How to become a successful manager?
Let's start by listing what is needed to do to become a successful manager. If you want to succeed and continue to climb the career ladder, you must set a goal and then develop a strategy to achieve it, or so-called path that you will reach their heights. Just want to explain why each of us first aims. Imagine the "obstacle course" (to clarify: these bands are in the military and the sports ground, they are made up of various obstacles, such as a trench, a small window in which you want to climb, destroyed the stairs, a barrier height of 2m, 2m deep moat and maze). 100m length of the band, but it needs to run 4 times, ie of 400m. Now imagine a runner at the start, what is its purpose? Right: The first to overcome the finish line - namely, run an obstacle course in less than 2 minutes.
So, we also have a goal, much like the obstacle course. Consider the options for achieving it: you can either run through it all at once or divided into separate elements, to work out every obstacle to automatism and then run a distance for the desired time. I followed the second option and did not regret. That such a comparison is how to achieve goals helped me in many ways. The first thing to do - it is define the problem and set a goal. The second - to break the process of solving problems or achieving goals for the elements which we call sub-goals. Continuing to split each sub-goal on the problem, we can see step by step process of solving our problems or a way to achieve the goal. And as always there will be several options, we can assess which of the options should go. The third - need to develop ways to achieve the goals and subgoals.

And fourth, without which it is impossible to achieve any goal - is to act, to act and act again. In the absence of at least one item is not attained or will be, but much later than you planned. For example, you set a goal - to find a prestigious job. Of course, you know how to achieve this goal. For example, the work can be searched independently, using the Internet, but only in the initial stages of building a career and in the absence of much experience, these methods are not particularly effective. You can ask your friends and family to attach you, but often in this case it will work or not associated with the basic profile of your business or you generally can not offer anything, because your environment is unlikely anyone will want to have on the work of a competitor.
How to become a successful manager? most optimal to date way to find a prestigious job - is to get advice from more experienced professionals, participation in professional societies (profsoobschestvah), where the experts are going to a different level, and perhaps that will present itself the prospective employer. Many companies are banking on the young and active managers, but managers do not know where to find them, but at the same time profsoobschestve is a vast field of activity and opportunity to prove themselves by showing their professional competence and a desire to move up the career ladder. And this is just one of the grounds for entry into profsoobschestvo.
Personal contacts or connections
Partly I was told, what interesting dating and relationships in profsoobschestve. Do you remember one of the catch phrase - "communication solves everything," "not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends," their people - deem "," birds of a feather flock together ", etc. it.p.? In the past, this principle has been known since birth, and we grew up under the exchange of envelopes, which were accompanied by the words: "Hi, I'm from Semen Semenycha. Now imagine what each of us could do without the assistance of friends, acquaintances, relatives and others around you interesting and helpful individuals. I do not know about you, but I certainly would not have been where I am, I do not use their environment in the correct order to me. To be precise - this is the beast, which is called communication skills and ability to build positive relationships with their environment. Well, if you still learn and benefit from this extract, then get supernavyk, which is so necessary to the successful manager.
Now, about who and how to contribute to our progress up the career ladder. As it may sound cynical, but each of us is a product of the labor market. More precisely, the goods are our abilities, skills, experience and business image. We promote, or more simply - "sell":
friends and acquaintances;
profsoobschestva or hangouts.
The usual story in the "smoking room" for you with an estimate of the "plus" or "minus" can play a big role in your fate as a specialist. So your image in the eyes of representatives of each of these categories is very important. According to statistics, receiving positive emotions in communication, one man recounts the conversation another five companions, and received negative information - ten. You should look in the eyes of your customers with the best hand, and you should notice, which means you must have a known name, or brand, as well as meeting the appropriate level of packaging, and thus meet the requirements of potential customers. There is one rule:
experts are not sold through the rivers, routers! How do you sell depends on what you say about colleague.
For example, if you are looking for a specialist in advertising, the best advice you can give only an expert on advertising, which rotates in this area, many know not by hearsay, but by working moments. Therefore, the views of colleagues may like to help your progress, and vice versa. From this and there are various rules and codes of professional communities. Naturally, in this area, like any commodity market, there are always different price categories: simple, dear, exclusive. In the course of business, you will encounter each of them, bearing in mind what category you belong, you'll have and the appropriate environment. So do not spoil relations with colleagues. Indeed, the better a bad peace than a good war.
Do not underestimate the importance of private parties, and you certainly can make a list of people you know. When I came up with this idea, I jotted down a list of the course, consisting of about 100 people - it's schoolmates, classmates, colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Imagine the amount of useful information you can get. Indeed, this may be your crowd. Perhaps those people who can help you already have in your list. I so happened: two of my classmates were professionals need my sphere, and one friend - a man who knows my future clients, well, so current and former colleagues - it's just a bottomless cup. Or take contact and communication of their relatives, friends of your friends, etc. it.p. So it is possible and build a house, not to mention career. The most important thing in this case, as always - this action, because without him none of it will not move. Initially there will be many activities, both useful and useless, although the second version is controversial. After all, only learned to distinguish necessary from unnecessary contact, set priorities for solving their problems, you will be able to qualitatively all their resources. Road by walking. So roll up your sleeves, tighten the belt and forward - to conquer the summit.
And one of the main trump cards, of course, after your uniqueness, your environment will be those who know you and whom you know. Convenient to start keeping a database of their environment in an ordinary file Excel, and then if desired it can be transformed into a card index. I prefer to use the address book of The Bat or Outlook. I assure you that the time spent entering information into a program that will greatly facilitate your further life. You will automatically be displayed reminders of birthdays and other important events of your colleagues and friends. You will be able without difficulty to find the right person, if you divide your database into categories or groups.