How to behave with your favorite man
Acquainted with a man, sooner or later, we somehow just bursting to tell all of his former hobbies. Some do it to partner to keep abreast of, say, I've always had success with the opposite sex, but I need a real man and maybe you're the best ... maybe .. Others are just trying to be completely frank, it's just my choice, the one and only - he should know everything about me, others think it is better to talk now about all your adventures than to emerge that something unpleasant, etc. And yet, ladies think carefully, and whether your chosen one this true? Even if you do speaks about his former bad loss of his dignity and the dignity of extolling the present, your partner will still feel ordinary prey. The first thing that comes to mind, is the fact that you have bad taste! Yet you are constantly contacted by some idiots and scoundrels. Partner must ponder, not whether he will be the next mistake? If on the contrary, you will be telling, with what burning macho you have had affairs, consider what men like to be just replacing your possibly true unforgotten feelings?
So the first rule - no talking about the former partner. Silence - gold. Does not happen? So do not wait to make a comparative analysis of the former and present? Well, who's stopping you? Invite your friend to visit and share your experiences! Here it is, then listen and sympathize and understand.
Rule Two: Do not sharpen its focus on the income your vote . Every man really wants to be appreciated for the personal qualities and talents, rather than make of car or office. The presence of a bank account and a chic apartment in the city center - this is just a great addition, but not the main advantage of your vote. And then, who will give you a guarantee that by marrying a rich and promising, one day the fairy tale did not come to an end? It is much more important than the ratio of your companion for you that he tells you what actions you commit for, etc. If you still can not wait to count the bills in his wallet, though do not ask him about it directly. Choosing another bauble for yourself, do not ask your partner for what amount you can expect. Such behavior can terminate your relationship. A man wants to see next to each other the woman, which he will need in the sorrows and joys and riches or in poverty. Knowing that you are primarily concerned about his income, he would never dare to serious relationships and even more so to marry you. After all, can always find someone richer your beloved, one who can buy you.
Rule Three: never spoke of his family badly. Even if his mom calls you ugly, and tries to scare away from you good for nothing son - for you it is the most wonderful mom in the world, well except for your own mom of course. Buy his mom gifts for the holidays and always remember her birthday! If she does not want to communicate with you, go through its partner send congratulations and give her the tokens. Remember, you do not at all for it - your goal is to reach a loved one, and so he will appreciate it, believe me! And at the time of the next argument and explanation of the relationship with his parent, he will make a final decision in your favor, but what else? You're such a wonderful, attentive, did not conflict so fond of his mother, and she does not appreciate nor you, nor your relationship to it!
Rule Four: Never compare a woman to elect their girlfriends. Here, they say, look, like Svetka Oleg dresses, so it is business-like style, and you'd go - definitely! And economic, and careful what, oh happy Svetka it behind him like a stone wall. Do not be surprised when you finally begin to compare with Angelina Jolie, clearly pointing to its benefits. You deserve it fully. Next will be worse with time you learn that quite know how to dress, bad cooking, etc. Your partner should feel that he is the man that you need - not Zhenya Svetkin or someone else, and it is he!
Rule five: do not flirt with your partner's friends. It is clear that flirting laid in a woman by nature, he gives us the opportunity to feel attractive, and improve their self-esteem. Moreover, we want to enjoy your favorite friends, but not to deceive, but simply for the fact that he could be proud of us. It's so nice when the environment of your chosen delighted with you. That's the way it is, but man does not understand all the subtleties of female flirtation, in his understanding of the purpose of flirting female one - to seduce! Therefore, the company you are, of course, darling, but attention should be given to your better half!
Rule Six: Respect personal space partner. You ask, where is ends with taking care of a loved one and begins a violation of his personal space? The sovereignty of each of us is the ability to be alone with him, to dream, to think about something, without sharing with anyone their feelings and thoughts. Therefore, he moved to live with a loved one, do not hurry to sit down at his computer, change the screen saver on his desktop, to delve into its folder, view sms-ki on the phone. Between a man and a woman should not be a relationship a la "We go to Tamara couple." This is a utopia. Men experiencing a particularly severe encroachment on their personal space, it lowers their self-esteem, they start to feel henpecked. A man needs a woman-friend, not a female owner, think about it.
Rule Seven: Never tell your chosen one, you can not live without it! " Just do not confuse it with love declarations. Declaration of love you can you like, but do not always insist that you no clue about himself without that kind of love waiting all my life, etc. The man - a hunter, he was much more fun to win a woman to conquer than to see her every day at their feet ... Such recognition generate confidence in a man of forgiveness on your part, you do still have to live without it can not! So do not be surprised if your faithful coming off it once the other left. In this case, he must ask for your forgiveness, and even repent, because he never for a moment doubt that will be forgiven. Stay for a mystery man, that he can only guess that it is for you the whole world .. and ... let doubt it!