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How to build your future

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How to build your future?

Rebuild their lives - is work. It's amazing how people go humbly to do the work that they do not like, for the sake of status or money, in order to gain other people, but refuse to do work that could solve all these problems one trick! And this work - it's just refuse to automaticity and habit of living as you do not want. If you do not give up the habit, every time you find yourself in the same situation that you are already familiar with: you tie a relationship with people who behave in a friendly (familiar to you) way, that is the same as your next of kin . This habit is so eats into the subconscious, that we learn such familiar to us, people from far away, subtly, unconsciously reading the information on them by their body language, manner of speaking, a way to communicate and build relationships. And the best part - they do the same! Thus, the circle is closed, and life is a familiar course. The first sign by which you can get accustomed to you man - it's an inner feeling: "Oh, dear!" The only difference is that usually the man - is an upgrade of your cousin, a little bit better. But the model of relations - is the same.

Not to be unfounded, and begin to change this habitual situation, do the exercise. Make a list of features familiar to your life. To do this, the following form: write a few sentences that begin with the words:

"In my dealings with other people, I always worry ... (eg, humiliation)."

"In my life always repeats itself ..."

"My financial position has always operated in a specific pattern: ..."

"How would I myself nor led, I always run into ..."
Perhaps you are born their forms to these proposals - and write them. Thus, describe your whole life, all its scope, without losing anything.

The resulting list - a list of your habits. You're used to what it is, and know how to live with it. How to unlearn the habit to live this way? " How to build your future? For this you need to see, than so useful to have these habits. Many of our clients when we ask them this question: "And what benefit you get from such a life?" - Hastily say: "What are you! No benefit, only one injury! "We want to assure you: it is not. In our lives, that is, everything that happens happens precisely because they bring us some benefit. Perhaps it is implicit, is this good, it is hidden behind the automated perception, so it is not easy to extract the light. But it certainly is. To see it, and as a result, learn to control events in your life, you need to afford the irrational thinking. Tuned to what is now you'll use the most fantastic, foolish, irrational ideas, which only can be, you can proceed to the next exercise.

When we talk about the future and how to build it, it is important to remember that the future is impossible to plan for one sitting. To his plan as clearly as possible to translate your desires, it is important to fully understand themselves and their surroundings. How can this be if every time your next step should be translated, you do not know the situation? Nothing. Just knowing that now important and urgent, you can most accurately plan a route. Imagine that you are in unfamiliar territory and you have no cards. You know where you want to come, but still do not know how. In such a situation it is very important to know what the next goal. For example, go to the next settlement and finding out there, where to go next. So it is in life: if you have a goal, you may not know the exact way to implement it, you can know only the closest, but reaching it, you'll be able to go further. Let's try to translate this principle into practice. To do this, do two exercises, the first of which will help you find the technology in their lives, and the second - to plan the movement in the future.

Remember the goal in your life that you have achieved. Even if your life has a lot of unhappiness, be true to yourself and be sure to Look for in his experience the story. Looking back, answer questions and record your answers in your diary:

1.Znali Do you think that you will achieve this goal?

2.Hoteli you achieve this goal?

3.Perechislite stages of movement toward that goal.

4.Kto and what helped you to navigate where to go, at every stage?

You may notice that at every stage of your motion, you will have the new circumstances, obstacles, and you learned something new about your goals and how to it. And if you relied on this new knowledge and information, using the obstacles to learning that will help you overcome them - you reach the goal. And if you do not use - the long and hard to beat his head against the wall. Sometimes you need to repeatedly step on a rake in order to realize that this tool should be used differently.

The world is everything that you need. But take it right - your job, you have to do it. What exactly is up to you to you to be happy? The dream always contains the concept of our happiness. Any dream, which is based on true need, recognized by its willingness to exercise. Build on what you are willing to do right here and now. Few want something, you should still be able to be ready to do it. Shut your feelings, thoughts and attitudes. Take a recapitulation of your life and all the negative experiences. Thank the world, the universe, other people for what was, is and will be good in your life. Realize what you really want out of life. Allow yourself to want it. Plan the next steps in implementing your wishes and follow them. trust the flow of life - everything you need, be sure to happen, you should be careful in order not to miss it past your eyes and ears.
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