How to become a favorite chef?
But what if your good old shift supervisor. And now, corporate power has usurped the stranger? What should I do? How to keep your position? And perhaps win new ones? Of course, in your best interest to please the new boss! Barely coming to a new firm, even at a very high position, the person needs to get started, find allies and supporters. So to win the new chief is not so difficult. Importantly - sound approach, and your career interests will be carried out one after another. In order not to spend their lives in defending their own professional benefit, we can once as follows to try to mend relations with the boss.
Here are simple commands for anyone interested in the question, how to become a favorite chef .
1.Budte friendly. Begin work at the new location is never easy. Your new boss may well experience some discomfort, being in a strange office and an unknown team. Help him get comfortable. Imposed, of course, do not. But keep in touch always. Suppose, to conduct head to the dining room or a show where there are coffee machines.
2.In the conversation with the new boss never spoke of an old boss is too good or too bad. If you crack up former boss, it will be construed as a challenge or an attempt to undermine: "There have been a superboss. All loved him, and now because you do not. And if you can match his level? "If you criticize a former boss, then vykazhete thus their disrespect and lack of foresight. The new boss may decide that you suck. (And who knows, maybe after his departure will be subject to the same unseemly rumors.)

3.Ne disparage your abilities and strengths. Of course, modesty adorns. But if you have to win the respect of a stranger, show him in all his glory - or as the new chief would guess that you are a real nugget, and a very valuable employee? In your own interest to demonstrate their talents. And in any case not to disparage your merit. For example, do not say: "Our department has increased sales by thirty percent, if in fact these sales you raised alone. So do not hesitate to "dry out". Speak honestly: "I organized a campaign", "I developed a system of tax cuts," I suggested a new strategy, etc.