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How to build relationships with people

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How to build relationships with people?

What is crucial in order to achieve success in relationships with other people? There is only one answer: we deeply know yourself. The more you know about yourself, the better you understand yourself and the more fully take. The biggest mistake that each of us periodically performs in contacts with others, takes place when we treat them as though they are no different from us, and deprived of their own individuality. Customary to distinguish three different categories of people. This new classification is based on a basic form of motivation inherent in the personality. What exactly motivates people? That arouses their spontaneous interest?

The first category refers to the entrepreneurial personality. This type shows a high level of motivation when he needs to independently perform the most difficult tasks. This is a lone warrior, pioneer, open-minded, but acting in accordance with their own principles and evaluate all of your criteria. For example, the success of tennis player is measured by how he acts in singles. How to establish that we are dealing with the type of entrepreneurial personality? It is very easy. Ask a man what he was most proud of in my life. Enterprising people always call in response to advances that are results of his struggle alone.

The second category belongs to the people manipulator. This man likes to solve problems hands of other people by coordinating their activities, and we complete them from the appropriate command. From it we obtain an outstanding manager or coach. If you ask the robot arm that life creates in him a special pride, he will talk about teamwork, when he effectively helped its participants and motivate them to achieve certain goals.
The third category refers to an assistant, a team player. He is willing to work in teams, where he is received, approve and appreciate. People of this type of hard support of others. They are pleased with the work on realization of joint goals. But they want to be appreciated for all that they do for the group. Each of these people play in the team specific and important role. The key to the analysis of all personality types, especially during the first meeting, is the ability to gradually reveal that, thanks to which these people are born self-confidence, sense of self-worth and pride in themselves. This can be detected by simply asking questions. For example, what was his most important achievements in the past, those of which he recalls today with pleasure and joy? Than it would take more readily, which gave to him the greatest joy, in which cases he would have seen the fulfillment of their hopes?

I will cite another well-known personality typology. For descriptions of this model uses four colors: red ("Head"), yellow ("Artist"), green ("good guy") and blue ("analyst"). Red tsvetoznachaet domination. This extroverted type, the person directly, immediately, concrete, results-oriented and a great individualist. He perfectly manifested on tasks requiring independence and initiative.

Yellow stands as a symbol of intuition. Rights of this type was characterized by openness, he behaves in a companionable and is able to convince others. In its activities, the identity of this type takes a lot of intuition and optimism. These people know how to inspire others with his conviction, win them to his side and high-quality finish work.

The green color is inherent in people diligent, hardworking and energetic. This type is focused on the job, it is distinguished by the seriousness and toughness, but much of the creative flight in this case is not observed. Such a person is stable and trustworthy, it is balanced and does not show strong emotions. People of this type sometimes lacking in passion and initiative. They dutifully carry out orders, but you should not expect them to something greater. In every company, every company, they form a solid foundation, since they can always rely on. These people are not always suitable for managerial positions, and the solution of tasks requiring creativity, do not belong to the category of their strengths.

Fourth, the blue color means honesty. People of this type almost slavishly adhere to once and for all accepted principles. Good or bad, right or wrong, black or white - no shades, no intermediate gradations are not there. They tend not to flexibility, but they are always conscientious, so they are predisposed to work as an accountant or, for example, the Comptroller.

The basis of the following classification is a way of perception of information by people. Your colleagues, friends and the whole environment has a certain method of assimilation and processing of information. Therefore it is important which method you use, in order to provide them with all sorts of information. If you do it improperly, you may run into problems. Let me explain how I understand it. Most people are focused on visual perception (related to the visual type). If you want to tell them anything, it is preferable to transmit this information in writing.

They prefer to see in front of the numbers written in what is called a black and white. When you start talking to them about some article or book, they want to read it. If your supervisor is inherent in precisely this way of perceiving, then you definitely should take this into account and provide him with information on paper in writing. If he prefers to receive oral information, then most likely refers to people, focused on auditory perception (auditory type). Such people are best expressed his own thoughts, expressing them aloud, and absorb information best when listened to her. It may happen that you, being a man audial-type, face a boss who truly learns your information only in writing.

Therefore, immediately ask the boss: "In what form would you prefer to receive information about the results of my work? Orally or in writing? "Audial would prefer a direct conversation. He does not need any paper. If he miss something, forget or do not understand, then immediately ask for clarification. A third way of obtaining information advocates dialogue. Socrates said that we learn only when exchanging thoughts. People tend to engage in dialogue, need to debate. They want to argue and argue, they want to analyze. People prefer this type thoroughly analyze the causes of each phenomenon to understand it. It is characterized by the assimilation of information through questions and reasoned dialogue, and he forms his opinion only on this basis. The key to success in communicating with other people is primarily in understanding themselves and their unique individuality.

Only after you become aware of its uniqueness and originality, you can start to learning what ways should be identified and that represent other people in order to understand and respect them. If you want to collaborate successfully with others, remember that as a rule, people do not tend to change existing stereotypes - either yourself or those nearby. But no one and no need to change! Each of us can simply do what he do best. This means that it is necessary to attempt to find out how you can best use its potential to live and work in harmony with others. How can you build relationships with people? " In its communication necessarily need to give people positive feedback, making people Compliments, initially approach people with a positive storonyChtoby be successful in life, it is necessary to communicate with different people show up, ie talk about what you're interested, go away, listen to and hear the person with whom you communicate. And then your success is inevitable.

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