How To Calculate The Family Budget
You are buying unnecessary things? What a silly question to answer many of you, of course not, why do we need unnecessary things? And if you think about? Is not never so happened that going to the market for laundry detergent, you will come back with beautiful towels, gel candles and other pleasant trifles, which you if decide, and do not need at all?
In the end, after such a campaign for a detergent powder for some reason by the end of the month was not enough money for food and travel to work. To so happened to keep the family budget, which, unfortunately, are only very few families. But such an accounting of expenditures and income can not only perfectly fine to hang on to paycheck, but also save 15-20% of costs.
Monthly mandatory charges
So, where to start, what to plan your budget? First you need to determine the costs, while primarily considered mandatory monthly expenses, you can not cancel. It's natural rent, utility payments, payments for cable TV and telephone, payment of the loan.
There is also a mandatory monthly expenses include expenses for food, both at home and outside it - work, school, college. Every housewife knows approximately how much money is spent per month on this kind of embezzlement. Here is plyusuem travel expenses and periodic payments - mobile phone, subscription to newspapers and magazines, telephone conversations.
Obligatory monthly expenses also include costs for hygiene and cleaning products, education, spending on pets, if you exercise, then visiting swimming pools and gyms plyusuem here though. Money on leisure time, we also plyusuem in monthly expenses, it may be going to the theater, a cafe, a restaurant, going on nature, visiting cinemas, discos, etc.
Buying shoes or outerwear can not be called monthly expenses, many people do not buy themselves new clothes every month, but it happens sometimes unexpected - broken heel, broken coat, etc. Therefore, the cost of things we also belongs to the necessary and just in case we rely on them.
Expenditure on health is also usually caught us by surprise, so you always need to keep some portion of money for medicine and treatment. If you're going on vacation, you should definitely take into account this kind of spending.
We can not know exactly, do we need next month, something in the house, whether new curtains, lamps, carpets, etc. And maybe we urgently need perekleit wallpaper? Therefore, planning a budget a must leave money on the house and farm. If you have a problem or a car to the monthly expenditure plyusuem, the cost of maintaining the site, the cost of petrol, parking, repairs.
Leave some amount of gifts and feasts, as you may be invited to the birthday, or else you will want to gather your friends and family. Well, of course, do not forget about pocket expenses. Keep records of these expenses is useless, needs may change, but if there is a certain limit for a month, and you will not notice how accustomed, without prejudice to himself, to spend pocket money on the basis of this limit.
Now we understand with income. Take into account the various types of income, cash and non-monetary. Monthly income such as wages, dividends, additional income, interest on deposits. Also take into account non-monetary nature of the profit, if, for example, you have a site and you have to harvest it, to the same form of income include the catch from fishing and game killed by hunting.
Your property - is also revenue, if necessary, it can sell, so once you count the approximate cost of all that have to date. Income can also include receiving gifts, we estimate their approximate to donate in response to equivalent things, as required by etiquette.
You must remember how much and to whom you owe, how long have selected amount, what parts are to be covered, etc. Same thing if you gave someone money in debt, you need to know when you'll be able to get back to what extent, when you can count on this money.
After drawing up a family budget you will need approximately 2-3 months to see the real picture. But after the first tabulation disappointing you see a picture - or you spend more than you earn, or else many of the waste are not completely rational in nature. I think if you break the family budget on speakers: education, leisure, recreation, health, etc. that most of these columns will be on zero!
We can each month to buy a favorite educational books, we do not go every month to the theater or the movies, we can not afford to buy a range of medicines to prevent and improve well-being, we buy only when it "pripechet. Most of the money is enough for subsistence - food, shelter, clothing.
Of course, many people have such a picture emerges not because of inefficient use of budget, but simply because of lack of money, and even now, when the crisis in the country. But a good half of us after making the family budget is still realize that money can be spent very differently, and many could not help thinking: "And if I need a second coat?"
So, how to make rational spending? In order to have enough not only for essentials, but the money remained in the leisure, education, and more? The very first thing to do - is to review spending on food, these are "swollen" expenditures in most families. Many prefer the "fast" food - a semi that will cost you more than if you have prepared, or that dish yourself.
Many snack outside the home, such campaigns in bars and restaurants also translate into a decent amount. If you approach the issue rationally power can save up to 30% of the costs. In this case we are not talking about the limitations, we are talking about healthy foods, you replace the fast-food and ready meals.
Another type of expenditure, which takes a lot of money from the family budget - entertainment. On gaming machines, various raffles, casino visits, going, almost 50% of the family budget. In some cases, people manage to spend a whole month's salary for such entertainment.
Also, to properly plan your budget needs to rethink his lifestyle, I have friends who throw out each month on cosmetics and 40% of the income of their families. It's just a fad - I have to pay to buy a fifty-second lipstick and fortieth cream. But instead, you can go to the theater or buy an interesting book.
In fact, to achieve life balance and harmony needed to correctly determine the priorities. Career and work should be as important as recreation and socializing with friends, health. We spend a lot on their children and family and how it should be, but do not forget about personal development, heritage and education.
Then do not be surprised dissatisfaction in his life when a man like and have money and a lot can afford, but life does not bring happiness. Quite simply, some areas of his life he has given little attention, so it's hard to be completely satisfied.