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How to build a longterm intimate relationships

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How to build a long-term intimate relationships

And in order to preserve the relationship, requires willingness to compromise, the efforts of both partners. Quite often, the pursuit of other erotic objects, and the men and women prevents assess properly the positive aspects of relations that already exist between them. Sometimes people and can not truly show the potential of their love. They hope that in the future to meet someone better and then that they will show themselves. Anyone who thinks so, and ultimately can stay in "the broken trough". The best way to change the setting on the expectation - to draw attention to their own qualities and positive traits of those around you of the opposite sex. It is hard to predict what the chances of success in romantic relationships of various couples. Many quite unbelievable at first glance pairs coexist for many years, while others seem to be doing well tear the relationship apart. If you want to increase your chances at creating long-term partnership, listen to several important rules about how to build lasting relationships.

Rule 1

I would not recommend too attached to a young man or young woman too. Most risky marriages - those who are in adolescence. Studies related to issues of marriage, suggest that attachment, resulting in nineteen age plus or minus two years, only less viable, especially marriages, which concluded on the basis of pregnancy partner. With age, people tend to change, they will have needs and interests, and each has its own. And only with an absolute understanding of partners developed the same interests. Women who have sexual urges are very active, much longer maintain the attractiveness, watching appearance. If the woman began to lose a flawless appearance - a sure sign that all of her sexual and personal claims have been exhausted. In this case, you should not look for blame partner's likely to blame both, because not developed similar guidelines.
Rule 2

Should not be attached to the person too quickly, do not worry about how to tie standing relationship, by type of family, until not going to stay together for at least nine months. This period is usually necessary to find the best and worst about each other. Stormy passion - a dangerous sign. If you often have quarrels and every one of you has more than once tried to break off the relationship - it's a bad omen. Such situations may be familiar, and you natreniruete a reflex explosive emotions. Suspicious and prolonged period of dating. If you're talking about a permanent relationship, and then put them on two, three or more years, carefully consider the reasons for this situation - maybe you're not willing to lose the independence, or you have something troubling in the behavior of a partner or partner.

Rule 3

Look for similarities. Studies have shown that people with similar interests are usually married. Some marriages between people with different characters work out, but living together couples is much easier when the interests and preferences of the spouses are equal, when the wife wants out of life the same when they have the same value system, the same moral code, the same sexual passion. Well, when the spouses have a common cause. Probably the most suitable for marriage - a slight difference in age. The age difference is more than ten years has prompted too large differences in outlook and life experience and valuable guidance unacceptable qualities in the family.

Rule 4

Look for sexual compatibility. Sex is not one cohesive force, which he may be, if your attitude towards it radically different from that of your partner (partner). Sexual Compatibility - is not just a question of technique, it is important that you are actually attracted to each other, so that you each other really excited. If the relationship is based on mutual affection and love, all the sexual problems are solvable. If not, then most problems would be insurmountable. Continuously improve the erotic culture of each other, remembering that the lowering of erotic interest occurs from lack of culture as well.

Rule 5

Look for emotional maturity. Some personality traits especially harmful to long-term relationships. Frequent outbursts of anger in the form of a fit of rage, a desire to dominate, a tendency to be supercritical - the most dangerous characters in the "road" of family life. Relationships have a chance of success if both behaved only one partner. If this is typical for both, the union is doomed to failure. Low self-esteem - as a forerunner of misfortune, because it has a feeling of jealousy, which destroys the trust relationship.

Rule 6

Make sure that the chosen partner can ensure the physical closeness and affection. Some emotionally isolated individuals who find it difficult to show affection or to accept it, have little leverage to maintain a sincere and pleasant relationship. This usually occurs when a person is too confused inner world or their idealistic benchmarks. It frequently happens that one spouse - an extrovert, and the second - an introvert. Extrovert lives with the orientation of the external society. Introvert lives on the basis of internal, personal guidance. This pair is quite difficult to reach an understanding, but with reasonable consistency of character, even such long-term pairs may exist.

Rule 7

Look for the psychological and emotional flexibility. Ability to adapt to change - one of the most important qualities that should be sought in a partner. Neither an individual nor a union of two people are not something static. Partners is very difficult to meet the changing needs of each other, so emotional and psychological flexibility, which in psychology is called empathy, is very significant as a cultural excellence. Empathy - the desire to plunge into the emotional world of a partner, a desire to understand the desire to be able to hear the most secret thoughts of his or her spouse, the desire to feel the emotions of their loved one.

Rule 8

Do not expect rapid change in a partner. If you have serious doubts about the relationship, forget about them. It would be a mistake to tie a relationship in the hope that your partner will change. If you can live with such a man as he is now - fine. However, if you're hoping that this or that quality, under your watchful influence necessary change, such as people become less prone to mood swings, become less self-willed, less irritable, less prone to jealousy, then you put yourself quite a risky situation. If changes are important to you, look for their signs before you tie to the man.

One essential condition for success requires special attention - your own confidence. If you have doubts about your choice, they can grow and interfere with life together, weakening the attachment that best helps to overcome the problem.
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