How to become an optimist - 10 Tips
When everything in your life goes the way you want done, smile and enjoy life easy. But if on your way encounter problems, difficulties, it is immediately ready to awaken in us a pessimist and a whiner. Can I fight him? It is possible, because positive thinking you can build yourself, you can tune in on a wave of optimism and joie de vivre!
Case of a regular nuisance, and we sigh: "Well, again." And do not even suspect that this "again" transfer failed because the incident categories in the category of accident patterns. Maybe it's time to reconsider its attitude, the attitude to things happening around, events? The science of how to turn a negative into a positive rather tricky, but she just need to learn. Only then will you be able to celebrate the release of any situation.
1. Build positive forecasts
It's a shame, but very often we are the hands, or rather thoughts, words, program yourself to a negative result, using such turns of phrase like "Again I have no luck," is beyond me, "and suddenly I have nothing happen? . Thus, we initially cast out all the bright, positive, drives away from you good luck. And do not stop the failure in the end, you have still a lot of attempts to achieve the desired result. If you accept failure in your life, as a kind of constant, rather than coming phenomenon, to cope with the pessimistic, as well as with the strikes you again and again, failures, you will be well very difficult. After all, no wonder the people who measures the life of such categories as "never" and "always" considered to be the most inveterate pessimists.
2. Do not engage in self-flagellation
Pessimist to optimist distinguish quite easily, just need to know who exactly he blames for his failures. An optimist thinks that everything that happens and do not worry - all have troubles, while a pessimist blames all his troubles all around, or himself. Pessimists with his low self-esteem can be difficult to effectively eliminate the problem because it is on it just loops. An optimist is always reserve the right to make mistakes. Life itself has shown that optimists are right in their expectations, because they'll always be obtained, if not the first attempt.
In order to change its attitude towards the world, often remember about what you're good, smart, cute, purposeful, and so on. Make it a rule, praise yourself for every little thing, and reserves the right to make mistakes. Be a drop of self-interest - to see love has never yet no one interfered.
3. Choose the optimists to friends
Quite often, our perception of the world unwittingly adapts to the mood of others. And indeed, if in your environment some pessimists and whiners, so how you will undertake a good mood? Optimists also exude a completely different mood, as such people tend to say "man-sun."
Depression and negative also, and perhaps more contagious than the optimism and good humor. And because it is not necessary to keep their environment pessimistic people, otherwise soon you'll be noticing that your mood deteriorates day by day more and more - and there is fishing and close to depression. Drag to people having a positive charge - it's not only kindness, positive, but also a desire to help friends in difficult times. And so, the team optimistic going forward, supporting and encouraging each other, and no obstacles in their path.
4. Takes a positive trainings
Increasingly popular in our time become visualization techniques. Their essence is - absolutely any thoughts are material. And it means that we can draw to itself good luck and desired results. Tune in to the positive!
In order to begin to engage in this technique you have enough at first for 5 minutes a day. Try to relax and to maximize what you want to achieve in the near future. For example, you want to arouse people around you just a good feeling. Imagine as you walk down the street and smile at passers-by, and, naturally, they smile in response. Feel the heat coming from the passers-by and joy. Think of all the most specifically, to the smallest detail. Later, going out, remember your feelings that you felt doing this exercise and you will see that the result does not take long.
5. Listen to classical music
Often prone to depressive state due to the fact that in the cerebral hemispheres simply a lack of coherence. There are many methods, techniques that harmonize this work, ranging from meditation and acupressure, and ending with exercises to develop coordination.
So the researchers concluded that classical music is a beneficial effect on our mood, develops memory, and even social and language skills.
6. Do not avoid sex with someone you love
Prolonged abstinence, or sexual dysfunction negatively affect the general state of human well-being. Unsatisfied woman looks and feels unlike the worse than a woman who has a steady partner who fully satisfies her. And we are not talking about the inflammation of the appendages, malfunctions, intestine, mastitis, shattered nerves.
Make love as often as possible and as much as possible. It turns out that for the aggression and sexual attraction is responsible for the same think tank. Also during sex the human body produces hormones of pleasure and kisses will help relieve stress and soothe shattered nerves.
7. Live to live!
Pessimists tend to justify their failed lives lack vision and goals. Try anything to get carried away, busy man no time to be bored and depressed. You should also learn how to competently manage your time, otherwise the stresses and neuroses are guaranteed.
Looking for something for the soul, whether it's a new job or a new hobby. This work takes us one third of our lives, so do, at least, so that this third brought us as much pleasure and joy. But do not forget about the rest - a great way to gain positive experiences, which will suffice us for a long time. Try as little as possible to deny yourself in some desires, avoid rigorous framework, or nervous breakdowns are guaranteed.
8. Pace yourself diets
Those who do not bother counting calories daily are much less likely to face depression, sadness, hurt, rather than thin persons with the model parameters. However, fast food's still not the best way to satisfy their hunger, because it will lead you straight to depression, memory problems, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease.
Need to limit yourself, but you need to limit the mind. And if you are dieting, it is worth remembering about the right foods that contain essential vitamins our body and substance.
9. Relax in the pleasure
Meditation helps to restore our strength, replenish energy stores, and set a positive mood. Learn how to relax, only meditation can bring you the maximum benefit.
Meditation should be where you no one can disturb, preferably at dawn - when our body is supported by the energy of the sun. You may also include music.
If you become regularly engaged in meditation, then a couple of weeks noted a general improvement in emotional state.
10. Make it a habit to smile more often!
Even the finest brain and beauty can not call the confidence of others, if she smiles strictly on holidays. Your smile will tell you about many things - about your good will, the willingness to move forward, undaunted by difficulties.
Smile even when not in the mood. A few minutes later stretched smile turned into the most that neither is true, and the mood improves.
Did you know
- Optimists live longer than pessimists, as much as 10-20%.
- Optimists get sick less often and recover faster.
, Every second woman has an orgasm optimist, while as of pessimistok only one in five can boast.
- Scientists say that 7 out of 10 people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system - the pessimists.