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How to become a creative person

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How to become a creative person
In different areas of activity are increasingly wedged in a fashionable word now - "creativity." Undoubtedly, the creative person is one step higher than just a reasonable man. And there is logic, because the custom, original, unique, in the end, the approach is important in any job, and of course in life. Because to live interesting and fun. And you, being a creative person, quickly earned the respect of superiors and learn how to solve difficult life challenges.

Not only are people of creative professions should possess this quality. Sometimes distant from the world of art professions require a certain, non-standard mind: PR-managers, copywriters, advertising agencies, employees, the whole business often relies on creativity. Teachers, educators, architects, doctors - these trades are not new, but at all times, they demanded that the workers just such qualities. Of course, creative approach is simply indispensable for the workers of culture: artists, sculptors, artists and designers. It is on creativity and build their activity. And on the extent of this depends on the quality of results and general acceptance.

Creatively minded staff - undoubtedly a valuable worker. For the development of brilliant ideas, which keeps the whole business of forgiving. But do not too often hide behind this enviable quality - at one point, someone will not tolerate that you literally sit on the neck. "

Creativity everywhere and in everything - your motto? This means that you are sensitive and flexible by nature. Sharpened emotions such people are constantly being tested for durability. The fact that the process of birth of a unique idea - it's quite complex and difficult undertaking. This is a gradual accumulation of energy, which at one moment can shoot like a cork from a champagne - the idea was born! But creativity - a concept that should be constant, the developing countries. So often these people are experiencing emotional and physical stress, and after realizing their creative plans - a kind of emptiness. And if the forces on the wane, but the original idea to retrieve all means in a minute, there may come just a creative crisis, because the creative energy has no time to accumulate in sufficient quantity. A lot of creative-minded people are working "to wear", not knowing how or knowing that sometimes just need to switch to something else, to seek new sources of inspiration and creative incentives. In this case you do not will cover a wave of depression and the creative energy will surge more.
Well, if your creative hobby, but what about those who are not confident in their abilities? The answer is: creativity can and should develop. If you have children, help them to have such a tender age to develop lateral thinking. In principle, the majority of children and have such. Another thing is that in the process of growing a quality is lost if you do not receive proper development. And you, as parents just need to make sure that your child has retained the ability to think originally and creatively: Let draws what he wants, not what you ask or dictate school, let the molds from clay or composes music - all these skills help him in the future. And let it not become an outstanding artist and composer, creative flair and penetrate into other spheres of his activity.

And how to be an adult people? Each laid creativity, it is only necessary to reveal, develop and begin to continuous improvement. One important aspect that will help you discover the creative abilities - is communication. Exchange ideas, views, extraordinary views, a study of characters - that's inconspicuous is an exercise that develops in you "creatives." After all, people - a social being, and the views, needs and actions of society have to condition the continued operation of your creative thinking as an employee.

Raise your own level of culture and education: go to theaters, cinemas, museums, read books. All this will make you think differently. A whole lot of impressions, emotions, interesting plots - an excellent soil for the development of original thinking. You just need to keep moving forward. Here are some rules that contribute to this progress:

- If your opinion is not shared, do not judge them harshly. Try during the day did not meet their harsh words;

- Learn something new: an unusual sport, cuisine, alternative directions in music and cinema - all this expands the horizons of thought;

- Interest of world events;

- Evaluate the news, events only from their position, not guided by public opinion;

- Develop a sense of humor;

- Fantasy;

- Read the tales of the peoples of the world - it has a centuries-old wisdom;

- Finally, do not be afraid to defend his point of view.

Fight with a creative crisis very helpful travel to other cities and countries. A new culture - new experiences. Meeting new interesting people, unusual knowledge, a sense of novelty helps to look at things with fresh eyes. Often artists organize themselves sabbatical away from home to be fed nezataskannymi ideas and think about future plans.

There is also a three exercises that help develop your logic, associative thinking and imagination:

1. Sherlock Holmes.

Watch for a stranger, and try to guess who he works, what its interests, tastes, and marital status. Be alert to features of its behavior, speech. Ask yourself why you seemed so.

2. Association.

Need to think of the word, not very common in everyday speech, and further away from that word to a logical chain. For example: the chair - the institution in which the learned - exam passed - a girlfriend, with whom were preparing for exams - a walk, which came after the exam - June, when all this happened - poplar fluff, a feature of this period. This pleasant and helpful.

3. Words.

Need to come up with a few words that are not logically linked, for example: "beanbag - phone - a pan." And try to find something in common between them. You can come up with a story, wherever encountered these words. A little imagination will only benefit.

Algorithm for creative thinking:

- Information - you collect the necessary information, formulate goals and problems.

- Incubation - meditate on abstract themes. At this time, your brain processes the important information.

- Insight - a moment of insight. This does not happen suddenly, but only if the previous two steps carried out competently.

- Integration - Development of ideas.

- Illustration - an idea brought to life, and it must show the world.
In different areas of activity are increasingly wedged in a fashionable word now - "creativity." Undoubtedly, the creative person is one step higher than just a reasonable man. And there is logic, because the custom, original, unique, in the end, the approach is important in any job, and of course in life. Because to live interesting and fun. And you, being a creative person, quickly earned the respect of superiors and learn how to solve difficult life challenges.

Not only are people of creative professions should possess this quality. Sometimes distant from the world of art professions require a certain, non-standard mind: PR-managers, copywriters, advertising agencies, employees, the whole business often relies on creativity. Teachers, educators, architects, doctors - these trades are not new, but at all times, they demanded that the workers just such qualities. Of course, creative approach is simply indispensable for the workers of culture: artists, sculptors, artists and designers. It is on creativity and build their activity. And on the extent of this depends on the quality of results and general acceptance.

Creatively minded staff - undoubtedly a valuable worker. For the development of brilliant ideas, which keeps the whole business of forgiving. But do not too often hide behind this enviable quality - at one point, someone will not tolerate that you literally sit on the neck. "

Creativity everywhere and in everything - your motto? This means that you are sensitive and flexible by nature. Sharpened emotions such people are constantly being tested for durability. The fact that the process of birth of a unique idea - it's quite complex and difficult undertaking. This is a gradual accumulation of energy, which at one moment can shoot like a cork from a champagne - the idea was born! But creativity - a concept that should be constant, the developing countries. So often these people are experiencing emotional and physical stress, and after realizing their creative plans - a kind of emptiness. And if the forces on the wane, but the original idea to retrieve all means in a minute, there may come just a creative crisis, because the creative energy has no time to accumulate in sufficient quantity. A lot of creative-minded people are working "to wear", not knowing how or knowing that sometimes just need to switch to something else, to seek new sources of inspiration and creative incentives. In this case you do not will cover a wave of depression and the creative energy will surge more.

Well, if your creative hobby, but what about those who are not confident in their abilities? The answer is: creativity can and should develop. If you have children, help them to have such a tender age to develop lateral thinking. In principle, the majority of children and have such. Another thing is that in the process of growing a quality is lost if you do not receive proper development. And you, as parents just need to make sure that your child has retained the ability to think originally and creatively: Let draws what he wants, not what you ask or dictate school, let the molds from clay or composes music - all these skills help him in the future. And let it not become an outstanding artist and composer, creative flair and penetrate into other spheres of his activity.

And how to be an adult people? Each laid creativity, it is only necessary to reveal, develop and begin to continuous improvement. One important aspect that will help you discover the creative abilities - is communication. Exchange ideas, views, extraordinary views, a study of characters - that's inconspicuous is an exercise that develops in you "creatives." After all, people - a social being, and the views, needs and actions of society have to condition the continued operation of your creative thinking as an employee.

Raise your own level of culture and education: go to theaters, cinemas, museums, read books. All this will make you think differently. A whole lot of impressions, emotions, interesting plots - an excellent soil for the development of original thinking. You just need to keep moving forward. Here are some rules that contribute to this progress:

- If your opinion is not shared, do not judge them harshly. Try during the day did not meet their harsh words;

- Learn something new: an unusual sport, cuisine, alternative directions in music and cinema - all this expands the horizons of thought;

- Interest of world events;

- Evaluate the news, events only from their position, not guided by public opinion;

- Develop a sense of humor;

- Fantasy;

- Read the tales of the peoples of the world - it has a centuries-old wisdom;

- Finally, do not be afraid to defend his point of view.

Fight with a creative crisis very helpful travel to other cities and countries. A new culture - new experiences. Meeting new interesting people, unusual knowledge, a sense of novelty helps to look at things with fresh eyes. Often artists organize themselves sabbatical away from home to be fed nezataskannymi ideas and think about future plans.

There is also a three exercises that help develop your logic, associative thinking and imagination:

1. Sherlock Holmes.

Watch for a stranger, and try to guess who he works, what its interests, tastes, and marital status. Be alert to features of its behavior, speech. Ask yourself why you seemed so.

2. Association.

Need to think of the word, not very common in everyday speech, and further away from that word to a logical chain. For example: the chair - the institution in which the learned - exam passed - a girlfriend, with whom were preparing for exams - a walk, which came after the exam - June, when all this happened - poplar fluff, a feature of this period. This pleasant and helpful.

3. Words.

Need to come up with a few words that are not logically linked, for example: "beanbag - phone - a pan." And try to find something in common between them. You can come up with a story, wherever encountered these words. A little imagination will only benefit.

Algorithm for creative thinking:

- Information - you collect the necessary information, formulate goals and problems.

- Incubation - meditate on abstract themes. At this time, your brain processes the important information.

- Insight - a moment of insight. This does not happen suddenly, but only if the previous two steps carried out competently.

- Integration - Development of ideas.

- Illustration - an idea brought to life, and it must show the world.
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