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How to bite flatterer

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How to bite flatterer?

Remember the famous fable of Krylov's "The Crow and the Fox: The fox in this work serves as a veritable arm, its manipulation is possible - it receives from the Ravens coveted piece of cheese. And the essence of this manipulation - Common flattery. It is known that women love with their ears, for there is nothing sweeter than the music of admiration, especially if these words are from the lips of men. Most of the representatives of the fair half just lose your head and become convenient victims for the manipulator.

How to bite flatterer? First, if the man did not often you compliment if ever praising you. And then suddenly it just replaced: it all day telling you that you look wonderful, saw your new shoes and appreciated fragrance. This is the first signal that there is something wrong. The second bell of danger: if a man compliments are more saccharine, more like flattery than true admiration. This is also a sign that a man of you need something.

The essence of manipulation is very simple: a woman loses her head from the compliments and becomes easily manageable, more trusting, begins to feel sympathy for his companion. It was then that a man can ask her about something. How to resist the manipulator, which is trying to insinuate himself into your confidence by speaking a lot of compliments? How to determine sincere or faked his admiration in your address? This is not an easy task. You deal with it if have adequate self-esteem, are able to objectively evaluate themselves and their own efforts.
Try to analyze the compliments of your interlocutor in terms of proximity to the truth. Of course, any woman's good to hear the praises, especially from men, but try to come down to earth and see how they praise untrue. Perhaps his words are more like flattery, uttered with an ax to grind. You should be wary if your partner with a passion of the poet praises the elegance of your legs, and they may not have the harmony, or it compliments your elegant style of dress, and you think you taste you have everything in order.

Once you got to the core flatterer, immediately start defensive actions. Can use his own weapon: do it two or three compliments which are far from reality. Play with your partner in another well-known heroes of Krylov's fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster": "Cuckoo Rooster praises for what he praises the Cuckoo."

-Honey, these earrings are perfectly suited to your eyes. You can not so cool to select jewelry. Could you help me with choosing a gift for my girlfriend?

"I would love to, but with your impeccable taste you do not need an assistant, and even contraindicated.
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