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How to build relationships with colleagues

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How to build relationships with colleagues

Considerable amount of time we spend your life in a working team, whether it be a prosperous company, school, hospital or factory. At the service we are surrounded by people who basically are the same as we are - involved, I think not only about the work, often overdriven, and irritable, and sometimes unfair. How to behave with them in order, as they say, and not trampled, and not framed, and helped, if necessary, but that does not interfere with their career or personal life? To be an outcast in the team - hard. Despite the fact that people in the workplace are different, they have to spend much time together and still make some common cause. It follows from this and proceed. But do not forget about yourself.

How to build relationships with colleagues? First of all - directly engaged in their duties qualitatively. If you recently worked with, not seek to directly tie a friendly relationship, go from being too personal and provocative questions concerning your personal life. Sometimes along the way are big disappointments. You will have time to choose a boyfriend or girlfriend when you get to know their colleagues. Do not drive aggressively, do not make harsh statements unless absolutely necessary. Learn more to watch than to actively draw attention to themselves. Immediately remove from those who are willing to provide information about all the negative properties. Such a person and you do not resound well. The best course of action at the entry level - no one to interfere and ask for advice from a reputable staff. If you disagree with something, but currently can not change the situation, wait until then unless you have the option of a better solution.
Male and female staff

Women's team - it's quite a remarkable education. Some believe that a snake kennel is much safer, others quite well adapted to these teams, and third in any group able to be respected and they feel comfortable. To get along well in the women's team, you must be friendly and correct. Do not forget that your every word can be interpreted differently, and no woman will be pleased that her wash up bones. Do not be dogmatic and brutal - you may not know all the motives of a particular behavior. There are ladies who have a claim to the entire world. Please them only when support them in the discussion of someone's shortcomings. Do not fall for this trap - a weakness on your part may entail a whole chain of unpleasant ascertain conversations and quarrels, you are embroiled in someone else cooked, the reasons which nobody remembers.

Let the opinions of people you have formed on the basis of their own experiences. Remember - you do not work by the arbitrator in this team. If you do not want to judge you, do not judge others. Do not join the warring factions, usually wrong on all parties to the conflict. Another thing, if you are involved in the men's team and are going to prove to him his professional viability as well as men. Once in the men's team, we need to know the rules by which men play. Once you hit the men's team and introduced a new employee, you are not already a weak creature, but a team member and competitor in the ranks. No one will be overnice you in operational issues and propose a handkerchief to wipe away the tears. Nobody cares about your well-being, or trouble at home.

The fact is that once you have recognized member of the team, you should know that smart ambitious men are under strict rules. If you do not want to be brightly, take the rules of the game and become a player in the team. Do not disclose weaknesses. It can act on women, but men are podvinet only the fact that sooner or later it hit me. Think fast, move and react. Always remember the result. At work a little men react to your orders, and because of you are waiting for cooperation, the clothes no one would notice, but if you notice, only to taunted. You never wait for a serious relationship to itself, if you dress up for the service as a date.

Should be subjected to a critical test of your wardrobe and develop a style of working clothes. Suit with a skirt or trousers, of course, does not need to hide the femininity. Being a woman among men, and so you are quite noticeable. Clothing should be appropriate and not create a contrast with the clothing remaining colleagues. If you and draw attention to themselves, appearing in the workplace cleavage or a mini-skirt, you will soon receive an invitation for a cup of coffee than to participate in future projects. Do not dally in the service. Think that should show a smile, and all pozabudut about business and begin to look up to you - a dangerous delusion. At work, all normal men are thinking first and foremost about the case, and coquetry perceived as an attempt to bring down a confused and distracted from the case. At best, the attitude towards you will be ironic, at worst - get rid of you at the earliest opportunity. A really stupid you pass for sure.

Office Romance

If you are so confused and psychologically disoriented, remember the context in which you feel most comfortable and most like themselves. Be natural, simple and correct. Say and do can be any thing, but it was with such views. Do not "weep in his waistcoat," a colleague. He might sympathize with you, but your image will suffer for this. If you need advice, specify the problem specifically and without emotion, and ask for advice. The more difficult question, the more respect will cause your self from the one to whom you refer. Whine and mix of service, and friendly relations is not peculiar to men. If you go this route, you're scared fellow, as men are afraid of the emotions that are part of female friendship. On the contrary, seeing as you are able to resist and to "keep face" in various stressful situations, men imbued with a respect for you. Learn how to take a punch, who would not have paid.

There is a good proverb, which is suitable for almost all the hopeless cases: "If nothing can be done only chance - is to keep the only thing left - his own dignity." Do not tire of their male counterparts over maternal care. You may be at best, only able to count to make coffee in the waiting room, and at worst will be weighed upon you, believing that sooner or later you will need something in return. Never climb to men with valuable advice, which they do not ask. Reasonable to express the admiration of the colleagues consider this or that problem. And the most important rule to be followed to successfully exist in any group is to be a normal person, know the rules of the game in the men's and women's team and abide by them, while remaining an independent woman and not lose face.

Many women are addicted colleagues, but this should be some caution. It is quite clear that the more you are passionate about their work, the more likely the emergence of a professional approach to some of the men with whom you come in contact at work. Be careful in dealing with married colleagues. Even the complete absence of you intent to violate family life, his wife of your colleagues may regard you as a predator, wrongly interpreting the most innocent friendship. If the relationship will evolve in the direction of an affair, an additional cause a lot of complications and difficulties that would jeopardize your position at work.

If the relationship continues, the strong alliance between the two employees, especially if one or both of them occupy high positions, can be assessed as a threat. Have any suspicions, albeit unsubstantiated, of favoritism, start whispering that could complicate your relationship with employees. It should be borne in mind that if the administration to preserve peace and good business decides to dismiss one of you, always offer to leave the woman, unless her lover does not take much lower position in the company. Never forget about your women's and human dignity and do not let yourself be manipulated by anyone, not even the person to whom you are very attached. It is worth to you to forget about what a loving person would not expect you to what could hurt you, you will experience disappointment in the work and personal life.
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