How to become beautiful without makeup
- Well, monster!
- Where?
- Yes, there, across the street is ... Do not go, and swoops ...
- Yes, horror. And how did you manage to see at this distance?
- It's so terrible that it is impossible not to notice.
Not about you? And, thank God! And there are those to which only those conversations and sticky. And all my life, these "ugly ducklings" are suffering. And well, if you can become a beautiful swan. But to do that sometimes you need outside interference. Who have enough good words, and to whom five plastic surgeries. It is important that the soul of man was beautiful, it's understandable. But who wants to keep his life with such a monster, albeit with a beautiful soul? Yes, is unlikely anyone will look closely to the soul after glyanet in appearance. Here you'll first need to change the appearance myself, and then we will skip the soul.
Although, it is worth considering what is a "beauty"? Why its owner, and are chic and cars, and the noble suitors, and a place for secular parties? A girl's easier sitting home tonight and watch "Not Born Beautiful." Who can name the criteria of beauty? Well, for example, a small nose - it is beautiful? Of course. But if he is not on the face, on which all other facial features full and sensitive. Then the little nose would look like no dorosshy otrostochek. Or here's another, large slanted eyes, well, just the ideal of beauty. You yourself saw his enormous eyes on the floor person, but to beauty as the sky. Hence, the beauty of a harmonious totality? But is such a set play a role only facial features and figure? And if a beautiful girl can not talk, she silent, whether to just stick her rich suitors? It turns out, we want to be called "beautiful" that which in addition to a round little ass and cute little face has a certain charm. Inner charm. There are in fact the situation that a person does not shine is not a person is not a figure, but his winning smile smooths out all the bumps.
Although, in this reflection, we must take into account the objective of beauty. We watch the fashion show, and we see that the model beautiful women. But we're not talking with them. And to say that what she persons can not. Therefore, to look at the beauty, quite harmonious combination of face and figure. But to live with beauty and longs for inner beauty. Yes, even bigger. And what happens? We do not want outwardly handsome guy or a girl, and internally. And here he is a vicious circle. How do I know what peace of mind a man who outwardly we are not attractive?
It all depends on the person. If he thinks that he is a monster, all walking around seeing a monster. If he thinks he is handsome, all see this beauty. Given that this man has crooked legs and no eyebrows. How do we take information that we are beautiful or not? Certainly from the outside. We say what we do. Her parents, then friends, then colleagues, then partners. And we ourselves think that we were told. What if I change this pattern, and build all the way around. We will think of themselves as themselves think is right. Let's prorepetiruem. It will be difficult, but realistic. If you wish that today will be different. How? They themselves wish.
So, let's go to the mirror. Look at ourselves. Forget everything you know about yourself. The man you see for the first time. How about that? Climbed into the subjective thought, persecuted them away. You must think only that the reflection in the mirror just perfect. If you - a girl, this girl - the standard of beauty. Anything placed on her face, all excellent. Below, too. It is with her need to take an example to all models and women of fashion. Under it to make up and dress. It dictates BEAUTY. The subtlety of this exercise is to believe those thoughts. Not just mumbled it under his nose, and then neighing of his nose or eyes. And truly believe in what we say. Because we believe in what we are told by others. We believe, and so are we. And now we'll trust myself, and they just - to contemplate the result. We will speak to his twisted eye, that he is an excellent eye for light, and it would be this. The main thing to believe it.
There is one fear, which fear the newcomers. Sounds like: it will self-deception. I would think that the beauty and the people around would laugh at me. Over my behavior on my opinion. This will happen only if you doubt yourself. If your installation of the mirror will sound like this: it seems I am beautiful. I guess I have a foot nothing, a neighbor today they looked up and smiled.
If we pay attention to what they think about us all the people around, you'll soon go mad. 6 billion people and the same number of opinions. Do we want everyone to please, and become such what they want to see us? If yes, wish you luck, and when you reach the result, call, I'll write about you a scientific book.
Need to know that I'm beautiful. That's all. This is not a theorem, it is not necessary to prove. It is a fact. Iron, concrete, tile - whatever, it's important that he has not changed. And let's not much to cling to a beautiful face. Need to look for a mate for the soul. Because external beauty is. A man remains. And with whom we live life, we can determine only ourselves. Pity those who are chasing beautiful women. They will not be happy if these girls in the shower soothers. Mistresses are beautiful, and marry the beautiful soul. And the wives give their whole life.
But our desire to be beautiful both externally and internally understandable. We are women, and we are the bearer of beauty. Therefore, start working on myself. Cosmetics and beauty need not give up. But they will not help. If inside, we are confident that the ugly, the beauty of us do not provide any beauty salon. Must start from within. First, the belief that "I am - beautiful," and then a bit of makeup. While some believe it then and not useful ...
Make autosuggestion every day and a week later will see the result. And 40 days to fix and the effect if you performed the task correctly, it reached that, to aspire to. And become what they wanted. 40 days - this is the end result. Therefore, if during the process feel that something is wrong, change your tactics. What you'll get through this period of time, change will be as difficult as that with which we walked all my life. Once inside you will have confidence, you will dazzle with their beauty all around.