How to become successful?
Say you work for money or fame, out of habit, or perhaps out of necessity? Any of these answers is wrong. For the successful person is always working for their own pleasure, and always gets the joy of the work itself, and not just remuneration for work. As written by Martin S. Fridson in his fundamental work "How to become a billionaire" - the study of psychology and strategies for success, "regardless of what the structure of tomorrow's billionaires - on the floor, past experience, distribution of newspapers, etc. - one characteristic probably will remain constant: the joy of the process of wealth creation. " This critical condition, my friends! If you aspire to a certain goal, never say to yourself: "That's when I reach, and then ..." No way! Warn you of this error. Rejoice in every moment, thank for the fact that you become wiser and wiser, is celebrated each, albeit small, victory, and then a big win will come as if by itself. The main thing - it is to enjoy the process!
How to become successful? achieve real success is possible only when you perform your high destiny. In this case, you do what brings joy to you and to others, and the success and happiness come into your life spontaneously and easily. The entire universe is alive and functioning in accordance with the principle of least effort, achieving the best results with minimal energy consumption. As my favorite Deepak Chopra, "when Nature is the most fruitful and creative, it does not work ... she plays!" When we follow their intended use, we're going with the flow of life and arrive at the success of the fastest and most direct way - without a struggle, coercion and exhausting labor. Then the fulfillment of desires and enjoying all the joys of life become the natural state of our lives. What to do this?
First of all - always listen to your heart and go for your desires for pleasure, for pleasure. Do what you love, be with people who are pleasant to you, enjoy life and turns any work into the game. Just do not expect that you will have plenty of free time, I promise you I can not. However, your time will be so filled with creative work in the name of its own and the common good, that joy will be permanent to your companion. Believe me, I know! Do all happy and easy! Then your actions will become natural, and the work will be carried out without apparent effort, as if you could do much more. And you can easily achieve success.

One of my friends all their lives doing with a smile. She gets out of bed, smiling, smiling, engaged in mundane affairs, smiling, goes to work. Returned to work, she also continued a smile on his lips. It represents a stark contrast to the bustling and morose fellow citizens, which often annoys her happy face. Once she met the man, who was returning home in a depressed mood. Having seen running towards the smiling beautiful woman (not a secret that your smile can any of us to turn into a beautiful woman! "), He was even more angry - why is it so much fun! And I decided to follow the beautiful fairy that does not rush out on a date or a holiday, but with a serene smile committed everyday shopping, enjoying the spring sun and clear sky. So he walked with her to the door of her house. Since then, they do not leave. A springtime fairy life continues to smile as if she - Olympic goddess, not an ordinary woman who works as a nurse in a nearby clinic.
Success will come to you as easy as you think about it. Even if you have a lot of work, turn your work into a pleasant experience. Say to yourself: "I like my job, I like a lot of work, it is my voluntary desire. Work brings me joy, I do everything easily. It is my pleasure to help people make efforts to create their own success. Good luck - in my hands, success comes to me always and everywhere. "
You'll see very soon your life will change for the better - you'll notice how leaves depressed mood, feeling of uselessness, lack of demand. You feel that you turn into an energetic person who is subject all of what he'd just not wanted.
By the way, I highly recommend you listen to very true saying "sleep on it." If you have a whole day unsuccessfully struggling to solve some complex issue, try to postpone it until the next morning. Tell yourself the heroine of the famous novel "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett O'Hara: "I think about it tomorrow!" - And release your problem, throw it out of my head. It is possible that the correct answer would come to you in the morning. It was a dream subconscious works best without any interference from consciousness. In no event do not need to scroll the alarm situation in your head, turning from side to side in bed. Still did not come up with sound. Before going to bed mentally "give up" the problem of his heavenly helpers, and most likely in the morning you wake up with a ready solution. Relax and with a clear conscience go into the realm of Morpheus.