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How to behave properly with mean people

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How to behave properly with mean people?

Quite difficult to distinguish between frugality and stinginess between extravagance and easy attitude to money. Financial issues of each individual to decide, depending on their solvency and how easily he got his savings. How to properly conduct themselves with mean people , those who cares for every penny and constantly hunt for discounts? Remember that in a conversation with such people do not want to raise the topic of money and financial success of others. Man becomes a mean, as a rule, not willingly.

Perhaps this is a consequence of upbringing (his parents were very greedy and raised their children according to their principles), or the person is very hard to get his own money (he is working on several papers, but no one normally do not pay). So it's best to delete all topics related to value salary miserly person, the cost of purchased items (which most likely bought at the flea market), and not to discuss matters relating to its savings or deposits. It is not excluded that your overly thrifty companion hides the true value of their capital and is a modern underground millionaire, and his miserliness stems from the unwillingness to attract attention. In a conversation with mean man should not boast about recently acquired the coat from Gucci and Versace jeans. You can call him an unhealthy envy.
With people who like to overspend, it is not necessary to be very scrupulous in money matters. Can plenty pootkrovennichat with them on this subject. For those who like to spend their purchase - is the subject of their pride. They will gladly tell you that how much and where it is available. However, be careful taking them an invitation to walk to the shops or dine at the restaurant. To them the opportunity to spend the money - it's an unforgettable experience in this environment, they feel like fish in water, it is their element, they can not see your embarrassment at the sight of too high prices. In addition, their excitement is contagious, you can, yielding passion for your companion to spend your monthly earnings. In such situations, do not be afraid to slow down, give up buying a very expensive thing you advised to purchase your companion if you do not want to hit the face in the dirt, then you can use a banal excuse: "Oh, I forgot my credit card at home, and of cash just to have enough taxis . Do not be afraid to say that you are purchasing is too expensive, it is better to stay than to be left without a penny.
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