How to become an interesting person
Who may be called an interesting person?
There is hardly a universal definition of what it means to be an interesting person. You can highlight some features that define the interestingness. For example:
1. Man 'not the same as all ". Only this "otherness" must not be too strange. Of interest new, something different from usual, but in the clear. Women often can not articulate why they like a man, so answer - he does not like the others. Logic in this assertion is not enough, it's more emotion, but they create a sense - is interesting. A person can not do anything special, but if someone of his word, look, behavior, perceived as something unusual, new, it is of interest.
2. Hobby (hobbies). In contrast, "not like all the" enthusiasm usually opredmecheno clearly defined. It should be also unusual. Collecting of live crocodiles, clearly not a traditional occupation, to someone, it may seem interesting, some do not, as such, the investigation of a mysterious, unknown, always attracts people, is of interest.

3. Mystery, mystery, myths. Unlike drag, then interest is not business, and personality. The man himself has to be mysterious. His clothes, speech, belief, faith. Mystery must be supported by the absence or addition of contradictory information about the identity of the person. We should also mention the attractiveness of the myth. Famous actors, politicians, people from TV, attracted a lot of myths about himself and his life. Maybe they are all very simple and little interest people, but for them work myths appeal. For example, they have an interesting life, every day they see the living ... (substitute the name of a famous person themselves), they are happy and rich. It happens in different ways, but from my personal interaction with so-called stars of show business, famous politicians, it follows that, firstly, they are ordinary people who have nothing human is alien, and secondly, many simply tortured and unhappy life creatures living is not real life, and the myth of himself, for what the reality of their hurts with every collision, and thirdly, the myths, of course, attract, but they remain myths far from real life.
4. Position, status in society. Interest in such people, sometimes called a rather pragmatic expectations - get help. From movie stars, singers, politicians, bankers are trying to meet you, show them interesting not only because of greed, but also for the prestige, the desire to join the success, just to talk with an interesting person.
5. Availability of knowledge, skills, skills that people can share. Here, too, as to the status in society, interest is the possibility of something useful to obtain, it is not only material wealth, but spiritual, mental and personality.
We can say that special interest people, combining all these five characteristics, or, at least, two out of five. But now, the most simple and effective, what makes a person interesting, about a sense of humor.
Interesting people call not those who know the theory of relativity can be boring and her present, and those who are uplifting, funny and witty. Often, the same meaning have the words "who's fun," with fun "," with fun ", etc. To those who evokes positive emotions are drawn, they want to be near, are invited to the company. The easiest and most reliable way to be interesting, it's time to tell you an anecdote, a joke, aphorism, metaphor, at the right time to defuse the situation, bring a smile and laughter. Do you?
Then you are in training " or how to become an interesting person."