How to build a business conversation
Business conversation may not be effective if it is devoid of content and, therefore, the arguments. In the phase of members argumentation business conversation occupy a certain position. You can try to change an opinion commit the changes, to eliminate or mitigate the conflicts, critically test the ideas and facts presented by you or a companion. Here are laid the way for prisoners creates a base for decisive phase of a business conversation - the decision-making. "Who wants to present their arguments - one psychologist said, - must have at least one real argument, just as someone who wants to roast a pig, should at least have this pig." Persuasive argumentation and correct based on the application of universally recognized and accepted by the business community receptions. Anyone who intends to be persuasive in its arguments, must comply with certain conditions. So, how to build a business conversation.
Operates with a simple, accurate and compelling concepts. Source "hear" or understand less what he wants to show. It should be remembered always. Try to remember what you learned from the last broadcast. In addition, the credibility can easily "drown" in a sea of words and arguments, especially if they are unclear and inaccurate. Exaggeration is a form of lying. And even if the truth smacks of a lie - a partner is better to get rid of. Therefore, should be reliable way to choose and the pace of the argument, the relevant features of the character sobesednika.Na partner better the impact of active construction of sentences, rather than passive. For example, it is better to say "... we have a feasible ..." rather than "... can be done ..." or "... to decide ..." rather than "... to decide ..." and arguments, presented in sequence, much more effectively reach the target than if them to present all at once. Three or four bright argument reach a greater effect than many medium-sized argumentov.Tochno spaced pauses often have a stronger impact than the flow unconvincing words, they are filled. Reasoning should not be declarative or look like a monologue, one of the parties.

Keep the argument is correct with respect to a partner: it is profitable for you, if you are relying on long-term cooperation. It is better to acknowledge the correctness partner, even if it may have undesirable consequences for you. This gives the right to demand the same behavior on the part of the interlocutor. Thus you observe business ethics, which is in the business world - not an empty phrase. Correct reasoning also involves handling only those arguments that have already taken a partner. Avoid empty phrases: they indicate a weakening of your attention and positions that lead to unnecessary pauses to gain time and to catch the lost thread of conversation (such are the phrases "as was said," more or less "," or in other words, "along with noted, "it is possible and so and so", etc.). These expressions - not out of the business lexicon.
Adapt the arguments to the personality of your partner. This means that you need to talk about what the source wants to talk. And he always wants to talk about their goals, interests and benefits. Ignore it - it means deliberately lose. So avoid a simple listing of facts, but instead to present the advantages and implications arising from these facts and interests of our partners (initially characteristics, parameters, characteristics, then the advantages, benefits and methods of use). You used the terminology should be clear interlocutor, otherwise you will not only convince him, but spoil his mood that he was not able to understand your speech. Need to check cross-cutting issues for controlling the level of understanding and perception of the interlocutor. It is useful to remember that excessive credibility is opposed by a partner, especially if it has an aggressive nature.
Avoid non-business expressions and formulations, slow-reasoning and understanding. Strive as possible to clearly convey to a partner their arguments. When using the comparison must take into account the extent possible, the experience of the interlocutor. Otherwise it may be that for you between the compared phenomena is obvious, and for him - not at all. In this case, you are striving for the opposite result - stimulation of the interlocutor. Images and comparisons should reinforce your argument to be persuasive, but without exaggeration and extremes, causing distrust interlocutor and thereby destroying all previous rabotu.Ruchka and paper are optional attributes and aids for all participants in a business conversation. They allow you to capture the main ideas, draw diagrams, to involve the partner in joint work. If bolster their arguments you intend to use the articles and pamphlets, they should pick up strongly on the subject, and the volume limit. Need to know exactly where and what they look for it to start to show and explain everything. The best arguments - these are arguments which are calculated on a clear and logical reasoning, on a detailed knowledge of the case and the circumstances and the ability to predict accurately and specifically provide for the basic stage development discussions. Passive, negative criticism, hurt the partner, emphasizing the difficulties, rather than on ways to overcome speech and expression should be replaced by active, positive, open the perspective and demonstrating the opportunities and chances for success.