How to behave at an official event?
Official events are distinguished by their pathos, and the fact that they are going to only well-defined segments of society or group. Among them are the presentation - it may be a presentation of expensive wine, or opening a new club, a restaurant, the conclusion of a new product on the market, in general, the demonstration of its capabilities. Corporate festivals - here, in principle, it is clear the company can celebrate in style or your birthday or any holiday, such as New Year's Eve, so much so to celebrate that all competitors in the jealousy.
Official events are united by common purpose and idea, as well as a desire to attend such events to attract attention with its gorgeous views. This type hangouts can be addressed both to the external environment - potential customers, and internal - to employees. Such events must write in the press or on TV, publishing special issues of corporate newspapers, there is information in the online news.
The composition of such hangouts determined by the scale of the event. If this presentation, then it is always present "secular dandies and ladies', men who put on the status of attending such events. Speaking about the occupation, we note that the majority of participants composed of representatives of creative professionals: designers, PR people, journalists, and - although you can meet representatives of business circles. Number of participants in such activities varies greatly and can range from 50 to 500 people, and these figures are very roughly.
At the corporate holiday present employees and their families. Naturally, it involved and CEO, and a simple servant. A great way to informally communicate with colleagues, and if the company is large, and just get acquainted. The number of participants depends on the company, but then again an average of 50 to 1000 people. At the corporate event you can invite clients and partners. A very effective move. In general, the establishment of informal relationships in Russia - the most effective way to conquer the market.
Laws and regulations
Naturally, that has its own laws or rules of each event. How to behave at an official event? official activities inherent in self-restraint in the manifestation of his emotions. So it's not recommended to drink a fair amount of alcoholic beverages. Consequences may be unexpected. Orientation comes in small interest groups, which already can afford to discuss a particular figure or event. Dress code strongly depends on the venue, because the presentation may be at a nightclub and at the palace. So it is with corporate events: it may be leaving the city, and maybe even celebrate the anniversary in some serious recreation. Combines all only that if the chosen place, the clothes all the participants will meet him. Keeping a formal setting, the participants should be in good spirits to create a general atmosphere of celebration of life.
When I worked as the head of department personnel, I was able to organize on-site corporate event for 300 people. It was the birthday of the company. To start I had a month to work hard to find a venue, and here I was helped by employees themselves, describing how they had organized a feast in the previous year. I did not particularly wise, and met with representatives of the pensions Baltiets "and" Petrel ". The difficulty was in another: for the year has significantly increased the number of employees, and we long to decide how to get out of this situation. In the end, decided that we must take all, and employees and their families, I began a systematic training for this event.
Ascertaining the needs of our employees through word of mouth, I first wrote the program the day off, just as uchi-whether in a military institute, and then have gone to negotiate with the pension. After I went five times in pensions, ordered everything necessary for the celebration, to determine who my team of organizers for any kind of recreation is responsible, we could begin to conduct itself. Morning, a convoy of five buses, we're going to rest. Turned out to be a great sunny day in September. The most difficult was the beginning of the holiday. Although all staff had a program of the meeting, everyone wanted to personally ask me, but what we do and where to run. Had to show all his sensitivity to all clear that the first thing we put in the rooms and then go into the assembly hall for the official part.
The official part consisted of summing up the competition "The soul of the company" - it was a secret ballot the team and congratulations to the staff. Of officials and directors so early no one came, and all official part fell on me. Text of the speech I was not, in the end he did not need it. I took the microphone and in full of all the hall began to congratulate, to sum up the contest, handing out gifts. Happened without a hitch, apparently because at the time of the excitement just was not there. After that there were all sorts of meals, sports games, dinner, handing out gifts again the most active participants. Interest to obtain dinner. I have the time did not fit and I had to drag speakers and a microphone directly into the dining room, where, during dinner, I was quickly dealt with congratulations and gifts.
And paintball. Part of the people went home, and 100 of the most active people went to shoot. It was great, a pity that I did not have to play. Team played 40 to 40 people. At the end of the evening tired and dirty, but terribly happy we went home. In the office after the holiday, I hung up the wall newspaper with funny pictures. Conversations had in the month. The main point I took away from this is that no matter how organized, still have to improvise. It is therefore important not to lose self-control and make decisions quickly, then people will follow the leader. And all pretty much hard to do. And I've got at the festival were disappointed or deprived. It is the nature of such warehouse, as they say, can the leopard change his spots.
How can I use the official events to their advantage
Now the fun part. We proceed from the lyrics to practical action aimed at obtaining a result that you have invented yourself. Official events are a good place for new contacts and to a lesser extent for informal contacts. A, respectively - are only the first step to address the issues. In formal events you can have two basic roles - the participant or organizer. If you're party:
Mark of the total mass of the people of those who may be interested;
Ask a friend or someone from the organizers to introduce you to them;
on a technical matter, you can use harvested "legend" that you are interested in this event, and a couple of questions on the topic hangouts;
thereafter, so as not to annoy the other party, to express my gratitude for what he / she has given you time off to search for new interesting subject;
if possible, I recommend to take a guest list from the organizers, then you can check with someone managed to communicate, but who else will;
on the corporate party can come in the name of the partner companies and to congratulate the owners of the holiday, but to congratulate you need only the first persons, otherwise there is no special meaning.
If you are the organizer:
met all the guests;
engage in dialogue, posing one of the organizers, and discover the opinion of participants of the event;
be most active in this celebration of life, say a few words or speech from the scene, say a nice toast, whatever, but you should notice;
paid special attention to important contacts and the first person, whether it is always beside them.
This is basic advice, and of course, that the terrain is always visible. Most importantly, you have had procured 5.6 well-formed questions about the event, a brief formal presentation of himself and legend of why the topic of the evening you are so interested.