How to behave with subordinates?
Look closely at his subordinates: You will notice that in different situations, they behave differently. Knowing who is behaving like, you can skillfully manage people, using their strengths and weaknesses. The proposed lower graduation is conditional and is intended to illustrate some features of management styles, it will help you better understand how to behave with subordinates . Names are listed below, also conditionally associative.
1. "Business." practical, pragmatic, knows and understands the basic production processes. Focused on results and able to achieve. However, rarely takes into account the interests of business to solve their local problems. He needed a clear and thorough and fully articulated goals. Practically does not need to control, performs the challenges ahead with enthusiasm and desire. However, it is necessary to help the creative intellectual, able to tell no standard solution. If you originally set clear objectives and clear in the development of business plans you were a party, then success is almost a foregone conclusion. The disadvantages are usually not simple, sometimes capricious nature.
2. "wagon." He is independent, but always agree to substitute, to help stay on overtime. He is responsive and pleasant to him to ask for advice, do not fail. His humble excessive control and a reminder - it always works, using its capacity by 100%, it can not be customized, faster, still no one will do. Understands the task at once. He is a recognition of his achievements and sincere praise for a successful outcome.
3. "narcissist." Accordingly, the name of His ego. Only a business or is considered to be important, which can reveal the whole appeal of his ability. Of vanity can be done and the work that has previously eschewed. Need to provide it with such work as extremely important, fundamental, then he will take for it with enthusiasm. But such an employee touchy and often whimsical.

4. "addicting." Imagine his task, as most unusual, difficult, take some time and imagination to such of its "presentation" and the best performer you can not find. It is important to just be able to describe the problem, the results of decisions which "change the world!" But the work of such a "workaholic" will still have control, otherwise you risk getting a solution nevoplotimoe in life as well as receive a utopian fantasy character, far removed from real life. Flight of his thoughts must be constantly "hold" like a balloon for a thread, or look for it later in the clouds of fantasy. He needed an assistant rationalist.
5. "energetic." As the saying goes - it is more important process than the outcome. He is hyper-active in its execution, any zadachka becomes important global issue for which he spends a lot of energy. He always take up any job, do not stop, move for him - a synonym for life. Offer him a load more and Public Works, it will distract him and take a pause between the main tasks. It is necessary to actively use its main feature - the ability to inspire, ignite our energy team. It is he who is entrusted to the collective performance on the theme "Our priorities!
6. "moralist." Externally holds with pride, recalling "peacock", he often annoyed his colleagues constant teachings and advice. He knows how to live! For external worthiness is often even harmful to the team and business in general. Do not forget about him in the upcoming staff reduction.
7. "bureaucrat." Him and be not necessary. Rab instructions and regulations Strangler Initiative, strict guardian of the laws. However, today it is a place where it is especially in demand - it's well-honed routine work, when required scrupulous fulfillment processes. It is he who will interpret and help resolve ambiguities in the documents. They are able to accountancy.
8. "Doubting." We're not talking here about normal doubt that accompanies the search for the right decision. Doubtful, as not sure - often have doubts and do not resolve the choice of methods for solving practical problems and challenges. With barely accepts the burden of responsibility in decision making. Has a weak sense of humor. However useful for brainstorming, his endless doubts "cools" hot head, prone to adventurous decisions.
9. "Creator." Often, a person with extraordinary abilities. Slightly closed, responsive and constructive in the debate, generous with ideas and easily share them. He is more important result than the process. Works beautifully, no fuss. However, the vulnerable and defenseless. More in need of good will and support, and of course recognition. He is like a diamond, usually modest and inconspicuous, but inside - this is pure brilliant. Fortunate that the collective in which such employee is a leader.
The combined knowledge of these psychological portraits, characteristics of temperament, coupled with your emotional intelligence and erudition, of course, will qualitatively structured team, to understand its problems and provide an effective influence on both the individual and on the collective as a whole. The only condition that should always remember - it's the sincerity of the individual and the group in general. It should be noted that the proposed higher graduation still is conditional, as in life we do not find exactly fall under the proposed wording of psychological types of people. For this reason, must apply to the entire creative, learning of their colleagues and subordinates. With this approach, you will find some similarities and differences and be able to analyze them on their own to build a model of influences. Yet the style of communication that you choose is very important. Obviously, the more he is more flexible, so speedily you can switch from one style to another depending on the situation and tasks!