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How to become a positive person

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How to become a positive person?

Research conducted by psychologists B. Tracy, and F. Sheelenom show that 85% of happiness in life bring good relationships with others. You can not hesitate to assert that open people with a positive psychological install them in the crowd in the first place. More and more companies hiring employees is guided by the psychological setting of the individual. The more contact you have with others, the more happy and active life conduct, which, among other things, good for health. The better you feel, the more energy you invest in professional activities. In addition, it is proved that the ability to communicate with people in a positive way affect life expectancy.

People are really enthusiastic about their profession and supporting lively contacts with others live much longer. Those who are engaged in diverse social life, resistance to stress and lesions, disease and all sorts of ailments. They are less susceptible to negative emotions. Such people are loved by everyone, and everyone would like to communicate with them. The better you build relationships with people, and it is quite possible to learn, the happier your life will become. Here is an example of how I helped to change the style of communication. To communicate effectively with others and even more so to minimize the risk of being misunderstood and not accepted in certain societies need to learn to communicate.

A man who wants to become a leader in any dialogue, it is necessary to master certain techniques. For some people this ability is innate, while others, like me, for example, after five years of study at the Military Institute and two years of work in the police had to master the art of communication. And there has not been without the intervention of a beautiful girl, namely Helen Orlenko, which just came to me in the personnel department to practice. He passed a month, and I even began to talk differently. She is in conversation often used words such as "wonderful", "marvelous," "wonderful", "excellent", "excellent", "super", "name", "of course", "definitely" and some others, instead of dry "yes" or "no." In this manifestation of the vitality and sincere desire to understand and help, I have not met.
All this led me at first disconcerting, but then I realized that this is a wonderful tool of interpersonal communication, and it became widely used. And with this knowledge I share with all of your colleagues and friends because emotional speech can speak for you. Just try to pronounce these words with a gloomy face. What does not work? Here, in this and chips! And then a strange way of successful negotiations and the number of positive contacts have increased dramatically. Even strict bosses, who are constantly walking around with serious faces, in a conversation with me more often smile and talk without arrogance. That such changes occur, one has only changed a little bit myself. How to become a positive person? need to follow simple rules:

Positive reaction to stress and all kinds of adversity. Stress and various troubles are inevitable, whatever you're doing. But to truly allow your personality to assess only the ability to cope with problems. Positive people in the face of setbacks and disappointments can be optimistic.

Ability to find a positive side of any situation. The positive person is trying in every unpleasant experience, in every disappointment to find something

positive and treat it as a lesson for the future.

Willingness to forgive others, to forget about the evil that you inflicted. The ability to forgive the offenders and the ability to apologize to those who, in turn, you paid a traumatized - the basic and most important feature of a positive personality.

Dar negotiate with different people. If we are talking about brief contact, then each is able to support them with different people, but only the truly successful people are able to have long-term relationships with a wide range of totally dissimilar entities.

Psychological laws

Law of attraction. In accordance with the person throughout life attracts such people and situations that are in harmony with the dominant therein feelings and thoughts. Therefore, if you want in your life have appeared completely different people, you must first change ourselves.

Legitimate expectations. says that the events that you are waiting with hope, become a prediction come to pass, as it were automatically. Your expectations have

huge impact on the partner for joint life, children, employees, colleagues, and generally to all people. The best way to succeed - always expect from others only the best! People who succeed have high expectations and require as much from themselves and from their environment.

The law of correspondence. He says that your outer world is a mirror image of your inner life. Therefore, it makes no sense to aim at changing their own environment, you must first change yourself! And then changed and the people who surround you. If you become a better, nicer, happier and more fun, these same character traits you move and on others. The more self-confident person, the easier it is to make contact with different people and then support them. It helps to communicate effectively with an increasingly wide range of different personalities. In other words, the more you accept and respect yourself, the higher the value the dignity, the more you are loved and respected by others and thus your relationship with the environment become productive, useful and positive.

So how best to express these feelings? With a demonstration of gratitude. Express your gratitude to everyone who has ever done for you something good. "Thank you" - one of the most beautiful words in each language.

Express appreciation to the people or talk compliments. The man, who is praised, he feels important and valuable. Just do not give away compliments left and right, try to express approval when a person deserves. The cost will be twice as high praise, if it is expressed in public, so do not tire of praising others.

Expression of admiration.

Admire the external appearance of his companion, his character, knowledge, taste and achievement. You know that everyone wants to hear about yourself something nice. A special pleasure for an honest and specific praise. It strengthens our belief in ourselves. Men are usually more than just pleased with words of admiration of their professional success, cars, shoes or a tie. Ladies same willingly listen to compliments about his toilet, appearance, family and children.


Such an approach has been successfully fueling your partner's confidence in himself, and thus your own sense of self-belief. If someone has finished speaking, and you are not completely sure what actually was referring to the source, you always have the opportunity to ask again: "What exactly do you mean?" Or: "You could not formulate it more precisely?" or: "How do you see it?" These questions will allow you to accurately understand the idea of a partner. Especially in the case when experts start to talk in understandable only to them professional slang. At the end of the talk briefly summarize statements buddy to show him how carefully you listen, and as is well understood what he wanted to inform.

Now remember that all what you could achieve by other people, certainly comes back like a boomerang. What you have given others, be sure to come back to you. You should always treat others as you would like them to treat you. If you regularly apply this rule, trying to strengthen the confidence of others in yourself, you will not only greatly strengthen their own faith in themselves, but also become the most positive of all the successful people, while taking advantage of unconditional love from others, and highly enrich its own personality. In short, you can not even imagine how much will be able to achieve by applying this rule in everyday life.
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