of life is carried out in search of fame and the other is enough peaceful sky over his head and composure. It is believed that happiness - this moment, the outcome, which can go for years, but did not get. But strive still worth it, otherwise - why live?

Be a happy man hard. The main difficulty lies in the fact that happiness is no longer interesting to people. This confirms any modern book, movie or song: the fate of heroes warped a tragedy, someone's untimely death, accident, unrequited love. And empathize, therefore, we are learning is not happiness, and unhappiness. And that's misfortune in the first place to try on themselves. Anyone who is happy is no one interested in one of the best case. Well, in no better - causes resentment. Do not forget, as in "The Girls" Toska said: "Happy are you, Katya, and the happiness of people's eyes froze.

Another difficulty lies in our belief that happiness is unattainable. We both said, used to think that the benefit should deservedly get, but what gives with ease, we do not deserve. Even the expression is such a - "happiness through suffering." Quite often, it will be much better if, instead of becoming in fact happy, we are starting to get that happiness, thinking themselves the obstacles and suffering on a level place. We do not believe in luck, if it itself is in our hands. We find this only that through suffering, produced, earned.

How to become a happy person?
1. Determine the parameters of their happiness. Do not forget that to be happy - this is also the goal. And in order to achieve the goal, it must see itself understood. Determine for yourself on what features you feel that you are happy, because otherwise you this happiness will not even notice. The more options and features you find, the clearer will be your aim and easier for her journey.

2. Specify that gives you pleasure in life. Make your list of things that you always happy and gives you pleasure, then, without which life would become a drab existence. Maybe chat with friends in a cafe, a new book, shopping, etc. Look at how much of this list, you realize in your life. If too small, then that causes you any inconvenience? Check with the help of which you are given the opportunity to realize what brings you joy. Perhaps, for this would have to abandon some boring and uninteresting cases.
3. Live in the present. Happy not to be yesterday or tomorrow, this is only possible at present. Do not forget that only in this time at our disposal all our strength, energy and attention. During the day, listen to your thoughts - you chew that took place yesterday, are planning what will happen tomorrow. And it turns out you do not have at present. Think if you have nothing happy in this, then most likely that the future does not rejoice greatly, because it also has a tendency when something becomes real.

4. Do what you are willing to do. Happiness on a mandatory basis should be based on a combination of "I" and "want". Too little to want something, in fact need more willing to do it, otherwise happiness will turn into a bubble that will burst one day, leaving instead a disappointment. Do not forget, everyone is architect of his own happiness. "

5. Love yourself for who you are. Happiness is based on the acceptance of ourselves as individuals, to consent to be who you are. Happiness is not built on who you once had become, but on who you already are. Write down on the leaf its own advantages, study it and remember: your dignity - is something that you have the opportunity to build a life. Write down on the leaf but not limited to its shortcomings and make the following thing: redo every flaw in dignity. Do not forget: "I do not brake, I'm slow gas? Or "I'm not boring, I'm just very meticulous."

6. Be always busy. Life is more interesting than the more activities we are engaged. We often dream about the rest, about the possibility of not working. However, psychological studies show that fewer than we have ever employed, the greater the likelihood that we are fixated on any one activity or will do things that we do not like. In this regard, among housewives more than those who feel unhappy, than among the fairer sex, who work hard.

To be happy, you only need an inner desire and intention to be happy. Do not make a man happy situation, and internal readiness and ability to be contented with what he has. Most likely all familiar with the state when at first glance, everything in life there is to be happy, and very happy there. But happiness - it's not a situation where absolutely no problems. And happy people get into trouble, and failure. However, the happiest man realizes that trouble and failure is not seen as obstacles but as a springboard to push off better.

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